Sweet Stuff






Shoutz to Mah Peoplez!!

Hey everyone! Welcome to Sweet Lil Meagz, the page all about ME!!!! Have lots of fun!!!


Shoutz Ta Mah Gurlz

Nikki-aka Nippi, lol. Girl we got some really great times. Kennyz, The Hangout, Teen Skate...not to mention all of our insiderz. The cat that was a dog, bears dont come in that size, dancin at 2 in the morning in the dark, i cute my eye, sum bit me, we cool lyke *****, our walks, lol too many to put on here, plus I dont even remember them all! lol You are my best friend, for real, and you always will be. Dont listen to that crap ur mom said bout me leavin when i get my license. Thats a LIE! Where do i have to go anyway? lol Not like I hang out with any of my other friends. lol love ya girl, for life. UR MY LIL SIS!!!

Chelz-ooo some great times lol. Our leprachauns are gay together, they live under tha fridge n wear polka dots!! lol Dont forget bout stealin the monkey. I dont think that neone else could pull off the plan! Its tough and involves a pillow case, duct tape, and a banana!! I cant believe he actually believed we were gonna do that. Some ppl!! OOOH Chelz, if we take him is he goin wit us???? How bout the ride on codyz quad lol I thought we were gonna fall off!! BFF!!! lylas!

I dun feel like writin nemore big things but if u want one jus tell me lol. Heres to mah other girls:

Manda, Trisha, Betty, Ashley, Misty, Brandy, Caroline, Laci, Amy, Bri, Monica, Crystal, Megz, Sammi, Rachel, Roach, Katelynn, Brittany, Sara, Sarah, Angie, Heather, Cara, Skye, Loren, Ally, Michelle, Kimmi, Raquelle, Melissa, Missy, Julz, Leah, Cassie, Liz, Christina, Katie, n everyone else! lylas!!

Shoutz Ta Mah Guyzz

Dan-Ahh, i cant wait to do the bubble wrap thing! lol. Dan, ur awesome, seriously.Thanks for bein there for me and caring about me lol. It really meanz a lot to me. lyl

Jason-Hunni, I miss you so much! Seriously, I do. You are jus bout the only guy I can tell ANYTHING to and you love me, i think more than probably anyone else in the world. lol I dont like not having you to talk to every day and to make me feel better cuz you always know how to make me feel better! You are so sweet to me, i need you in my life, i do. i love you!! PLEASE COME BACK SOON!!!

Again, i dont feel like writing more so Ill jus put names here lol...like i said before if u wan sum special written bout u then jus tell me and ill put it in.

Robbie, Johnny, Greg, Andrew, Chris, Kenny, Dennis, Cory, John, TJ, Brandon, Ken, CJ, Sean, Jesse, Jim, Zach, Mick, Tanner, JJ, Steve, Shane, Dave, Tyler, Tim, DJ, Joey, Trevor, Garrett, Nick, Danny, Glenn, Adam, James, Tom, Nate, Travis, Chad, Tony, Shawn, Ben, Jon, n neone else i forgot lol. LYLAB