.:::|[Disclaimer]|:::. This Rp Was Written By amber Moore Aka Courtney Matthews Morgan Please do not steel my layout and have a nice day .:::|[End Disclaimer]|:::.



People Used

People Mentioned



none as of yet

Courtney Jason And More

Lots of people

To take it to the Extreme!

Courtney Matthews "Morgan"

:: Fades into a picture of Courtney sitting at Kelly's day Dreaming ::

:: In Walks Lucky Spencer. Lucky Looks At Courtney ::

:: Lucky Spencer ::

Hey look who's here it's Lucky.

:: Courtney snaps outta her dream state mode and looks at lucky ::

:: Courtney Matthews Morgan ::

HEy Lucky What is going on?

:: Lucky Spencer ::

Not Much Court Figured I would stop by and see what was going on.

:: Courtney Matthews Morgan ::

nothing really is gong on i was just thinking on my match against wild orcid and selena angel. Cause Orcid said a few things that pissed me off.

:: In Walks Jason ::

:: Lucky Spencer ::

Well i Am Hear If you wanna talk court.

:: Jason Morgan ::

Hi Lucky.

:: Lucky spencer ::

Sup Jas . I Was Just Talking with court about her match.

:: Jason Morgan ::

Well That is good. she need to focus on her matcvh cause it is a big match for her.

:: Courtney Matthews Morgan ::

Yeah i was just talking about that no good bitch orcid who has the nerve to call me a slut when i am married to the most wonderful man alive.

:: Jason and Court Kiss.

:: Lucky Spencer ::

Yeah Well Court she just can't admit that she is worring around on her husband cause she can't get what you have court.

:: Courtney Matthews Morgan ::

That is True She Wants to call me a slut man she should really talk about herself running around in short skirt a whorish dress man at leat i have class and dress casually. But That Won't Matter after I Win That Match Cause She Won't Be Around the XWF Any more cause she will be on the corner where she belongs.

:: Jason Morgan ::

See Court I Know You have it in you to beat the hell outta those two girls cause you learned from the best .

:: Courtney Matthews Morgan ::

Yes i Did Learn Form You And i Will Show Those Girls a real gangster beat down. Hey Lucky Me and Jas Are Gonna Go Talk To You Later.

:: Court and Jas walk out of kelly's and the walksk to their building they walk into it and jaso n and court tak the elevator and Jason Picks courtney up and walks outta the elavator with her ::

:: Courtney and jason walk into their penthouse and jason runs up the stairs and courtney walks around in the living room.

:: Courtney Matthews Morgan ::

You know orcid you have a lot of nerve to call me a slut. Just because you may cheat on your husband doesn't mean the rest of us do. And I am Glad You admit you are self rightious. At least you know what you are. But i can tell you one thing you think you are but are not. You Are Not The Most talented talented woman in the XWF. Yo0u Can Think That All You want But it is not true and we all know it cause if you were you would have the title and you don't. The Only reason you need you husband is to attack people when you are to scared to confront the person your self. Man Orcid You Must be A real Dumb blonde Cause You don't Understand shit. You May Not Wanna get any ager than you already are cause you don't want get wrinkles on the face and it would make you look older and you wouldn't want that would you. i don't think you would. And Yes You Are a Big breasted bimbo at least you can admit that to but sriously orcid you are an ugly whore. And Don't Blame Jonathan Foir You Problems it isn't his fault you are a dumb blonde who can't wrestle or talks shit. Oh Hunny You May Be Mistaken cause i didn't get paid for your slutty work you did last night cause you are the only one that is whoring in the XWf Maybe selena is too maybe you two are bi lovers i don't wanna know. But What I Do Know Is That I Will Whoop your asses and you two will be out of a job. And I Will be Glad To Whoop Your Asses All Over The Arena Tonight.

:: Jason walks behind courtney and puts his arms around her.

:: jason Morgan ::

And Orcid One Last Thing Don't blame my wife that you can't get none from your husband and that is why you whore around the xwf. and jon thanks for giving courtney this opprotunity to whoop Orcid and selena's ass.

:: Fades to a commercial ::