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This page is my dedications page. See if you're one of the lucky ones on here. Toodles

Em, Hey girl. We have been through a lot and your my soon to be sister in law. We have had a lot of fun times especially at ur old apart. in ft. pierce. Damn those were the best. I know you're in kinda of a bind right now but you'll get through it. J-dawg will be out soon i hope. When hes out... things will be better. Cuz we all know... hes in there for nothing! But people gotta talk their crap to keep him in there just cuz they cant get u for anything so they gotta go to ur weakness but u know what... i'm here for you and we'll get through it. I hope u have a baby girl cuz god knows i cant handle another jj lol. Hes juts toooooo much for me lol. Well thanks for always being there when i needed u. LYLABS!! kinky baby toodles

JJ, Hey cutie pa-tootie. I know u luv ur aunt Sashy :) lol. You are a good lil boy but sometimes u can be a pain in my a**. But i like our 3:00a.m. conversations that u wake me up to have... thanks :) not. But oh well. You are almost 3 years old but u are getting snippy in ur days!! lol right Em? Well stay cute... oh wait i know u will... cuz u get it from our part of the family :) hehe j/k... luv u!!

J-dawg, Hey... i know ur doin some time for nothing but just remember im here for you. Oh and the next time we talk... maybe u could be a lil more nice to me and not pick on me and stop telling me to put my head up more so u can see my face and not my fair!! lol and i cant send u any more money.. u made me broke! lol well... over the past couple of years we became really close as to brother and sister since we were never close when we were younger. But i just want to say thanks for helping me out with the bugs lol( i was sooo scared) and thanks for waiting for me prom night even tho i didnt come home.. but thanks for caring that i might get drunk and stay at the hotel which wouldnt of been a bad thing.. hey at least i had a place to sleep and wouldnt of been in any accidents... But thanks for caring. I luv u lots!!

Shawnaleigh... Hmm... well the past couple of days u have pissed me off about not watching jj and i have had to cancel 2 nights b/c of u... but ur still like a lil sister to me. Damn i'll feel soooooo sad if u ever have a b/f... he'll probably get his a** kicked if he just says the wrong thing lol. U are one cocky lil girl tho and u dont take any sh*t from anyone. You get it from ur momma... lol i luv ur mom too. Shes kewl. i like the peanut butter fudge stuff that she made. Yummy!! lol oh and dont worry about amy... omg i think her b/f is hott!! not.. does that mean shes not gonna be my friend anymore? darn... didnt X like dannie or something? but yet her and amy are still friends... hmmm lol anyways... lylals.... toodles.

Travis, Jeez... what is there to say about you... lol. Well.. we've had some good conversations... the bed situation, fancy hotel rooms, being cold, being kicked lol and etc. I've had fun goin to the movies with u and hanging out... you are such a sweetheart and u know i do like you.... somewhat lol. What direction is our friendship going? hmm left or right? lol. And u know u like our 'woohoo' scale too lol, even tho my rating we're only at a 3... lol. So what crazy dreams have u had lately? lol. So when are u gonna meet me at my corner? im getting kinda lonely... lol. j/k. Hey.. sorry for not letting u buy my movie tickets the 1st 2 times... i just didnt want to take ur money but maybe u can pay for the next time we go lol. :) When are we going go kart racing?? lol I bet u i will beat u :) hehe well.... theres still more stuffs to say... but than i'll be writing a book.. and well.. i still gots more people to put on here.. so kinky baby toodles!!

Kristin, Hola's... well i know we arent close that much anymore... i wish we still were but ur still my best friend. Ive known u for like 13 years and we've been through everything together. I miss u and wish we would hang out more but i understand that u have new friends like erica and kayla and i know their ur bessy friends too but i wish we could at least hang out every once and a while. Well good luck in cheerleading and guess what... im finally a captain :) lol even tho it kinda sux in my situation.. but thats ok. Camp was pretty fun i thought... except the 2nd to the last day when we all were crying about the shower of praises and all the seniors getting together but hey... this is my last year so i hope i have fun. Good luck with everything. Oh and i gots my license so if u need a ride to school... just ask :) lol LYLAS always... Bye byes..... K.I.T. please.

Damian, hey... ive known u for like 3 years now and i just wanted u to know that ur a really good friend. Uve been there for me with drew and josh and ur still here. im sorry things never worked out with us.. but ur i would rather be friends with u. I hope u and katie stay together for a long time cuz finally ur happy and i know shes happy. Please take good care of her and dont break her heart... or i'll break ur jaw.. ok :) toodles. P.S. dan is a butt head who needs to come here like he said he would!!! Tell him I'm mad at him!!!!!!!!! oh ya and tell him i said hi lol

Katie... hey girly... well this lil part is dedicated to u cuz... hold on.. let me think... oh ya! cuz ur a friend lol. I'm glad u and damian are together. U guys are sooo cute together... but anyways.. just remember that im always here for u and if something goes wrong... think about what i told u... the designs which arent that pretty... but let me know which one ur doing so i can do it too and we'll be wrist designer sisters together... alright? Just dont go back to that please. Oh ya and im sooooooo glad that me not being able to spell anymore has rubbed off on u.. haha!! Well.. just keep it real and im here for u. lylals... and if u break damians heart.. its on... lol

David... well we just met not too long ago and i think ur really nice... oh and we had a... weird 1st conversation when we first met with katie and damian lol. Anyways... ur a good friend now and i know i can count on u for anything. Thanks for your help and stuffs. And i hope everything goes ok with u in the hospital. Good luck. I know we can become good friends... so with that... im gonna go... so Toodles noodles.