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KrAzYgUrL510 (11:08:33 PM): wHo tHiS?
xmienopimpcessx (11:08:39 PM): koy
xmienopimpcessx (11:08:45 PM): nai?
KrAzYgUrL510 (11:08:46 PM): kOy wA?
KrAzYgUrL510 (11:08:49 PM): yEaH
xmienopimpcessx (11:08:49 PM): yeah
KrAzYgUrL510 (11:08:54 PM): oH hEy sUp...
KrAzYgUrL510 (11:09:04 PM): hAvEn'T sEen yA fOr heLLa LoNg...
xmienopimpcessx (11:09:05 PM): nothin much u?
xmienopimpcessx (11:09:13 PM): yeah
KrAzYgUrL510 (11:09:14 PM): sAmE hErE...
xmienopimpcessx (11:09:22 PM): are u still with that one guy
KrAzYgUrL510 (11:09:25 PM): nUhZ
xmienopimpcessx (11:09:27 PM): seng
KrAzYgUrL510 (11:09:37 PM): bRoKe uP aLrDy
KrAzYgUrL510 (11:09:40 PM): LoLz
xmienopimpcessx (11:09:48 PM): why what happen
xmienopimpcessx (11:09:56 PM): yall been together for hella long
xmienopimpcessx (11:10:04 PM): how's everything
xmienopimpcessx (11:10:06 PM): /
xmienopimpcessx (11:10:09 PM): ?
KrAzYgUrL510 (11:10:22 PM): eVeRytHiNg's KeWL i gUeSs...
xmienopimpcessx (11:10:34 PM): that's good
KrAzYgUrL510 (11:10:39 PM): hOw'Z tHiNgs gOiN' fOr yA?
xmienopimpcessx (11:11:45 PM): i'm doing fine
KrAzYgUrL510 (11:12:00 PM): tHaT KeWL...
KrAzYgUrL510 (11:12:15 PM): wAt u dOiN' nOw a dAyZ?
xmienopimpcessx (11:12:28 PM): work everyday
KrAzYgUrL510 (11:12:41 PM): sAmE pLaCe?
xmienopimpcessx (11:12:43 PM): do u still work at sanpablo super market?
xmienopimpcessx (11:12:45 PM): yeah
KrAzYgUrL510 (11:12:47 PM): nUhZ
KrAzYgUrL510 (11:12:57 PM): sUcKz wOrKiN' tHeRe
xmienopimpcessx (11:13:03 PM): o
KrAzYgUrL510 (11:13:06 PM): tRyiN' tO fiNd a NeW jOb
xmienopimpcessx (11:13:21 PM): aira still work there/
xmienopimpcessx (11:13:27 PM): how's that gurl?
KrAzYgUrL510 (11:13:36 PM): nUhZ sHe qUiT a LoNg AsS tiMe aGo...
xmienopimpcessx (11:13:43 PM): tell her i said hi
KrAzYgUrL510 (11:13:45 PM): sHe qUiT b4 i DiD...
xmienopimpcessx (11:13:52 PM): o really damn
KrAzYgUrL510 (11:13:54 PM): u kNoE sHe dROpPeD oUt rYtE?
xmienopimpcessx (11:14:10 PM): what
xmienopimpcessx (11:14:13 PM): are u for real
xmienopimpcessx (11:14:15 PM): why?
KrAzYgUrL510 (11:14:18 PM): i hArDLy eVeR sEe hEr aNyMoRe
KrAzYgUrL510 (11:14:20 PM): i dUnNo
KrAzYgUrL510 (11:14:34 PM): sHe wAs hAviN' pRoBLeMs wiTh fAmiLy...
xmienopimpcessx (11:14:39 PM): damn she trippin
KrAzYgUrL510 (11:14:43 PM): i kNoW...
xmienopimpcessx (11:14:46 PM): damn..................
KrAzYgUrL510 (11:14:48 PM): tHaTz wAt i sAiD
xmienopimpcessx (11:14:49 PM): that's sad
KrAzYgUrL510 (11:14:57 PM): sHe LiViN' wiTh hEr bF nOw...
xmienopimpcessx (11:15:04 PM): she's hella smart to
xmienopimpcessx (11:15:08 PM): who?
KrAzYgUrL510 (11:15:11 PM): i kNoE...
KrAzYgUrL510 (11:15:16 PM): sO dUdE nAmE jAy...
KrAzYgUrL510 (11:15:25 PM): sHe gOt heLLa sKiNny...
KrAzYgUrL510 (11:15:26 PM): LoLz
KrAzYgUrL510 (11:15:43 PM): sHe wOrKs aT LoNgs dRuG nOw...
xmienopimpcessx (11:15:44 PM): from where?
KrAzYgUrL510 (11:15:49 PM): oVeR hErE
xmienopimpcessx (11:15:53 PM): which one?
KrAzYgUrL510 (11:16:11 PM): nExT tO aLbErsOn r hOw eVeR u sPeLL iT...
xmienopimpcessx (11:16:31 PM): by my house/
xmienopimpcessx (11:16:32 PM): ?
KrAzYgUrL510 (11:16:37 PM): yEaH...
xmienopimpcessx (11:16:52 PM): damn
xmienopimpcessx (11:17:00 PM): so all she do is work?
KrAzYgUrL510 (11:17:07 PM): yEaH...
xmienopimpcessx (11:18:28 PM): damn
xmienopimpcessx (11:18:51 PM): so what happen between you and that guy
KrAzYgUrL510 (11:18:55 PM): LoLz
xmienopimpcessx (11:18:58 PM): yall look happy together
KrAzYgUrL510 (11:18:59 PM): LoNg sToRy...
KrAzYgUrL510 (11:20:04 PM): oNe oF hiS hOmEboi tOLd mE tHaT hE bEen cHeAtiN' oN mE wiTh heLLa diFfEreNt giRLs aNd sHiT...
xmienopimpcessx (11:20:21 PM): oooooooo
KrAzYgUrL510 (11:20:28 PM): yEaH...
KrAzYgUrL510 (11:20:59 PM): tHeN wE jUsT deCiDed tHaT wE nEeDeD tiMe aPaRt...
xmienopimpcessx (11:20:59 PM): i saw him at albany bowl with some gurls but i don't know if you guys were dating at the time
KrAzYgUrL510 (11:21:11 PM): oH wHeN wAs tHiS?
xmienopimpcessx signed off at 11:21:11 PM.
xmienopimpcessx signed on at 11:23:32 PM.
xmienopimpcessx (11:24:15 PM): i think i saw him with some gurls like one or two months ago
KrAzYgUrL510 (11:24:34 PM): oH...wE bRoKe uP LiKe a mOnTh aGo...
KrAzYgUrL510 (11:24:47 PM): bUt iT'z kEwL LoLz...
xmienopimpcessx (11:28:06 PM): this is our last year right/
xmienopimpcessx (11:28:11 PM): ?
KrAzYgUrL510 (11:28:15 PM): yEaH..
xmienopimpcessx (11:28:30 PM): that's good
KrAzYgUrL510 (11:29:40 PM): yEaH...bUT dAmN hiGh sKoOL wEnT bY heLLa fAsT...
xmienopimpcessx (11:29:50 PM): yup
xmienopimpcessx signed off at 11:33:14 PM.