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Hey Hey everyone....Enjoy the site and WRITE BACK!!! =0

Fun websites

¢¹Tons of fun stuff...may contain things not appropriate for some of you
¢¹Even more fun
¢¹This is a Korean site which I use to send E-cards.. it's pretty fun.
¢¹Icon War Flash video
¢¹Hey Everyone has played the cell-phone game snake right.... well here's the internet version
¢¹Ever heard of Sponge monkeys.... well they rock and I'm getting one for christmas....


=) Journal: I'll add something every week... you know, just some stuff...
Web journal for all of you.

=) February 14, Saturday

Well today is Valentines day and were all givin flowers and hugs... well I am... so I don't have any news this week (except that John Rho beat up a 6th grader for calling him an "Asian Bit@H). Ok well remember to e-mail to if you have any ideas for my site.(it's at the bottom). Oh yeah, you have to poke the penguin over and over for it to work.

=) Thursday, February 19

ok... I've started a poem contest thing as you can see. Four people have already submitted ideas... I expected more.. but oh well. So far Christy is winning with her poem which I think rocks. Keep voting. ( Oh Esther, .. Mr. Martin Says Hi.)

=0 Thursday, MArch 4

Dang I have'nt been adding anything to my website for a loooong time... almost a whole month.... ok about the poem contest... Christy won with 214 votes....John with 146 .... Lindsey with 87 ... and Peace with 15..... lol .... you guys have to e-mail me and give me advice what to put on my site... I'm runnnin out of ideas..... soon I'm goin to have to put some cheesy jokes on my webpage... ugh

hey hey... Thanks for coming to the site...If you have any ideas for the site.. e-mail me ..
