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linners page

Tight hip huggers, low for sure Shake a little somethin' on the floor I need that, uh, to get me off Sweat until my clothes come off

let's get open, cause a commotion We're still going, eight in the morning There's no stopping, we keep it popping Hot rocking, everyone's talking

Give all you've got (give it to me) Just hit the spot Gonna get my girls Get your boys Gonna make some noise

Rowdy Gonna get a little unruly Get it fired up in a hurry Wanna get dirrty It's about time that I came to start the party Ooh sweat dripping over my body Dancing gettin' just a little naughty Wanna get dirrty It's about time for my arrival

about me

Well, If you dont know me, Then why the hell are you looking in here?

For Just Some Basic Info:

Name- Linda

NickNames- Lin, Lynn, Jellybean, Lee, Linner, Jel Bel

Fav Color- Blue

Birthday- June 19

School- John Glenn (in the fall)

Fav Song- Too many to name

Fav Pop- Hmm...Who cares?

Fav Junk Food- I cant have one, I'm on a diet

Crushin?- Maybe

shout outs

Mandi- Your so sweet and u have always been there for me, we had so many good times and sooo many funny jokes, we're always gunna b tight, u kno my number, so keep in touch ALWAYS! and chris, YOU BETTER ASK OUT AMANDA! im always here 4 u mandi!

Tarah- Hey hun, i've known u for 3 years now buh it seems like forever, thnxs fer always helping meh out, ur mah sister! we'll always b friend, and im always here for u!

Ash- My god, u are so hilirous! we have wayyyy too many jokes! lol. u've been there for meh, threw all mah problems, and u dealed with mah bull, thnxs! ur a sweetheart! dun ever change!

Shell- Well, we jus start gettin closer bouh last year, ur realli funny! u always got meh laughing! dun change fer anyone, and remember that im always hurr fer u

Kyle- Haha, so many great times! I made a song up bouh u! lmao remember? We're always gunna b tight, thnxs fer always being there

Nolan- I trust u! lol goodness! ur mah dogg man! lol

Brian- well i've known u fer a few months now, ur realli sweet and kool, maybe we can hang out more

Brad- Ahhh...we've been threw sum shit haven't we? o well, buh it was fun back then, maybe we can hang out more. thnxs fer always being there for meh

Chris B.- I'm glad we started talking again, u r realli sweet!

Eric B.- omg we HAVE to have classes next year!!! u have always been in at least one of mah classes every year and u always make meh laugh! i luh u so much!!! L.A. Best.Friend! Awwwh u n rachel are gunna make it!

Holly- We've been threw alot buh always seem to become friends! ur sweet!

Suzzy- Im glad we started talking again, its been so long! lol, remember that time when u were here and we kept jumping in the pool so u wouldnt have to leave? we had sum great times! lol

Rissy- Hey! we had alotta great times, Remember when we went to the ice rink and we went outside and were gunna write on matts car? he was hot lol. buh anyways! i hope that u r gunna go to glenn! ferget them boys! guys can b jerks!

James Coleman- Your realli sweet, and yes ppl like u!

James Norman- We've been threw alot, and im glad we started talking again, its been like whut, a year? im glad ur going to glenn, finally i can see u! lol. luv ya!

James Compton- We had sum good times! remember when meh u n ky went to the movies? and the temptations came on lmao! great times

Joe- Omg im so glad ur coming up here in michigan soon! its been like almost 2 years since i seen u! i miss u 2! i wish u guys wouldnt have moved to florida!!! tell ur mom and dad i say hi!

Katie Spehar- u r so funny n so sweet! omg we had alotta great times in Mr. Andersons class and in Gym!!! lmao. thnxs fer being there, ur realli sweet, and ima always b hurr fer u, dun forget!

Nathan- We jus started talking buh ur realli cool.

Tj- Remember at the movies "Skank!" lmao. ur kool im glad ur back

Yannick- You've been realli sweet, thnxs fer always helping meh out

Lauren- Ur realli sweet, im glad we started talking this year, im always here fer u ok?

Chris M.- Awwwh ur so sweet and Funny! Nop, i wont let them boys hurt meh! lol thnxs!

Deven- Awwh we gotta hang out more!

Cortney- we use to be realli good friends when we were on the swim team, then we stopped talking buh im glad we started talking again

Nicole (my cuz)- I miss u! when u coming up here!!???


*ThEy SaY tRuE lOvE hiDeS bEhiNd eVeRy CoRnEr...I mUsT bE wALkiNg iN CiRcLeS!!!*

*If Your asking if I Need U the answer is 4Ever.. If Your askin if I'll Leave U the answer is Never..If Yur askin what I value the Answer is U.. if Yur askin if I love U the answer is I do

*Did the sun just come out or did you just smile at me?

*Well if i called the wrong number, whyd you answer?

**4GeT THe TiMeS u WaLKeD By* 4GeT THe TiMeS u MaDe Me CRy* 4GeT THe TiMe u HeLD My HaND *4GeT THe SWeeT THiNGS iF i CaN*I cAn No LoNgEr PrEtEnD*I GoTTa ReMeMBeR NoW uR JuST My FRieND.*

*Im an angel! Honest! The horns are just there to keep the halo up straight!

*When I look at you my heart skips 1 beat but later that beat could mean a life time of tears wasted on some thing i knew i could never have!

*~If I could be an angel, I'd make your every wish come true, but I am only human, Just a girl who's loving you~

*How can you be friends with someone if everytime you look at them, it makes you want them even more?

*You know your in love when the hardest thing to say is goodbye.

*Don't be a guy, The world is full of guys.Be a MAN

*4 out of 5 voices in my head say go back to sleep


*When you finally find the perfect guy you think to yourself, why isn't he taken?

*x:He HoLdS Me WheN i StArT 2 cRy `MaKeS Me SmiLe WiTh JuS HiS eYeZ ShAreZ My HoPes DrEaMs FeArs` `WiPes AwAy ALL My TeArs i LoVe hiM wiToUt rEgReT` i JuS hAvEn't FoUnd HiM yEt:x

*I can only please one person per day, today is not your day and tomorrow doesn't look good either.

*Ever stop to think, and forget to start again?

*Love is like falling down... in the end you're left hurt, scarred, and with a memory of it forever

*..WhEn A gUrL LoVeZ a GuY.. ..ThE SwEeTeSt ThiNg iN ThE wOrLd.. ..iS 2 HeAr HiM AdMiT ThAt He TrEaSuReZ hEr..

*If lovin' u is wrong- I don't want 2 be right

*I dropped a tear in the ocean- when I find it is the day I'll stop loving you

*Im sweet like suger, soft like suade, but unlike nintendo i never get played


**~*Be MorE CsoncerneD AbouT YouR CharacteR ThaN YouR ReputationN BecausE YouR CharacteR Is WhO YoU ArE AnD YoU ReputaioN Is WhaT OtherS ThinK Of YoU!!*~*

*I wRoTe YoUr NaMe In ThE sAnD bUt ThE wAvEs WaShEd It AwAy, ThEn I wRoTe It In ThE sKy BuT tHe WiNd BlEw It AwAy, So I wRoTe It In My HeArT aNd ThAt'S wHeRe It WiLl sTaY


*A heart is not a play thing~a heart is not a toy~but if you want it broken..just give it to a boy


*.bad boy.*. I don't know what it is about that bad boy style all I know is it drives me wild every time I see you I can't help but smile all the cute and thugish thing u do make me wanna stay with u awhile so you better hurry up and take u pick cuz u just might be missing out on one bad lil' chick! The four of us

***Total JERK***

You pissed me off

You made me mad

You made me cry

You made me sad

You lied to me

You made me hurt

You made me see

You are a total JERK!

-Die for love- I sit in the park where I dwell For this boy I love so well He took my heart away from me Now he wants to set me free I see a girl on his lap He says things to her he never said to me I ran home to cry on my bed Not a word to mother was said Father came home late that night He looked at me from left to right He saw me hanging from a rope He took his knife to cut me down And on my dress a note was found: Dig my grave Dig it deep Dig my grave From head to feet And on the top place a dove And remember this, I died for love….

for all the times u made me cry and walked away saying good bye i cared for u, for us u can't tell me that this was just lust all those nights under the stars now u're away so far next time i won't fall for u or someone out of the blue think about it next time u hurt a gurl u just might destroy her whole world

I wish upon a star That no matter how far apart we are you will find me and you will see How perfect are we I wish that if for some reason my wishes dont come true That another person out there is wishing for me.. hopefully that person is you.

..Undreamable love.. Holding ur handz & kissing u Feelin ur sweet & soft lipz too Cuddlin keepin each other warm U keepin me safe from harm Under the starz tonight Along with the moonlight Realizing this is reality Cuz wit u dreamz can neva compare To all da thingz we have shared Cuz our love is undreamable

Neva say I love u if it isn't really there Neva talk bout feelings if you really don't care Neva hold my hand if u'r gonna break my heart Neva say u are gonna If u dont plan to start Neva look into my eyes If all u do is lie Neva say hello If u realy mean goodbye If u realy mean foreva Then please say ull try .. Never say forever.. Because forever makes me cry..

I like you because of who you are to me

I hate you because of what you did to me

I miss you because you got her, not me

I love you and that's how it will always be

A smile can turn the greyness blue

A smile can say I love you too

A smile can melt any young girls' heart

Then how come your smile still tears me apart?


** A heart is not a plaything **

** A heart is not a toy **

** But if u want yours broken **

** Just give it to a boy **

** Boys they like to play with things **

** To see what makes them run **

** But when it comes to kissing **

** They will do it just for fun **

** They never give thier hearts away **

** They play us girls for fools**

** They wait till we give our hearts **

** And then they play it cool **

** You will wonder where he is at night **

** You will wonder if hes true **

** One minute you will be happy **

** One minute you will be blue **

** So to fall in love with a boy **

** That takes alot of nerve **

** You see my friend you need a man **

** To get what you deserve **

I climbed up the door and opened the stairs, Said my pajamas and put on my prayers, Then I turned off the bed and crawled into the light, All becuz you kissed me goodnight! *

Next morning I woke up and scrambled my shoes, Picked up my eggs and toasted the news, I couldn't tell my left from right, All becuz you kissed me goodnight! *

That evening at last I felt normal again, So I picked up my mother and called the phone, I spoke to the puppy and threw Dad a bone, Even at midnight the sun was still bright, All becuz you kissed me goodnight!

-Friends- Written with a pen, sealed with a kiss, If you are my friend, please answer me this: Are we friends, or are we not? You told me once, but I forgot. So tell me now, and tell me true, So I can say "I'm here for you." Of all the friends I've ever met, You're the one I won't forget. And if I die before you do, I'll go to Heaven and wait for you, I'll give the angels back their wings And risk the loss of everything. There isn't a thing I wouldn't do, To have a friend just like you!

*Near to the door*

*he paused to stand*

*as he took his class ring*

*off her hand*

*all who were watching*

*did not speak* *as a silent tear*

*ran down his cheek*

*and through his mind*

*the memories ran*

*of the moments they walked*

*and ran in the sand hand and hand*

*but now her eyes were so terrible cold*

*for he would never again*

*have her to hold*

*they watched in silence*

*as he bent near*

*and whispered the words..*

*"I LOVE YOU" in her ear*

*he touched her face and started to cry*

*as he put on his ring and wanted to die*

*and just then the wind began to blow*

*as they lowered her casket*

*into the snow....*

*this is what happens*

*to man alive.....*

*when friends let friends....*

*drink and drive.*

kool pic.

8th grade dance pic.

me and my girlies

the world cuteist couple

p.s kyle is the best webmaster on the earth thanks for making this for me