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wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! (sorri Neil! :P)


aite, so here's my site. *nods* I quite like it so screw off! :P ummm... i'm gonna put up a bunch of stuff here. like, graphics, pics, whatever! so, if you don't like it... sign my guestbook, (as soon as its up) and be on your way. if you do like it... check it out... then sign my guest book and be on your way! bwahahahahahahha! anywho, i'll keep working on it, and try to update it as much as i can... ok? okkkkkkkkkk! by the by... yes i am well aware of the big ugly white thing! annnnnnnnnnnd the fact that a lot of my pictures are taking forever to load... *sigh* unfortunately, i can't do much about that until i talk to my guru, (Sam the almightly Angelfire expert) and that could be in a longgggggggg time! so yes, please bare with me peoples!
