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Kirst's Blog
Sunday, 3 August 2003
Summer half over! AH :(
I haven't been on this for awhile ---> been really really but busy with fun stuff xD. I was surfing the web just a few minutes ago when I came across this cool site that shows how many people are logged into my blog right now (which probably isn't a whole heck of a lot!). Well I gotta run ^_^ cya l8ter!

Current users on my blog: online

Posted by crazy2/kirst_the_worst at 6:02 PM MDT
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Saturday, 12 July 2003
Me again! lol....
Phew! It is sooo warm outside...almost too warm! Yuck my legs smell disgusting (like they do when I take my shin pads off after playing soccer)...well maybe not that bad! And I'm sure you really didn't need to know all of this ^_^! So far today I have kinda cured my boredom. I went with my parents to 7 11 for slurpees and CaNdy :P and then we went and looked at houses. We aren't moving, my dad just wanted to get some ideas of what colour to paint our house (I'm fine with anything BUT pink...which is the current colour of my house O_o...). Then I came home and took my dog for a walk. Right now he is sleeping on the floor and....I'm on the computer obviously! Tomorrow I might go to the beach *thinks of nice cool water* *sighs*....YAY! My b-day is tomorrow!

CyA 4 now!

Posted by crazy2/kirst_the_worst at 3:48 PM MDT
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Hey all, I'm really bored right one is home *sigh* o well my b-day is tomorrow! My guild in neopets, Fruitopia, is so awesome! J0hnne just keeps coming up with more and more ideas. I luv the new layout ^^ I fixed the problem in my shop and now you can actually view my wishlist but you have to click on a linkie to get there o_O Dat's 'bout it so I'll talk to ya l8ter!


Posted by crazy2/kirst_the_worst at 1:48 PM MDT
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Thursday, 10 July 2003
First Entry
Wow! This is my first entry. Since I like to talk a lot I think this will be good for me! Haven't done much today...just sat around on the computer. Some of my neighbourhood friends are at camp so I'm bored stiff. Although I'm going to camp in about 2 weeks so then they can suffer! MWAHAHAHAHA! I also sit around on neopets a lot. I haven't been on it for awhile and then all of a sudden the "neopets fever" hit me again...sheesh. Hehe so while I'm here please check out my USERLOOKUP. From there check out my awesome shop and guild. Mmmmhmmm yup ^^ Any ways I have something to fix in my shop soo I'll post more entries l8ter! CiAo

Posted by crazy2/kirst_the_worst at 3:06 PM MDT
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