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Six Flags    





I know, the whole white tux thing only works for me ;-)

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       This photo is just scary, if you see it blown up, everyone has red eyes                                          Ed, me, and John before graduation

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Vin in the locker room before graduation....notice the wife beater                                     Ed needs no explanation

underneath....this shows he is in fact not a waiter

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Me and Gallaro...know whats funny?  he just got a speeding                                                 Ryan and Me

ticket because he was going 95 in a 55....HAHAHAHAHA

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      Vin and Me (Terrible light, I know, but it's the only one)                                                Javier and Me

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               Rob and Me (Yes, we're the cool ones)                                                         Ed and Me again

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               Barsa and Me....hes so damn Jewish                                   Dave and Me (This is a bad pic of dave, he looks strange here)

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              Turriago and Me (He enjoyed that too much)                        Me and Juice....By the way, his father's name is RIMANTAS

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          Gallagher (Tommy McDrunkster) and me                                                           Ed, me, and Ron