**README** FREE PREMADE LAYOUT SETS @ http://design.charm-bracelet.org ////////////////////////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ /Customized Free Layout Set (C) Kelly M. Siebe, Charm Bracelet Design, 2003.\ ////////////////////*Do not redistribute any of these graphics*\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ///The use of this layout set require basic HTML, IFRAME, CSS and FTP knowlege.\\ ////////////////////////////////////////////\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ////////////////////*CODING AND SETUP INSTRUCTIONS*//////////////////////////////// Note: if you know what you are doing, you can basically disregard this file. If not, this is to help you. However, if you are completely HTML/FTP/IFRAME/CSS illiterate, you will be very confused, and I suggest you turn back now. \\\\!*FILE INDENTIFICATION: style.css - The CSS style sheet for your body pages. Include the following code in each of the pages you wish to be affected by the theme style: splash.html - The optional splash html file. You do not need to add the CSS code to this page. Rename and upload this file as index.html if you choose to use it. indexx.html - Index file which contains layout information. Rename to "index.html" if you choose NOT to use splash.html. main.html - Blog/Update file. \\\\!*IMAGE SETUP: First open the "font" file, and cut and paste "kravt__.ttf" into the location C:\WINDOWS\FONTS (or C:\WINNT\FONTS). You will most likely have to restart your computer before you can use the font. Open a graphic editing program (Paint Shop Pro/Photoshop, etc.) and add your sites name to the graphic as is shown in the preview image (on the page where you previewed the layout set), as well as to the included button. Editing of the graphics in the set IS allowed, but no matter HOW MUCH you alter them, YOU MUST KEEP MY LINK ON YOUR PAGE. Upload all of the images in the attached "imgs" file into the location "/imgs". If you wish to upload to a different location, you must rename the image tags in indexx.html, splash.html, and the background image in main.html to the new location. \\\\!*PAGE SETUP: Open "indexx.html" and "splash.html" and enter the page title between the tags. In "indexx.html", add your navigation content in the spaces provided. When editing the navigation links, when making links that you wish to direct into the "main" iframe, include the following code within your link tag: *target="main"* eg: Also open "main.html" and add your blog/update content. If you wish to use greymatter, etc, for the blog portion, you will need to change the IFRAME address. Upload "indexx.html", "splash.html", "style.css", and "main.html" into the location "/" after you edit them and add any content/page information that you would like. To set up each individual page on your site, just add the following code into the tags in your HTML: Make sure that there is no other style or background image codes in the HTML of those pages, or they will override the CSS. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (C)kms03
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