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The Wonderful World of

Kelly Copley is a senior Mass
Communications major at the
University of Charleston.  After
graduating, December 2004, she
plans on continuing her education
by receiving a Master's Degree in
Journalism before beginning her
Kelly has lived in West Virginia
the majority of her life, only
leaving for a short while to live in
Alabama as a child while her
father attended flight school.  In
the future she hopes to expand her
horizons by moving outside of
WV and pursuing a career in
public relations.

Media Writing Portfolio

Feature Story

Broadcast Writing

Non-linear Writing

My best friend,
Megs & Me

My puppy, ,Maggie

My favorite kids...
Katelyn (cousin), Me, Craig
(cousin) & Joey (brother)

Josh & Me

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Page Last Updated: January 28, 2004

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