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msn names, quotes, poems and more
koo websites to visit wen ur bored

~*~ Heres some shout outs to some friends ~*~ Aaron- stay sweet! Ive had a great time w/ ya since we met! weve had some fun times ;) ur bros room is awesome remember that! lol well luv ya lotz! Rachel- hey chick! yes lets get in trouble this summer ;) fun times this year! its gonna be great this summer at the Del Norte pool;) lifeguards to bother;) Sarah Dixon- hey guh! stay sweet crazy and kewl were gonna have to go to the beach again and no more falling out of cars;) Candace- hey chick! Ive had a fun time w/ ya this year! your a kewl person to hanf around w/ and crazy lets get together this summer and be CRAZY! Lauren- good luck w/ cheerleading next year! lets be crazy this summer!! Melissa- have a fun summer! glad we became better freinds this year! Kim- glad we met this year! lets get together this summer! you and Chris are soo cute together! Keally- glad we met this year!! your kewl and sweet and crazy! Ray- hey!!! fun times In 5th pd! yeah this summer Im havin a pool party and yeah remember ur invited if I have 1! we were gonna that 1 day in Mrs. Stovalls class hey I woulda walked right on over there and went swimmin lol! Amy- hey guh! fub times in 3rd pd! lets get together and do something this summer! well lyl! Taylor M- hey! have fun being an 8th grader! wen ur in 9th maybe we'll talk more! ~*~QUOTES~*~ *its only funny until sumone gets hurt then it is hilarious* ~*~everything is ok in the end if it isnt ok its not the end~*~ ***its hard to answer the question 'whats wrong' when nuttins rite*** ~Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end~ -To love someone is nothing, to be loved is something, but to be loved by the one you love is everything- ~I always knew looking back on the tears would make me laugh, but I never knew looking back on the laughs would make me cry ~ !if I could reach up and hold a star for every time you’ve made me smile, the entire evening sky would be in the palm of my hand! +A best friend is a sister that destiny forget to give you+ ~~~Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.~~~ =Smile well and often, it makes people wonder what you've been up to= ~Have you ever noticed the worse way to miss someone is when they are right beside you and yet you can never have them? ~Love isnt about finding the perfect person. its about seeing an imperfect person perfectly
