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My main mission in life is to please God, and to try to bring others towards that same decision. As many of us have goals, I am determined to help my younger brother through life. This world is full of evil elements, but I will not dwell nor focus on the negative.

I am on a mission to make something of my life, so I can call myself a true MAN. A man can support himself, a man helps take care of his family, neither of which I can honestly say I am able to do at this point. However, I am not looking for complete independence, I realize no matter how well you think you're doing, you can always use the extra help. I am simply struggling for no more financial worries.

I am on a mission to find a good woman. I had freaks, hoodrats, even good girls who irritated the **** out of me, but I'm tired of all that. I need a confident woman who can fry chicken. One who can hold a good conversation. Someone who I sexually, spiritually, and mentally connect with.