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Kamya's Domain
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sensitive ♦ motivated ♦ funny ♦ easygoing ♦

Kamya was born in 1977 and raised in Milwaukee, WI. Her parents raised 4 children, of which Kamya is the oldest. She is currently single, with no children. She is currently employed full time as a Cost Analyst, and works part time at a financial institution. She is also a part-time student at a local university studying Accounting. Her pride and joy is a business she has co-owned for 4 years. My Mind's Eye Entertainment, you better recognize.


Question #1: What exactly is ur screen name?

My screen name is pronounced Ka-Mya Love. I have a beautiful niece named Kamaya & i "borrowed" her name.

Question #2: Where is ur man?

That`s what i wanna know! I am so very single. I'm not really looking to settle down, but if it happens, then great!

Question #3: What do you like to do?

Besides listening 2 music (a tru hip-hop fan), I`m an avid reader, I love to travel. I play darts, bowl and dabble playing pool. I just like to have fun.

My Profile

Name: KamyaLove


From: Ill Mill

Stats: No Man, No Kids, No Drama

Preference: Men, lots of sexxy men

Likes: Read da Page

Occupation: Cost Analyst/Full-Time Fool

i love my nephew SUPERMAN....
Kamya is interested in all sorts of things. However, music is her first love. She's not what you consider a R&B chick, her love for HIP-HOP is to the bone. She is often asked to give her opinion on the state of Rap today. She most recently told a friend..."Its a sad state, because while rap has always been about battling and major egos, the message that was once delivered in the verses has been lost. There is nothing profoundly intellectual about Shake It Like A Salt Shaker."

Aside from music, she recently began fostering a closer relationship with her family. Her youngest sister, being the closest to her, Kamya spends most of her time laughing and joking about any and everything. Kamya once said "I really wasn't around my sisters a lot. There is a large age gap with my sibling and I. Mostly I was only interested in staying AWAY from the house as a teen. But as an adult, l can appreciate the value of family and being around people who genuinely love me."

Poetry has ALWAYS been something Kamya was interested in. As a child and young adult, keeping a diary was a must. It allowed her to express everything in her heart. "I never was a Roses are Red, Violet are Blue, kinda writer....but I do notice I write intensely when I am sad. What comes from that is raw and inspiring." Playing an instruments was a goal of Kamya's. "My mother bought me an organ and a Casio keyboard. Hahaha, I looked at that like...what am I supposed to do with this??? Until I got tired of just looking at them everyday...I sat down with a music book and a piano keys guide...and thought myself. I'm no Alicia Keys, but I do's my thing.

Ask Kamya if she's ever been in love and she'll say..."Well I'd like to think that I've been. Really...its a great thing to be able to connect with that rite person. I try not to get caught up with statements like "I only like this type of person or that type...only because, I change each day. I mature each day. The type of guy I was attracted to at 16, is not the same guy I'd like at 21. Now that I'm 27...the type of man I'd like to settle down with is totally different from what I was after at 21."