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Anxiety Disorders

What is an anxiety disorder? Anxiety disorders are mental problems in which people feel constant uncomfortability and fear or sudden unjustified feelings of impending doom. The most common anxiety disorders are, panic attack disorder where a person may suddenly get overwhelmed by terror. This may have mental as well as physical problems associated to it.Generalized anxiety disorder where a person is constanly anxious and uncomfortable, these may be accompanied by physical problems. And obssesive-compulsive disorder where a patient may experience repeated unwanted thoughts which lead to consistent unwanted behaviour such as being overly clean or supersticious. Are anxiety disorders serious? Yes anxiety disorders are a serious illnes. Anxiety disorders can effect peoples lives making it hard for them to go outside or to be around people, It basically makes people affected by it feel bad about themselves and stress caused by too much anxiety has been linked to serious health problems such as heart attacks and strokes. Can anxiety disorders be treated? Yes anxiety disorders are usually treated with a combination of therapy and in some cases prescribed medications.

Links for anxiety disorder info/test answer key

Anxiety info
Panic disorders
Anxiety info
Anxiety treatment
anxiety general info
anxiety disorder info
anxiety treatment info
anxiety disorder relief
anxiety TEST
anxiety ANSWER KEY
