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JeNnYz pAgE

Muh Friendz!~!~

My Fav Web Placez

My Msn Group

Hey ya'll Whats been up?Notta thing here..Im Jennifer Im 12 years old I live in Glace Bay Nova Scotia.I don't think this Page is Gonna be Good cuz Of course i have no idea what im doing but I guess I'll Figure it out prolly take me a while but I'll do it.My Fav Sports are:Basketball,Soccer,and Cheerleading.Im not one of them Girley Girlz Imma Sports Girl not a Tom boy nither anyways..i GOTZ 2 best friends in the world that I love like they were muh Sisterz n they are Chantell and Crystal.Me and Crystal get in fights alot but we always work things out in the end cuz were good friends and Stuff so ya know.Me and Chantell are all Tight and Shit were always with eatch other or callin one another if i dun call her she callz me and if She dun call me I call her and we always end up goin out somewearz.What Else can I say..Oh yeah... I gotz 2 Sisterz Joann And Kristen Joann is Not really my sister but when I was little i wanted a sister cuz i was the only child so i started callin her my sister..So ya know..Kristen shez 5 She is really Cute and Cool n Smart n shit we get along good when we wanna.I got A Bro R.J He is 3 he gotta be the cutest little guy I've seen. Now lemme tell ya a little bit about my boyfriend Eric. Hez 14 and livez in Dimion witch is not that far from me so he comez over here everyday to see me and stuff.Hez really Hot n Cute n stuff.. so yeah i dun think were gonna break up for a while. This Thing Is Stupid..I got nottin to say really so I end up talking about other people besides my self:SAnyways.. ~*~ nET fRiEnDz ~*~ Cory Steph Lauren Mary Shannon Kim Brandon Adam Maureen Veronica Stacey Tracey Kat Ambz Jodi Sawah Sam I love all Them guys 2 there is like so many more but i dun feel like sayin them all so yeah.Im out. Bye Bye