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So I Guess This Is Growing Up...

Tuesday, 6 January 2004

w00 Im Back!
[b]Its A New Year![/b]
[b]Current Mood:[/b] Mehish <--lol Dan
[b]Weather:[/b] Fucking COLD!
[b]Music:[/b] Stole by Kelly Rowland

wow haven't been on this blog in sooooooooo long! wow missed out, lol anyway yeah ill just re-cap what's happend: had my birthday, didnt get a lot of celebrating...
christmas eve, and christmas... i hate the holidays speaks for itself...
new years, woo dont remember:P

ahah anyway i think i shall try and remember to update lol so yeah! ahah bye for now!

Posted by crazy2/jenny123 at 5:40 PM EST
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Friday, 21 November 2003


Current Mood: Happy =)
Time: 7:40 am
Where: in the basement on my dads computer
Birthday Count: Tomorrow!
Music: The Morning Show on Z103.5
Current Weather: i think its cold *burr*

It's morning, lol my stomech hurts BUT im NOT tired! i went to bed at like 9:45! lol NOT tired annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnymore! lol w00 w00. Annnnnnnnnnnyway tomorrows my brithday! lol i reallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly wanna go see cat in a hat! lol it looks funny cause mike myers is in it!! lol ahaha i think thats how you spell his yeah i needa get reay to go to school. so yeah byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee all i shall blog to ya later.

Posted by crazy2/jenny123 at 7:41 AM EST
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Thursday, 20 November 2003

Oooh I **LOVED** Today

Current Mood: Happy =) REALLY Happy =)
Time: 6:44 pm
Where: in the basement on my dads computer
Birthday Count: 2 Days!!
Music: listening to Z103.5 i think the songs invisable by that American Idol guy lol iunno i dont like it though
Current Weather: meh its okay i guess

I ***LOVED*** today so0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o Much!! It was GREAT!! ahah like Tony The Tiger "Therrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre GREAT!" <-lol see in a happy mood, i got to spend time with my love...ahh how i love him =) my brother and his girlfried were pretty cool about the whole having a boyfriend thing =) lol i was REALLY happy. annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnyway today school was great. No Math!!Even though i have an assiagnment!! AHh Its Summative!!! ***GRRRR*** <---im a football!! lmao! mela your halarious.

Period 1: English - Day 2 - Woo English was fun. ahah omg my friends kyle, kyle and zach were saying stuff i'd rather not say maybe hurtful to some jewish people! (HOLY CRAP KYLE KYLE ZACH U GUYS ARE HALARIOUS!) even though it was uncalled for...LMAO! HOLY SH!T.

Period 2: Geography - I GOT ALL MY GEO DONE!! hehe yay i was So0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0 happy i don't have it for hmwk!! ahha WOO WOO! hehe that's awsome, i think i might have t define key terms, or i can just do that tomorrow. ahah i think tomorrow sounds better. i almost feel asleep in geography but it was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay tooooooo bright!! lol MELA I KNOW THE RANGER SYSTEM!! LMAO!!!! HOLY CRAP WASNT THAT FUNNY!?!

Period 3: Religion - OHHHH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODNESS! Religion was HALARIOUS! ahah since we were talking about sex-ed! lol oooommmmgggg hehe it was so0o0o0o0o0o00o0o0o0o0o0o funny!!! hehe still laughing! ahah sex-ed and chocolate...

Period 4: Lunch - Mmm Lunch i had fries!!! Mmm Mmm!!! lol fast eddies LARGE chessy fries, it was reallllllllllllllllllllllllllly good, but i also had a small fry with it and i think that i ate too much cause i felt like i was gonna puke on my boyfriend when we were sitting on the bench. ugh it still hurts.

Period 5: French - my french teacher lost her voice...she couldnt takl i felt reallllllllllllly bad, we got to play like 3 games though... lol it was fun also we got to do a lock down procegure<---(SPELLING). got to waste time! hehe that was awsome i didnt wanna get up though...

END OF THE DAY: mela and her squishy! lol her scarf is the CUTEST thing EVER!!!! oooooooooooooooooooomg its reallllllllllllllllly cute!!!! =) hehe walked allllllllllllllllllllllllllllll the way home. me mela and then saw zach, george, long, ronnie, jamey. and then walking by melissas house saw melissa and kristin. oh well lol got to see a lot of people i normally don't. was pretty cool. also dan got to walk home with us. lol FINALLY came to my house. lol so yeah today was awsome i loved it soooooooooooooooo much! anyway i must go just wanna say some stuff to mela.


Posted by crazy2/jenny123 at 6:59 PM EST
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Wednesday, 19 November 2003

Current Mood: Anxious to kick Dan's ass
Time: 4:36 pm
Where: in the basement on my dads computer
Birthday Count: 3 Days!!!
Music: listening to Z103.5
Current Weather: its wet outside

Dan better watch out gonna kick your ass!!! lol today was okay... meh... lets go through the periods.
Period 1: Math - How i HATE Math!!! like seriously i do... but i think i understand it now, im probably gonna fial math. meh oh well, as long as i get a 60% again i think i'll be okay.

Period 2: Geography - I have hmwki, meh g2 do that! OMG my teacher made me laugh!!! he was like yeah its fiddy cent and his P.I.M.P's LOL LMAO PRNTFLMAO!!! lol ahah it was halarious!

Period 3: Religion - review for a test... meh wasnt that great.

Period 4: Lunch - lunch meh hard my friend was gonna get his ass kicked...=o that's bad.

Period 5: French - french nothing really happened, ooh cept i have to make a shirt for david for christmas.

Posted by crazy2/jenny123 at 4:57 PM EST
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Current Mood: Cold! *burr*
Time: 7:35am
Where: in the basement on my dads computer
Birthday Count: 3 Days!!!
Music: the morning show on Z103.5
Current Weather: cold, stormy, wet

WOW its frigen COLD outside!! *burr* i was forced to go outside in this damn cold wather and take out the garbadge and then i got ALL wet and yeah it posses a problem. i had to shove my sweater in the dryer. it got soaked and i had to change my pants too. meh oh well. but yeah people were starring at me like i was some crazy hoodlum! like honestly everybody else is all warm! lol mybrother was supposed to help but i think he fell back alseep! lmao! haha thats funny! oh well its out now. but yeah it was parshily my fault i shoulda have worn a jacket. anyway...just finished fixing my room and taking a shower but i dont have time to dry my hair oh well, i think i have to get ready to go to school though, must find socks WHITE socks lol i ONLY have colourful ones (*nothing wrong with that*) annnnnnnnnnyway byeeeeeeeeeee! i shall BLOG/WRITE/TYPE/UPDATE whatever you wanna call it later! BYE!!!

Posted by crazy2/jenny123 at 7:42 AM EST
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Tuesday, 18 November 2003

How I Wish I Could Sleep...
Time: 10:00 pm
Where: In my DARK basement All Alone...
Birthday Count: 4 Days!

never drink warm coke, espeially REALLY quickly! it hurts your stomach A LOT! i had like 4 glasses and i burrped! lol WOO WOO go me! =) i was so proud, but my burps suck compared to some peoples *cough*DAN*cough* lol whatta gentleman doesnt wanna durp infrount of girls, lol hehe. anyway yeah today was a gernerally good day just 5 mins ago i was asked to go outside in the cold rain to go get something from the shed outside, lol WOW i was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo scared there's no light there so causes some problem. so yeah..tomorrow 5 weeks me and dan have been going out!! woo woo!! hehe thats a long time, lol like a month and yeah... anyway back to the sleeping part, almost fell asleep on the phone with him, it wasnt like i was bored or anything i was just laying in my bed and i was tired, but im not anymore, lol im WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY to awake now, i won't be sleeping at all tonight!! lol hmm i think i shall go watch t.v upstairs cause my t.v down here is being a jerk. anyway thats probably all for tonight, night all!! byeeeeeeeeeee!

Posted by crazy2/jenny123 at 10:09 PM EST
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Time: 3:28 pm
Where: In the basement on my dad's computer

i ***LOVE*** carmelas mom soooooooooo much! lol she saw us and drove me home! MERCI JENNIFER! lol its kinda funny how her names jen and mines jen, lol weird. annnnnnnnnnnyway today was okay i guess just i was paranoid!!!!

Period 1 English - english was okay i guess, i got to finish my geography work, but i didnt do my english, i was tooooo tired yesterday and didnt get much sleep. it was that interesting really, it was kinda boring i wrote three notes, 2 to carmela one to ashley. boredum!!! we were talking about grammer and how were to stupid to understand it, lol i agree! anyway nothing really interesting...

Period 2 Geography - OMG! LOL we had a supply teacher who looks like SANTA CLAUSE! lol he was realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly nice but i swear i couldnt stop laughing at my friend kyles remarks! lol i swear i thought i was gonna pee it was halarious!!! lol hes like wheres mrs.clause and am i being a good boy1 ahah it was f'in halrious!!! lol we also watched some REALLY gay movie about primary it was pretty sad but i wrote carmela a note lol about what happened on sunday when i was at her house, OMG it was the most halarious thing you could ever imagine! lol i might draw a diagram and post it but not sure, you might not get it.

Period 3 Religon - LUCKILY we DIDN'T watch any nasty movies! lol it was so wrong!!! lol instead we did a sheet on reproduction systems, and then a sex crossward, it was amazing i got it ALL right!!! woo woo i think i'm gonna pass my sex unit test!!! ahah yes go sex-ed!!!

Period 4 Lunch - lunch i had pogo's WOO WOO ahah they're so yummy!! Mmm Mmm Good! lol and some fries with a fruitopia! lol it was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good oh and munchies in religon! so yeah same old same old just was a lil paranoid!

Period 5 French - french was actually good! my teacher was being realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly nice and let we sit where i wanted to cuz i did my hmwk =) Merci Mlle!!!! i got to sit with dan, lol i gave him the silent treatment and KICKED HIS ASS! YA YA THATS RIGHT!!! lol

so yeah today wasn't that bad, could have been worse...i was kinda hyper around lunch then i wasnt more paranoid...reallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly paranoid!!! so yeah meh it was okay but i think that is all for today...i'll write something later! bye all!!!

Posted by crazy2/jenny123 at 3:44 PM EST
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I Don't Like Mornings...
Current Mood:
Time: 7:19 am
Where: in my basement...On my dads computer
Birthday Count: 4 Days!

I don't like mornings, at all. I think i went to bed to late and woke up to early, everyones still sleeping!? I really don't understand but stomech is hurting too, *lack of sleep* i woke up at 6:30 am and then got ready and came out about 7:10 am and then i came down here but i had to make my dog stop barking so he doesn't wake anyone up... So yeah today should be interesting, i needa finish some definitions for geography, i think i'll do it during english cause i like poetry and all, but i need to get geography done. MSN is being a jerk! it won't let me sign in!!! it's like the servers too busy? hmm yes of course... i think todays tuesday, hold on i'll check...
yup it's tuesday day 2 english no math!!! w00t w00t not very fond of math!! i HATE math with a passion <-lol i stold that from you carmela!!! But really i do math is BORING!!! NO FUN AT ALL! Wow it's 7:25, hmm i think i must have the duty to wake people up.. i hate doing that cause then people get angry and pissed off. Oh yeah today i think i might have people notice me now and again, hopefully no stalkers cause thats just scary!!! anyway i must go fix my room before i leave! byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee all i shall right an entry for each period and type it up when i get home!

Posted by crazy2/jenny123 at 7:24 AM EST
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Monday, 17 November 2003

...still trying to figure out...
Current Mood:
Time: 6:42 pm
Where: in my basement...On my dads computer

ha i just found something out!!! my brother found out about my boyfriend, and now I think in the process on stalking me sooner or later, i hope he doesn't i can't even have people/teachers/animals stare at me for like 2 minutes let alone a WHOLE day! I think this might cause a problem..=S im scared now, i meen he's loved by ALL the teachers and he's gonna ask 'em stuff! DAMMIT! not fair, this sucks, i must talk to him, probably will make it worse...*sniff* *sniff* i wonder how he foundout...*scatches chin* hmmm, i don't like this AT ALL! I must find a way to be less noticed, maybe if shut up and not yelled in the halls, hmm yeah i think that works, feels like im in a goddamn witness-protection program! i must change my apperance...hmmm i wonder how...=S i think i'm taking this A LIL more serious then i think it is, wait WTF am i talking about...ugh why did he have to find out, don't people know how to mind they're goddamn buisness...this sucks ass like serious ass!! "I See U Baby Shakin' That Ass, Shakin' That Ass!" lol sorry whatta good song! dammit i think i'm permentaly screwed over, even more then i was...oh well i must find a way to make it better...night all i shall attempt to update sometime or another.

Posted by crazy2/jenny123 at 9:50 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 18 November 2003 7:15 AM EST
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Posted by crazy2/jenny123 at 9:21 PM EST
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