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\/ There is a small house show going on in a little town outside of dallas texas. The fans just got done watching a few jobbers wrestler and alot of the fans are getting up and leaving because the show totally sucks, Just as must of them leave the lights dim and the arnea goes black. Alot of the fans run back into the arnea to see who is coming out. Then "Shot in the dark" by Ozzy plays over the pa system and a logo fades in on the titantron, As the logo gets closer you can see it says Jake Ramsey returns in as the clock hits 0 a big bang and fire shoots out of the ramp and Jake Ramsey walks out from behind the curtins. Jake walks down the ramp as the fans chant his name. Jake slides into the ring and walks around the ring a few times as lilan welcoms him back. Jake then walks over and gets the mic from lilan, Jake walks into the middle of the ring and brings the mic to his lips and begins to talk.. \/

- /\ (Jake "SleepWalker" Ramsey) /\ - "Well frist for all of those who dont know me im Jake Ramsey i am one of the most talented people in this fed. Now for all of you who do know me let me tell you why i left for a little while and why. You see my reason for leave was an injuy plus i also had family issus to deal with. But you see i thought it was going to take 4 mouths to heal but it didnt even take a full mouth. So now im back and ready ot kick ass. And i see the frist person that im going to face is going to be the worst hardcore champ in iwf history Shadow Stalker. Now you see i havent been back for more then 3 hours and i see Shadow Stalker is running around the back thinking he is all hot shit and he is going to kick my ass because im a retart he claims. You see i think shadow stalker forgets about the last natch we had. Because if he remebered anything he whould know i kicked his ass and left him laying in the ring gasping for air.."

\/ Jake lowers the mic and askes lilan for a bottle of water, Jake opens the water and takes a sip. He then walks around the ring and looks into the crowned. He then lifts the mic up and begins to talk.. \/

- /\ (Jake "SleepWalker" Ramsey) /\ - " Now i dont got much more time. so let me say what i gotta say fast, You see shadow stalker you can run around the back talking all the shit you want but come wenesday when you face me one on one in the middle of this ring im simply going to beat you down and teach you a lesson and that lesson is never to mess with me again. Now you see Shadow im not 100% for this match so you have the atvatage but you see im not atleast wurryed becuase i know i can kick your ass if i was only 50% heaty.. So Shadow all i gotta say is get ready to go one on one with Jake Ramsey, oh one more thing fag boy.. "Fear This - Fear Sleepwalker "

\/ Jake then drops the mic and leaves the ring and walks into the backstage.. \/
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