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Jackel454Casull's Rants & Raves

Saturday, 21 June 2003

Ok, I got that nitrogen-on-the-neck thing over felt like someone put a cig. on my neck. My mom had to get some nitrogen put on her foot for some callus thing...I think she cried even o_o. I'm not saying that she's a scaredy-cat or anything, but I'll be honest, I sat in the chair and just turned my head from the side the Doc was putting the stuff on. I almost cried before it started not when it happened. Which brings me to another point, I over-heard my mom on the phone talking to my Grandma(I wasn't brown-nosing considering I was playing PS2 when I heard her) and she told my Grandma what happened when we went to the Doc's and how I didn't show any 'emotion' while he was putting the nitrogen on me; she also said that she expects me to be a cold person when I get older and out of the house. How mean is that? I swear, when I heard that I almost died XD, I've never HEARD anyone say such things about me...then-again I bet alot of people hate me than I think they do. Oh well, I am who I am, I am nobody there!
Onto happier things...I'M GETTING THE HELLSING SOUNDTRACK SET!!! Yeah!!!!! Thanks to my friend Sheri(who has E-bay :P). I want them in Sooooooooooo bad! Which again reminds me, I'll be gone the 1st to the 9th of July. I get to go to the Oregon Coast. The only reason I say this is because for you that actually check this daily I won't be posting anything on those days.
Ok, it's been fun and I needed to get all that off my chest. TTYL!

Posted by crazy2/jackel454casull at 12:23 PM MDT
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Friday, 20 June 2003

Ok, I'm sore...and in alot of neck had stuff done to it(not Chiropractic). Oh well, I'll get over it XD. So how are you today? I found a AWESOME Trigun fan-site: . I HIGHLY recommend this site! I'm not going to put much here...I have no *fun* energy...

Posted by crazy2/jackel454casull at 12:21 PM MDT
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Thursday, 19 June 2003

Sorry XD!!!!
Sorry I didn't put in a entry yesterday(like you really care :p). So...uh, I...have nothing to put here really...nothing has happened much...ok, um I have to get a mole removed from my neck tomorrow(Friday) and I'm scared!!! God help me! Lol, just kidding.

Posted by crazy2/jackel454casull at 3:34 PM MDT
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Tuesday, 17 June 2003

Man, I've got to stop putting entries in the blog when I just wake up...anyway, have you ever had one of those confusing dreams? Where you wake up and you're not sure if it(what happened in your dream) didn't really happen? Man, I hate those!!! Oh yeah, that reminds me, I'm going to TRY to get a fan fic onto Media Miner( Keep checking under the name 'sigil'. Summer is sooooo boring!! None of my friends are ever around...and the only thing I've learned so far is that Chiropractors' are evil. I can't help I the only one who thinks Alucard is HOT!¡?¿

Ok...well, that's all for now...l8ter!

Posted by crazy2/jackel454casull at 10:34 AM MDT
Updated: Tuesday, 17 June 2003 12:32 PM MDT
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Monday, 16 June 2003

Yeah, my new Blog!!! *Ahem, sorry. Ok, I told yu in my Bio that I bitch alot about Hellsing-so here it goes!!! I don't think Alucard and Integra make a 'cute' couple...actually, it's quite gross. She's all prude and...evil and Alucard's like a sad-male version of...well...ME! I don't mind Integra, so don't get me wrong it's just- the bitch needs to learn to lighten up(and stop smoking those damn cigars!!!XD) I like the whole Victoria and Alucard thing better...but THAT doesn't work! During the series you can tell Victoria gains a 'crush' on Alucard, however, Alucard only thinks of Victoria as no more than a 'daughter'. and that's basically what she is to Alucard if you think about it. He bit her-which gave her 'rebirth', so basically he 'sired' her. I'll be honest with you, I'm a hopeless Alucard fiend...I love that guy!!! I mean, we'd make a cute couple too(Sheri, don't you think so!?). *sigh, sorry I'm a freak...oh, and also, I SUCK at Neopets! All my accounts suck...and if you know what Neopets is than don't laugh at me! My user names are: c_l_v_a and hot_ice_hilda_. *Taps fingers for a second, I guess that's all for now...bye! The current mood of at
c_l_v_a got their Neopet at

Posted by crazy2/jackel454casull at 9:02 AM MDT
Updated: Monday, 16 June 2003 12:04 PM MDT
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