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My SEXi WORLD.. hehe LUv yA!
Thursday, 11 September 2003
My life in the DORM!!~~~~ WOooHOOO
.. Its soo great my ROommate is awesome!~~ Im away from home ... YES ~~~````````

haha I love him SOoo MUCH - i miss him SOOo mUCH .. your the HOTTest guy!!! my one and ONLY and will always be ~ TOgether 4 EVER
My bF>.. I LOVE U

PARty CEntral ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh YES!~~ all we have been doing is partying meeting a lot of HOTties hehe good stuff~... WE are called the MOUNT's hehe><><

were makin shirts .. that say MounT's on the front ~~ lol

Posted by crazy2/hotstuff4u at 1:53 PM CDT
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Saturday, 16 August 2003
CRAzy Wild MMMm can't even TAlk ~ BEST nite EVER NAmeSDAY PARTY/ME n Steph'S goin away PARTy!!!!
ZACHARY I MISS U SOOOOoo MUCH im gONNA come visit U !! and everyone else

SOoo.. i went to tashy's house picked her up and then went straight to steph's house.. fixed r hair and got dressed ~ i was SOo hyper i couldnt even stay in one place!! hehe .. SooO we took my car to jImmy's house haha... We got into a bitch fight with some people that were there but it was all good afterwards. Left my car at Jimmys and then drove with the other Jimmy to Eve's dWNtown~~ man it was crazY.. we walked in and everyone was there espec hIM O god YEs lookin all HOt n stUFf mmmmm baby but yeah..>< The we all started to dance dont really know what hAppend i was f*cked UP big TIME haha!!~~ SOo yeah i started to dance with everyone >< then JImmy and me started grindin harcore let me tell u ><~ afterwords the rest of the peeps had to go soo jimmy is like well i 'll take u back to the Other jimmys house and im like oK .. thats COol while tash steph and the rest went in the other car i was with *JImmy* SoOO steph calls up jimmys phone and is like we wanna go to this place.. dont know what was goin on completly f*cked up!! SOo were like sittin in the car in the parkin lot and hes like well i really dont waNNa go in .. blah blah and im liek o geez im soo Tired lol this was at like 3:00 am.. Still just sittin there Soo hes like Hey do u like me and im liek ah i dont know lol ~~ gigglin and stuff and hes like well can i get a kisS SOo YEash dont know what exactly happend! got out of the car because.. everyoen ewas like yellin and sayin lets goo soo we left there like what happend and i was just fallin asleep lol couldnt tlak!!>. Then we get back to stephs hOUSe .>>everyone is sleepin go right downstairs but then nowhere to sleep lol go back upstairs and i pass out on the floor thats what i was told!! hahawith my clothes still ON.>!!> i had to wake up at 8:00 in the mornin to get back home and drop off tashy!!~~ GRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr too early . Drove with umm a tshirt on .. and boxers hehe it was GReat hardly could see while driving!!~~~ SOo I get home and im like ahhhhhhh im soo tired do i have to go with u guys.. there like yes u need to get ur dorm stuff ><> Went and did that and now im off to bed cuz i cna't even see hardly and Very SLeepy!!!! ...,.,., StePh have A blast in CALi .. U SUCK diCK !! haha i was just there but wish i could be there TOo Bring my Husband HomEE.. and dont get in any trOUBle !! plz dont!!~

music.. come what may~MOUlin Rouge DOnt ask >>< I like that SONg!! I will love YOu until the end of time.. I Will love you until my dying DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~

Posted by crazy2/hotstuff4u at 3:30 PM CDT
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Friday, 15 August 2003
Confused !! good or bad do not knoW???

NAMEDAY PARTY TOMorrow NIte.. if ur not invited well tough LUck ~~
I get to BE WITH my GREek BOY oh goD YES.. SOmethiang will HAppen Hehe ~~~
well lets see i talked to mark tonite .. and i honestly am very confused.!! im goin out with mike right now but then i have joe n mark saying that they wanna be with me do i wanna hear this umm yes and no plus i still have feelings for that "someone" which is just going crazy right nOW..!! Im really tired and stressed cuz i have been packin for about 3 days now !! UghhhH grrrrrrr.. its a pain and also a lot on my mind !!!!!!! Right nOW im talkin to mike >> gettin into another fight *thinkin hmmm maybe not a good idea to be together* way to much on mind and moving really suxs SOOOo ,.. i dont know what he wants from me>> me talkin to other guys is a big no .. hanging with guy friends he doesnt like because he says i flirt tOO MUCH!! BS .. HUnny everyone flirts it means nOthing~ fallin asleep and listenin to Sad songs dont ask y.. just feel like it !! bOOhoo

Boyz2men(Hard to say goodbye) its soo VERY trUE

UMm mark just broke up with his gf.>> GRrr nOW What haha nuhuh hes jsut like .. saying stuff i do noT wanna HEAR rigth NOW STopp!~PLEz

?? ?? he just asked will u go out with me ?? NOOO nOOOO i dont want thse kind of ?? right NOW !~~ the answer will be in the next journal.> right nOW no comment!!

i LOve MIke.. GRrrrrrr

Posted by crazy2/hotstuff4u at 12:09 AM CDT
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Tuesday, 12 August 2003
Cali Trip/ LAS VegAS!!!!!!!!!~~~~ WOOOHooo
Friday- 8:00am at the airport.. getting ready to get on the plane with my best friend hehe are dads came to say goodbye cuz r moms had to work boohoo ... anyways the plane ride was not good at all i kinda got sick but yeah !! anyways we had fun on the plane!!! hahaha we got to Cali which was soo amazin!! HOT GUYS HOT GUYS OMG~~ we unpacked and went straight to the (BEACh)SURfin hehe .. bOYS * so were laying on the sand and these Hotties walk by and look at US .. what to do what to do !! After that we went shopping at Forever21 and bought soo MUCH STuff the CUtest outfits Too ... Thats r STore right TASh haha* NExt day wake up and back to the beach plus shopping.. ... it was the day to get r hair doNE Hightlights!! BLONDE ALL THE WAY!!
We decided to go to LAS VEgAS were i found my HUsband !! we stayed at the MIrage soo COol SOO COol.. me n tash went by the POol Found some hotties and took some great PICS hehe haha!! MUAH.. can i just look a lil bit longer(guy) inside joke Under the waterfall ><> was the BEST !!! Got out of the POOl and layed to TAN got DARK!!! We then had to get ready to party at nite awesome time!!! till 2:00am we were cruzin the STreets took more pIcs ~~ Then we were both fallin asleep haha .. it was time to go to bED!! the BOYs called we talked on the phone which was great and had a few laughs ** I must say that i missed ZACh .. n everyone else !! SOO MUCH ~~ Baby BOY >> THAT will be r SONG tashy!! WEll it was time to come back to WI BOOHoo didnt want to but we had tOO!! FIght Fight at LAX Airport(LA)... UGHhhhhhhhhhh i wanted to scream we were late for are flight it was at 12:00 and we got there at 11:45 due to traffic and waiting in line !! we caused a scene i really dont care i just wanted to get on the plane!! me n tashy had went up to security and was like .. can we go in the front of the line because r flight leaves in 5 mins and there like we have to go to the end of the line.. so i called my mama up and told her and i started yelling .. when got up to the security gate they had made a big scene with us they pulled tasha to the right side and me to the left and they searched her .. everyone!! and took about 20mins to go through the bags! but they didnt for the other people.... all we were doing was bitchin and screaming which was horrible.. I had said this is unfair we need to go on the flight in 5mins and .. in wi they dont do this ** they lady tells me well hunny we arent in wi now r we and im like excusme can i just go !! UGHHHHHHHHHHhhh ... worse day ever. SOO we got on the plane with stress !! i couldnt even talk we were soo mad crying !! and everyone But besides all that the triP was SOO amazin ,, Awesome n FUN!!! ~~~ i just wish i could have brought my husband home VIP >>> ALL The way* NOW i have to pack for DorM!! move in day on SUNDAY !! tenNIS starts MONDAY !!! YES YES hehe

Posted by crazy2/hotstuff4u at 10:59 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 30 July 2003
BRAS n THONgs >> Oooh i like that hahaha (joe keep smiling)
hahaha.. joe showed up at 2:00am was i right or what?? that was GreAAT ~` no need to talk about it .. it was GOOD SOo I woke up at 12:00 the girls called me and what did i DO .. i got my belly button peirced omg its SOO cool n very Cute babyblue all the way!!!!!!! YEs tom u will see hahaha~ anyways after that it was hurtin SOO bad .. i just layed on my bed in PAIN mmmm not good but anyways im ready for Cali just like one MORE DAY and iM On the PLANE with the HOTties n my bestfriend in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD TASHY!!!! Soo mike called me today *** sigh not good at all.. coRREction good or bad relationship is what im thinkin...
So my friend was talking about her bf ok cool w/e she says well u wont like him cuz he isnt hot and u only go for hot guys.. UMm let me add something thats not true i go for what kind of person they are .. how they treat me !! and if they have a good heart it doesnt matter about looks thats the gayest thing i have ever heard@! and WRONG TOO
Asweetiepie[11:37 PM]: i know you wont think hes cute but he makes me feel like im important and he really cares
Asweetiepie [11:37 PM]: so looks really dont matter to me
A n Fitch babe17 [11:38 PM]:mmmm i dont go for looks ... because zach isnt all that well k hes cute and all right HES HOT!! SORry hes hot ok ok ok .. SOoo WHat that means JACK SHIT .. lol

K well im gONNA lay DOWn cuz its huRtin!! HElp hehehe><>< goin SHoppin tomorrow for some skirts, tanktops, and what ever else i finD o yeah bras n THONGS too oOH i like that


Posted by crazy2/hotstuff4u at 11:50 PM CDT
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???/what happend??
alright me and mike got in a fight about the stupidest thing ever... over a silly boy ok!!! Agree- i talked to him when we were going out but nothing happend""" I sware :( dont be mad at me god !@!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NOw.. I imed him and was like soo what did you say to this boy ~~~ oh nothing k well you had to say something !! he finally showed me the convo after a while (shocking very)... First of all mikeK u dont talk like!MikeW i can't believe u would do something like thaT im a lil upset about that but w/e its over and done with

and i dont need U MIKEK!!! telling me about my relationship.. Y would u say oh my name is cooler than his >><

i dont know what else to say .. Something is messed UP ~~ ~~~ ~~ well im done packing.> now i just have to wait for Friday Tomorrow im meeting the girls to get my belly button peirced OMg i can't wait shhhhh haha a.. when i return from cali i will be a BLONDE OH YES ** im talkin to Mark soo im gonna SAY bYE LUV ya ALL

hes suppose to STop by at 2:00am umm dont U DARe~ haha i will be waiting downstairs in the basement jUST coME IN Hehe.>>

Posted by crazy2/hotstuff4u at 12:37 AM CDT
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Tuesday, 29 July 2003
SOOo excited
ahhhhhhhhhhhh Cali FRiday YES yessssssssssss.. im almost done packing hehehe just a couple more things! SO lets see i saw mike again *sigh* but yes Joe was there TOo soo nothing really happend ><< :( But later on me and mike had are time! Which was great*** did we or did we NOT ..GrrRrr Joe ur great and i luv YA to Death>.. SOoo im just talkin to MARk right nOw funstuff hes one BAD BOY thats 4 SUre but hey u gota luv those bAD bad BOYS hehe!! Well i finally got a hold of my roommate she seems cool and soo sweet but i still have to see otherwise im all already for DORM LIFe!!~ >><

Joe this one is for U *** .. Oh We Oh We Oh - Come On There's A Party Tonight Wanna Have Sex On The Beach
Come On Move Your Body
Sex On The Beach
I Wanna Have Sex On The Beach
Come On There's A Party
Sex On The Beach

I Never Gonna Leave You Alone
The Tide Is High And The Groove Is On
She Said Her Name Was Cindy
"Would You Like A Drink Of Me?"
Bikini On The Left, Daquiri On The Right
Come And Give Me Lovin' All Through The Night
Do The Wild Thing, Dingalingaling

hahaha i never forget U .. SMILE :)

Posted by crazy2/hotstuff4u at 12:11 AM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 29 July 2003 12:48 AM CDT
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Sunday, 27 July 2003
HYPER...>. MISsing U.... STill sICK blAHHh*** BUrning UP OH YES
If you love something, let it go. If it comes back, great. If not, well then your just F*****....

mikeK i guess i dont need Help cuz well i havent come back as u can SEE!! <,,

well ive been sick for about a week now blahhhhh funstuff noT@@!I also have been packin for my Cali Trip which is gonna ROCK!!!!!!!!!! i can't wait YAY(*)LOoks like im gonna have to go to the dOCtors because I still have A fever UGhhhh .. Right now im just listenin to music and talkin to my fav people..mikeW,ASweetipie,Christina,JOSH,Mary,BRy,n JOe my luv

Oh I, I just died in your arms tonight
It must have been something you said
I just died in your arms tonight

haha JOe thats for u.>. SMILE!! ()() :)
inner nights LOL= BEST
FirewORKs fireWOrks baby its ALL About the BANG~~ MUAH

Posted by crazy2/hotstuff4u at 11:01 PM CDT
Updated: Sunday, 27 July 2003 11:05 PM CDT
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Friday, 25 July 2003
ok soo Now wHAT..
im sleepy right nOW .. Joe i luv ya im soo glad we talked on the phone that made my day~ anyways right now im just listenin to music and chillen on my bed hehe*** i hope i dont fall asleep that wouldnt be cool. I started packing for my trip to Cali oh god i have soo much stuff ^^ its craZY. HEy mike im Soo SORry lets try it again seriously ive been a bitch latley just got a lot on my mind. BUt im asking for another chance it will be better i promise
well i think im goNNA go to bed cuz im kinda tired and just need to think about things.<><> JOe is calling again hehe thats gonna be great another 3:00 am :);) I really have to go to AF tomorrow to get some clothes for CALI .. maybe HOllister too UGhaghah!!

Posted by crazy2/hotstuff4u at 11:16 PM CDT
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Thursday, 24 July 2003
Y do i need you SOO bad
k every guy i go out with or do stuff with i seem to ruin it. ALL because of just one lil thing YOU.. your all i think about wherever i go which is fuckin insane!!! iNSANE GOD what is it about u i honestly dont know but u get to me soo many damn times i just keep coming back.! I Say im never going to talk to you ever again or have anything to do with you but i ruin it for myself and go right back to u!!!!

I 'll finish this later >< OK

Posted by crazy2/hotstuff4u at 5:00 PM CDT
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