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How Women Should Be

by: Joyce Genuino


    A familiar face on campus, a consistent honor student and a loving daughter. Yes, she is HAZEL SANTILLAN! you might see her looking a bit snobbish and "mataray". But if you could get to know her better, she is not like that at all. She is simple, hard working and a strong-willed person.

    Zel, a nickname called by her friends, was born on March 4, 1985 at Cavite City to her lucky parents Mr. Efren and Mrs. Violeta Santillan. She is now residing at R. Santos St. Caridad, Cavite City with her parents and older sister. She is born under the sign of Pisces. Her hobbies include watching TV, surfing the net, talking endlessly on the phone, and hanging out with her friends. Do you know she is fanatic of Scooby Doo? She even watches Scooby Doo on Cartoon Network early in the morning! Wow! What a fanatic!

    As a student, she is very studious and responsible. You ca see in her the makings of a good leader. She has various co-curricular activities such as being the Class Business Manager, language Society's Secretary, and CAT N3 Tactical. She was also elected as the City Youth's First Coulcilor of Cavite City last "Linggo ng Kabataan 2001". Being very busy in everything, it didn't let it get in the way of having fun. She still manages to hang out with her friends.

    As a daughter, she is very loving and obedient. She tries her best to do what her parents want. hazel tries not to be stubborn and do what her parents want because she knows that it is for her benefit. I can say that her parents are very supportive of Hazel.

    Hazel plans to take up a commerce course. She has taken many entrance examinations for she wants to fulfill her ambition. She believes that education is the key to our success.

    Being tough is one of Hazel's strong attitude. She gets thru the tough times because of that courage. She still manages to have a positive outlook in life in spite of the many ups and downs that life challenges her. HAZEL just shows truly how a woman should be...

(From the Junior Josephinian Chronicle)


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