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Happy Birthday, Jai!!

That picture is of Scott, just don't ask. I felt like putting his picture on here. Anyways... Oh My God!! It's your birthday n stuff. I know things haven't been totally well, but everything you asked for will be on here. Comparing you and Lance, well, I won't lie, because I have loved him since the summer. But well, I guess I can trust both of you. You can't leave, and he can't either. I care about ya' both, and you're both good friends. I feel like I can trust you, but then again.. I feel like you're pushing me away. How I feel about you? Hmm.. Well uhh.. I feel.. *thinks awhile* Damn. You're a good friend. And I'm sorry how things have turned out. I really doubt you and Lance will ever get along, but whatever. I know it's not -all- about him, and that there's more to it than that. Why won't you just tell me? And what's this about me talking behind your back bad stuff? I've said nothing, so whoever said that can go do stuff to themselves. Nothing bad anyways. I'm updating and deleting some stuff, so you won't feel like anything's your fault. Hmm, welp... you asked, "Why do I love Lance" Uhh.. I love him because we share something in common. Many things. He has my secrets, I trust him, and he was there for me when I needed him. He sees me as me. I know this may make you feel bad or jealous, but it's true. I'm sorry if it hurts you or anything, but at least I'm not lying and saying, "I wish Lance would die, I hate him, he ruined my online life" . No, I won't do that, because I don't hate anyone. I have no "beef" as they say, on anyone. I don't really care who he's dating or who he likes. I'm sorry, but I'll always love him. Nobody can change that. But nobody can also change how I feel about you. I felt like, though you weren't there always, you're a trusting person, even when you kept things from me. One day, I hope you can see the truth and you'll come to understand things better. And maybe not believe everything you hear. I hope you have a happy birthday and that you get everything you want or deserve. Whichever. Damn, this song won't work. It WILL work. Sometime. =/ Always, Krissy

