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My Information

-- Name: Jon Lafrenaye

-- Nicknames: Jon, Big Johnson, Lafreno

-- Birthplace: Lafeyette, IN.

-- Birthday: August 20th.

-- Current Location: Yorktown, VA

-- Current Mood: Lazy

-- Eye Color: Brown

-- Hair Color: Brown

-- Height: 6'2, 6'3

-- Righty or Lefty: Righty

-- Your heritage: French, French Canadian, Irish, etc.

-- The shoes you wore today: Adidas running shoes

-- The clothes you wore today: Jeans and grey hoodie,

-- Your weakness: Doing favors for others.

-- Your fears: Not doing anything this semester and having it bite me in the ass.

-- Your perfect pizza: Plain Cheese

-- Your favorite number: 13 or 7

-- Your favorite color: Blue or Green

-- Your favorite drink: Coke

-- Goal you'd like to achieve: Have a fun life

-- Your thoughts first waking up: Why did I set my alarm so early?

-- Your best physical feature: Eyes.

-- Adidas or Nike: Either

-- Take a shower everyday: Mostly.

-- Have a crush(es): Yup.

-- Do you think you've been in love: Nope

-- Want to go to college: Already in college, about to go to Pharm School.

-- Like(d) high school: It is better now that I have left

-- Want to get married: Yes, but not now

-- Favorite Sport to Watch: Football

-- Favorite Sport to Play: Bowling or football

-- Believe in yourself: Most of the time

-- Think you're attractive: Sure

-- Describe your Dream Wedding: Whatever the bride wants

-- How do you want to die: Peacefully and in my sleep, just like my grandma...not screaming like all of the passengers in her car.

-- What do you want to be when you grow up: Pharmacist

-- What country would you most like to visit: Anywhere I can get to

-- Best eye color? Not red

-- Best hair color? Not green or purple.

-- Short or long hair: depends on the girl

-- Height: Not freakishly tall or short

-- Best weight: No preference, as long as the girl is still attractive

-- Best articles of clothing: T-shirt and Jeans

-- Best first date location: So far, AMC 24.

-- Best first kiss location: Anywhere, as long as the timing is right

-- Number of people I could trust with my life: Three

-- Last kiss: While ago. :-(

-- Last good cry: While ago

-- Last movie seen: The missing

-- Last cuss word uttered: Fuck.

-- Last annoyance: Tests

-- Last disappointment: My motivation, or lack there of.

-- Last poster looked at: Since when did I start having movie posters.