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Juliet's Poison

Hey all. Thanks so much for visitin! This website is for the band Juliet's Poison. On here, we'll describe what it's like to be us and also do some venting (Muy complaining!!!). hehe. There's also some quotes and I'm working on getting a few pics up. We're gunna try to edit it weekly. You can e-mail us with suggestions or things that you'd like us to put up at LuvLuv, JP Anarchy- By Anne ARRG!! I can't stand it!!! I'm seeing so many people with the anarchy sign drawn onto their hand. It pisses me off because it's such bullshit. People only do it for show. Writing shit on your hand doesn't do crap about our nation. You either need to take action or just sit back, shut up, and enjoy the ride. "Punks"- By: Katie What really blows my mind is when little winey babies going through a phase pretend to be punks. It makes me mad because they have no consept of what Punk means. It isn't a freekin fashion statement. These little kids put on baggy pants and listen to some heavy metal then go around calling people like Avril, 4 example, poseurs. To be a real punk, you live life as you want to, dress in whatever is comfortable to your own style, and have your own views on things instead of following everyone else. And BTW, I'll admit Avril sings pop, but she is being true to herself and if she claims to be punk, then she damn well has the right. If you call anyone but sissy wanna be's or preppies a poseur, then you yourself are in fact -a poseur. About us: Quotes and Jokes: *Friends are always there to bail you out, but best friends are in the cell with you. *We don't have to be friends; we're married. *Don't take life too seriously. You'll never get out of it alive. *Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. *People rally for the freedom of speach to make up for the freedom of thought in with they avoid. *My mother burried three husbands and two of them were just napping. *One day my prince will come, he just took a rong turn, got lost, and wuz too stubborn to ask 4 directions. *We must be the change that we wish to see in the world.

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