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Grand Central Station

414 East Railroad Ave.
Georgiana, AL 36033

Well now...glad to see that you finally found us!

As you drive by our little establishment you'll think, "My...that's such a nice little building! I wonder what kinda place that is?" So, you turn around and come back. As you pull into a parking space, you notice that there are several cars pulling in behind you so you make sure that you pull far enough ahead to give everyone room to park (since you're such a courteous driver).

When you open up your car door, you hear the faint sound of music coming from inside the building. You notice several people coming outside smiling and you think that there must really be something special about this place. You walk up ,open the door and venture inside.

The first thing that you notice is the all of the kids inside. As you step inside, the scene is total MAYHEM! The music is loud and vibrating! There are people everywhere! Some are playing video games and shooting pool while others are looking at videos. There are others surrounding the counter where a young lady is telling jokes and giving advice to love sick teenagers. Everyone there is laughing and seems to be having so much fun!

There's a tall, leggy blonde coming out of a small room in the back which you finally figure out is a tanning booth. She looks gorgeous and her tan is the most golden color that you've ever seen! As she walks past, she winks at the lady behind the counter and says, "Same time tomorrow?" The lady smiles and says, "But of course, Ma'am!"

There's another lady coming from another room in the front and she's showing off the most shocking pink nail polish that you've ever seen! She walks up to the counter and asks the lady there to make her an appointment for her permanent cosmetics. You wonder, "My goodness! What all do they do here?"

At the other end of the counter there is a lady that's making some really nice t-shirts. You walk over to look at the selection and you can't believe what you're seeing! Not only does this lady have t-shirts such as "Dixie Traditions" and "Southern Heritage" but she also has a really good selection of those "Big Johnson" shirts that your son just adores! The lady just smiles and tells you to holler if you need any help. So you start nosing around while you enjoy the ambience in the room. You decide on a couple of shirts and make your way to the register.

The lady there smiles and asks if you found everything okay. You tell her yes and that it has been a very enjoyable shopping experience. You take a chance and ask her if it's like this every day. She replies, "'s kinda early yet. You should drop by sometime after dark if you wanna have a good time!"

You pay for your purchase and make your way out of the door but not before picking up a business card so you'll have the phone number handy. You realize that there are twice as many cars now as there was when you pulled up. You smile at a cute young guy as he waits for your parking space. He smiles back and waves. You climb in your car and realize that this is a wonderful place for just about anybody to visit. As you drive away you decide that you will definitely be back real soon.....

Welcome to my place! Let me introduce myself to you! My name is Tammy Hornsby, owner & operator of Grand Central Station. I opened this fine establishment on October 28, 2002 and have had the greatest time ever since. We ain't prim and proper around here...real laid back and very, very casual. From tye-dyed shirts to cut off jeans and bare feet. You'll never find a better place to just come in and "hang out." We're all just one big happy family. Parents, if your kids tell you that they're coming down to "the game room" , have no worries. They're in the best hands possible. You would really be surprised how many kids do come here and just sit around with no particular place to go. The way I see it is, "Hey...they ain't out on the street getting into God knows what." They all know the rules around here and believe it or not, I have not had the first problem out of anyone. You'd be surprised how well kids behave away from home. I treat 'em all the same. No partiality is shown here. They come and ask for advice or opinions and I give it to them just I would my own kids. It would probably astonish most parents to know that I pretty much give the same advice as they would but because it's coming from me, it's not the same. I don't act like a parent...just a friend. So I'll say this once again...ya'll don't worry about your kids if they're here with me. They'll be fine!

Now then...where was I? Oh yeah...back to the store. We carry a great selection of the most current movie releases on VHS. The price for rentals are $ 3.50 each for a 24 hour rental and I do have a selection of movies that we are running a special on right now. 5 movies for 3 days for only $5.00! (This, of course, excludes new releases.)

I carry a wide selection of t-shirts which are from the "Southern Heritage" and "Dixie Traditions" lines. Just come in, pick out what you want and I'll put it on your shirt while you wait. I also have a selection of other transfers including beach scenes, EMS, Police, Firefighters, Nascar....there's just too many to list. Just come in and take a peek and if you don't see what you want in stock then I'll let you look at my catalog and we'll see if we can "hook you up." I also have just started carrying a selection of the "Big Johnson" shirts which normally you can only find around the beaches. These shirts are absolutely HILLARIOUS and I'm very proud to be a distributor of such a fine product. Hopefully by next spring, I'll be set up to do screen printing that your sports team may need. It's in the works but these things take time. So please be patient with me and keep checking back.

I carry a fine selection of tanning products that you may want to check out. My biggest seller is the Emerald Bay line. I have used these products personally for the last 6 years and the whole line is great! It's a very inexpensive line plus the fact is that I don't like to sell and promote something that I don't use personally. When you come in, you can look at me and see the results of my products. Of course, if there is something that you like and want, I will order it for you and keep it in stock especially for you.

I also have a pretty good selection of body jewelry including naval rings, tongue rings and eyebrow rings. I have the standard bars but I also try to keep a good selection of the unusual pieces. Whenever I find something, I always try to get at least one piece...more if possible. If there's something that you want and can't seem to find elsewhere then let me have a go at it. There hasn't been one that I haven't found yet. My prices range from $ 10.99 up to $ 25.99 compared to $ 40.00 and higher in the malls so drop by and scope 'em out. I try to order new ones every week.

But to end all this hoopla...I sincerely hope that you will drop in for a visit soon. We'll have the music jammin' and the Cokes are the coldest around. Just pop in any time and we'll sit a spell and get aquainted.

Now on to partner in crime...*G*

Hi! My name is Donna Martin...Tammy's partner in crime! *L* I am originally from New Mexico but have been in Alabama for several years now. I have 3 wonderfully spoiled kids, Victoria, Mercedes and Taylor, which if you haven't met, then you will when you visit. They love being here in all this racket. They are really good about helping all of us out here when things get really jumping! Thanks guys! :)

I am licensed by the Alabama Department of Cosmetology and have been for the past 5 years as a nail technician. I offer manicures, pedicures, acrylics as well as gels. I can do most any types of nail art for most any occasion.

I am also licensed by the State of Alabama as a Micropigmentation Technician. I received this certification in May 2003. You may ask what this procedure consists of....well it's basically the tattooing of ink around your eyes, lips and eyebrows. You choose your color and I apply it. You will come back in 30 days for a touch up (which is included in the original price) because as with any tattoo, you will have a healing process in which your color will flake off in spots. This is absolutely normal with nothing to fear. After your touch up, you're pretty much good to go for about 10 years after which you may have to get another touch up but considering the price of over-the-counter cosmetics, it will most definitley pay for itself in no time. There is no pain involved as I use a topical anesthetic during the whole procedure. You will feel the vibration of the gun but that's basically it. I hope that you'll call with any questions that you may have on any of these procedures and I'll be happy to meet with you anytime and help you decide if it's right for you.

I am also licensed by the State of Alabama to do body piercings. We offer naval, eyebrow, tongue and cartilage piercings. We also do just your basic ear piercings as well. Tammy and I worked really long and hard to get approval for these license and let me tell you that it's very hard work. We are totally compliant above and beyond the requisitions of the State of Alabama. I only offer one time use equipment for all of my procedures. This eliminates any questions on the sterility of my products. You can feel free to stop by and check it out anytime you're down this way.

Well...last but not least, let me tell you that Tammy and I are the very best of friends and have probably the best working relationship of anyone around. We are very compatible and keep the action going all the time. Like she said, it's never a dull moment around here...always something going on. The kids that come in help keep us young and on our toes. The older people help us to remember that we're children in adult bodies...*L* We've both decided that we may grow old but we're never gonna grow up. I sincerely hope that you will call or drop by and visit with me and check out my work. I think you'll be most pleasantly surprised at what you find.

Okay...lemme give you some directions!

If you're coming down I-65:
I-65 South to the 114 exit (Georgiana)

Take a left and go back across the bridge (Hwy 106 East)

Come on into town until you see "Faye's Florist" and the "Dollar General" on the right. There's a street between the two stores. Turn right here.

Come down to the second stop sign and turn left. You'll come down to the train tracks. Go straight across and you'll see us facing you on the opposite side of the street! We're right next door to Watson Insurance office.

If you're coming Hwy 31 South:

As you come into Georgiana, take a right at the caution light at the intersection on Hwy 106 and Hwy 31.

Go 1/4 mile down the hill to the 4 way stop (the Jr. Mart will be on your left).

Turn left.

Go appx. 1/4 mile to the old "Chevron" and turn right. When you get to the stop sign, turn right and we're right there on the right! It's THAT easy!

Okay folks...thats' pretty much it in a nut shell. We hope to see you soon! Give us a holler out anytime at 334-376-9823! Our business hours are Monday thru Thursday, 8:00 am to 7:30 pm and on Fridays and Saturdays we're here from 8:00am 'til midnight!

Oh more thing! I want to thank a few people that made our move a huge success! A shout out to "Paw-Paw" & "Duck", "Bouncy" & "Irk-man", "Mrs. Alltel" & "Big Game Hunter", "De-da" & "Big Sexy"...there's just too dang many to list. Without you guys, this would never have happened! I love you all and appreciate all that you guys have done for me! I'll never forget you and your dedication and belief in me and my business! Thanks a jillion! :)

And to the love of my life...thanks for the countless hours that you invested in this thing. There were days (and nights) that I never thought we would ever get through working to get it all ready. You have always been my rock and I do appreciate all that you've done for me (us). Never doubt that for one second! Even though we yelled and screamed, threw hammers and nails at each other, we finally made it and now there's no looking back. I love ya bunches!

One last person to mention..."Bruiser". She's my first thought every morning and my last thought every night. All that I do, I do for you and your future. I love you wholeheartedly and unconditionally. The guys will come and go but Mama will always be here for you! *hugest hugs*