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Welcome to the offical Front Line Elite site.  Here you can view our members and the requirements to join.  There is going to be a    forum going up soon also.  We are not currently looking for new members.  Soon there we will let more people join.  Enjoy the site and email me or instant message me on AIM.  Go Front Line! HOOAH!!!


>>8/8/03<<1.9 is out!! and man is it sweet as hell.  i downloaded it the first night and man i love it! but not to many servers are up.  its hard to get into any games and such. sadly, our beloved AAO tracker is down *sniff*.  The guy on the website says hes contacting the makers to see if it was a mistake or done on purpose. Hopefully he will find another way.<=heavyhittaz=>

>>8/5/03<< whats up soldiers, Ronnie here, currently im working on the site, so DONT MAKE FUN OF IT ASS HOLE. lol.  Great news, i've been reading my game informers and it says that 1.9 is coming out September 20th! But ive heard rumors that it isnt official and it might come out sooner or maybe later.  I need a message board or sumthing. Alright peace out. <=heavyhittaz=>