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Hey. So yea, my site. Aint it grand? Yea I know. You don't need to tell me. So yea, for those of you who don't know me or want to know me a little better, i think i'll describe myself. Let's see. I'm 15, i have brown hair, brown eyes, 5'2", i can be quite a bitch and also the sweetest person you have ever met, im oppinionated and blunt, im loud, im loyal, i trust very few but love when ppl trust me, i bite my fingernails, i am sarcastic, I laugh when I'm uncomfortable, i'm anything but overly religious, im a writer, i take really long showers, I hate it when ppl don't laugh at my jokes, i like to blame my mistakes on other people but i dont do that often because i get a massive guilt trip, i freak out over little things, i'm a little on the crazy side, im a major clean freak, im a wannabe photographer, i wear to much make-up sometimes but i don't mind, im obsessed with SOAD and Disturbed and Jessicka from Jack Off Jill, oh and I am single as of recently.

I Like:
Bacon Ultimate Cheesburgers, stuffed animals, things that smell like guys, saracstic bastards that make me love them anyways, candle wax, air conditioners, tuna sandwhichs, bangels, my birthday, best friends, guy friends, being held, deviantART.com, playing with fire, funky jewelry, when people do stuff for me or being able to take care of them, not being like every one else, people who know me for who i am and still love me, getting my way but it takes some one i truly care about for me to give them their way, dancing in the living room to oldies, dancing on the front lawn, guys who have their lip peirced yum, sweetness, getting letters in the mail, scary movies, being kissed in the rain, going to T El C after school *tear*, sad movies, 45 minute showers, sittin on people's laps, feeling loved, sarcasm, happy movies, when some one makes me feel safe, funny movies, being complimented, clear nail polish, honesty, people with my sick sense of humor, people who know im joking when i am, being kissed on my forehead, when you hold some one's hand and they rub your finger with theirs, guys who smell good, hoensty, comfort, tall guys, the kind of tall that makes it look almost weird for me to be with lol, people who don't give a fuck what any one else thinks, the way we used to be.

I hate:
being by myself most of the time, guys who cry more than me, my step mom, shitless bastard fucks who hurt me, when guys ask if they can kiss you it totally ruins the moment, lettuce on my burgers or tacos, people who call you and don't talk, when random people who i don't know call me babe or hun, white flip flops, cell phone bills, when guys tell you they like you the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL, when pants don't fit, LIARS, tomatos, CHEATERS, cocky people, spiders, bad breathe, people who smell bad, shit talkers, when people notice my weaknesses ( I hate being looked at as a weak person), guy's who break ur heart, stupid people, when you let some one in and then you realise it was a mistake to late to save yourself, his voice, don't tell me it will be okay if it wont, people who don't tell you things to your face, the way i sometimes still drive by his house just to see if he's home.

Random quotes and Inside Jokes:
Death by panda what?!?!? * Those are some nice breasts you've got there! * Why is he so afraid of you? DId you hit him? Did you cut him in the face?!?! * I am perfectly capable of calling mustard! * WARM FUZZIES!!! * Apperantly I am a funny asian man. * Are your parents retarded? * EEWW COOTIES! * That is none of your god damn business * But Julia, your not asian. * I said rub it, not beat it!!!! * I'm not fat, I'm jelly filled. * What are you talking about, I'm not sleeping on the lawn, I'm just stargazing! * Jenny?!?!? JENNY THE MAN?!?!?!?! * Are you naked right now? * Damnet I was saving that for TOMORROW! Uhm What's tomorrow? WEDNESDAY!!!!! * Rooster * Hey! We are the same height. That is neat. * That was so exciting i ALMOST shit my pants. Almost!! YEAH!! * OH PUBIC HAIR!!! * What kinda cats ar those? * QUIT STEALING MY FRUIT! *

"Dan Marino: Hey Ace, got anymore of that gum?
Ace Ventura: That's none of your damn business and I'll thank you to stay out of my personal affairs." * "No sprinkles! For every sprinkle I find, I shall kill you" "Oh I feel so delightfully white trash! Mommy, I want a mullet!" ~Stewie Griffin from The Family Guy jesus I love stewie! * "Melissa: You know, you're just mad because your stupid little pebble theory didn't work out and you don't know how to express your anger.
Ace Ventura: Oh yeah? And you're ugly."
