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Mad Facts!

1. To be a doctor no one can be able to read your writing,
Like this...      you must be a good reader to read this.

2. Ther is no fact here

3. The word Egypt comes from the Egyptian word Egypt.
(And that ones true!)

4. John bloggy's livingroom carpet is green with red flowers on.

5. all people who wear glasses are clever.
If you’re as dumb as me you should try wearing them!

6. 2596 x 9999.325 = 25958247.7
check it yourself!

7. When you drop toast off a table it always lands butter side

8. The first subway station was opened in London in the 1920's.
What was the point in that, where would you go?

9. It is healthy to fart at least 16 times a day.

10. Tiny computers don’t live up to their name.

11. There is no fact here

12. The 'Ju' in jujitsu means Gentle.
Ironic considering the aim of jujitsu is to kill your opponent.

13. The pilot of the plane I went on to Spain was called 'Fred'.

14. These mad facts are mad.

15. or here

16. Help I'm running out of ideas for facts.

17. I know... I smell (Doh, I’ve got to stop insulting myself)

18. Cartoon characters hardly ever go the toilet.

19. There’s always tomorrow unless the world ends tonight

20. Radiators don't give off radiation

21. Carrot gold does not contain carrots

22. 22 is an even number

23. 23 is an odd number

24. Speakers cannot speak

25. Quest is not spelled 'Kwest'

26. Father Christmas must be Irish,
he has a door and a window but he still comes down the chimney.

27. The tallest man in the world is taller than you, unless you are the tallest man in the world.

28. Cheese cake doesn’t taste of cheese (neither does marmalade for that matter)

29. If you have read through all these you must be sad.

E-mail us some of your mad facts at
and if they’re good enough we will put them on our web site.