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People come into our lives for a reason, a season or lifetime. Embrace all equally.

We all grow up with an image of ourselves. We are shaped partly by biology, partly by environment. These pages will be dedicated to my own journey of discovery. Who I am has been profoundly shaped by the people I have come across throughout my life. From the closest friend, to the stranger I spent fifteen minutes chatting with in line at the grocery store. I am a woman, a Mom, a sister, a daughter, a wife. I am the lady next door who appears to be as normal as the next person. Living out my life as it has been expected of me. Married to a man that I love. Raising my children. And we really are normal. I'm normal. And am of the opinion that my bisexuality is far more of a common trait then most women want to admit. I didn't always accept these feelings as legitimate but as the saying above says everyone we meet in life plays a role in who we become and the path we take. I met someone who made an incredible impact on my life. One that she'll probably never know. But that's not necessary for the process to continue. I realize now that the feelings are real, normal, healthy and mine. I embrace them and go forward. Never knowing where that fork in the road will lead me.

I truly hate pictures of myself. I consider myself extremely un-photogenic. This is one of the few that I don't despise completely. I don't like it, but I don't hate it. I'm 33 in case you're wondering.

As I mentioned I am a Mom. I have six children. Ages 10, 8, 5, 3, 2 and 6 months. Yes, you read that correctly. I have six kids. Yes we occasionally watch T.V. We are Catholic but that has no bearing on the number of children we have. Yes, I know what causes children. Yes, I am "fixed" or I had a tubal ligation after my last child was born. I was never broken. Nor am I a puppy. Here are just a few pics of my beautiful children.

This is my youngest son; Logan William just a few hours and then a few days old.

At 6 weeks...

His first smiles...

More recent pics (5/6 months)

Mother's Day 2003