Home and My Eye

My Aspirations

My Running Hobby

My (Once) Romantic Life

My Vegan Condition

My Personal Story
Part I

My Personal Story
Part II

Email me


Here's a picture of my eye. I have occaisional bouts of creativity, when I become amused by myself(such as this picture, and a whole poster of eyes from the people on my track team). I like blue eyes, don't you? Wouldn't you know they're real; I don't wear contacts.

Welcome to https://www.angelfire.com/crazy2/exodus

Welcome to my world. Here, I get to be completely selfish; that's right its all about me. Right now my life is fairly confusing. I finally have my license and a job and a sport (again) but if you want to read all about my experiences, you may click on "My Personal Story" to the left. That's right folks, I decided to go from the victim attitude to one of self improvement. Many players exist in my life, including my family. There's my little sister, whose idea of fun is sitting inside in the air conditioning watching tv all summer. And my brother who used to have seizures constantly, but now they're getting farther and farther apart and we think he might outgrow them (caused by a concoction of 9 vaccinations our idiot pediatrician gave us both when we were 3 years old). And my parents, who are opposite in personality and parenting strategies and who (strangely) look to me, their 18 -year old daughter for advice. (They have since I was little. I seem to attract people who have problems and need to tell me them. But hey, I don't mind.) And then there's the fact that my mom's side of the family is Cuban. Yes that means daily phone calls from my grandmother, almost weekly visits to her house (She would practically live at our house if it wasn't for the fact that my aunt lives a mile from her house, and my grandmother doesn't drive freeways and lives an hour away from us) My cousin can't stand the overbearing nature of her mother and wishes she were dead; my cousin is always in trouble and has taken up smoking and other unhealthful behaviors. Her older sister moved out briefly only to move back in because of a roommate that took advantage of her financially. And I am the overachieving daughter/granddaughter/sister/cousin/niece who gets the highest grades in the family, tries to be the shining example of success, to set a good example, to make a life for myself so that I won't be under the control of some stupid man incapable of properly handling money or all the power in the family. I decided in January 2003 that I was done with everyone else always worrying about me, and I wanted a piece of the rebellious experience. Now this cycle has come full circle, and I'm trying again to find myself.

Brightly shines the sun
On a great new day
Rightly guide the moon and stars
During Night's sweet adventure
As I travel through my exodus
I realize
Life's not the chore it sometimes seems
And as long as you keep trying
You'll accomplish what you dream
The world holds beauty
Ancient mysteries
Like the warm shadows of a golden sunset
Or the gentle bite of the frosty morning
Life teaches us all something
We keep growing
As we traverse our exodus
I've overcome depression
Hugged the steps of Verona
Swam in California's Pacific Ocean
Been spiritually moved by St. Jacob's Cathedral
Explored, felt young in the hills of Lucerne
I've been awakened by Beauty at sunrise
Pushed myself beyond pain for a race
All for the feeling of life . . .
Yes, Yes I am alive.

This website last updated January 31, 2004