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Eric & Kelly's Wedding Day - July 26, 2003

Granted, I made up this webpage for my brother and new sister, but as I will be sending the link to everyone I have an e-mail address for it is intended for the viewer to realize that this is for them, even though the photo's were taken for Memories of this wedding and those I came with.

If you have a wish to have certain photo's in their full size format, taken directly from my camera and slightly modified, feel free to send me an email and I'll send them your way.

As to actual printed pictures, that will take some time, as I've not a printer right now to be able to print anything.

As I am only able to work on this during free times, feel free to check back as you please for updates. When I've placed every single picture I have from this beautiful event, you'll be able to tell.

Enjoy, have patience, and may this Union be blessed for all time.

Talk & Well-Wishing

Last Updated:
August 29, 2003
Created-August 17, 2003