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mUh PaGe!!

hEy! wAtS uP? mY nAmE iS eMiLi aNd i'M 13 aNd LiVe iN pItTsBuRgH...hErE iS aLiTtLe BoUt YoUrS tRuLy...

s p e c i f i c s
. do you do drugs?: nope
. what kind of shampoo do you use?: um…volumizing stuff…
. what are you most scared of?: nothing but fear itself…haha…ya rite…spiders, heights(but not coasters), cafeteria food…
. what are you listening to right now?: the x... grim's stupid little countdown show...
. who is the last person that called you?: Tia
. where do you want to get married?: umm… I dunno…Dainava?...can I do that???
. how many buddies are online right now?: 20ish...
. if you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?: probably my freckles or skin tone…

f a v o r i t e s

. color: Green or black or orange or red
. celeb: ashton kutcher or tom green
. subjects in school: band…I getta talk to ppl…
. animals: frogs I guess…I dunno..i luv all da animals…
. sports: dancing, football, gymnastics, monkey bars ( is a sport!!)
. movie: Green Mile, Matrix (both), South Park Movie, Finding Nemo…
. actor: Ashton Kutcher
. day: Saturday cept when ccd starts…
. icecream: cookie dough!
. vehicle: viper, 69 ½ roadrunner, mustang,…ya…

h a v e | y o u | e v e r

. given anyone a bath?: no
. smoked?: nope
. bungee jumped?: no...unfortunatly
. made yourself throw up?: no
. skinny dipping?: not yet…
. ever been in love?: not really…
. made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: I probably have…
. pictured your crush naked?: not telling…
. actually seen your crush naked?: no…
. cried when someone died?: yea
. lied: who hasn’t?
. fallen for your best friend?: maybe…
. been rejected?: unfortunately
. rejected someone?: uh huh
. used someone?: NO WAY
. done something you regret?: yes
. sang in the shower?:
. stolen anything? Maybe…
. had a mood swing? Oh YA

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What I've Learned so Far in My Life...

I've learned- that no matter how you try to protect your children, they will eventually get arrested and end up in the local paper.

I've learned- that the people you care most about in life are taken from you too soon. And all the less important ones just never go away.

I've learned- that no matter how much I care, some people are just assholes.

I've learned- that it takes years to build up trust and a minute of suspicion to destroy it.

I've learned- that you shouldn't compare yourself to others - they are more messed up than you think.

I've learned- that you either control your attitude or you will be offered medication.

I've learned- you should always leave loved ones with loving words. You may need to borrow money.

I've learned- that it takes a long time to sleep with the person that I want.

I've learned- that money is a great substitute for character.

I've learned- that sometimes the people you expect to kick you when you're down will be the ones who do so.

I've learned- that your family won't always be there for you. Unless, of course, you win the lottery.

I've learned- that no matter how badly your heart is broken, therapy is still expensive.

I've learned- that we don't have to ditch bad friends because their dysfunction makes us feel better about ourselves.

I've learned- that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is stalk them and hope they panic and give in.




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