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Welcome to my Home!!

Hey and welcome to BlackDragonPrincess2003's personal homepage, here on Angelfire. I know everyone that has really met me through Yahoo Messenger, AOL Instant Messenger (AIM, MSN Messenger, or even through the Chat Clients, well now is your big chance to get to know me "Up Close And Personal".In the next few pages, I will share with you the most boring parts of my life or AKA my biography. I bet you guys are going "Oh Lord" and *Rolling Your Eyes Back In Disgust* LOL. Oh well right, if ya don't like it then you can do one of two things: ,

  • One, you can skip the "BORING" parts and go right on to the parts that you want to see

  • OR

  • you can take your fat ass off of my homepage.

Not that I perfer you to do what I said for # 2, for I would like to be nice to you.


    Fun Stuff