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Ghost Stories in Michigan

Coldwater - Halstead House - haunted by the ghosts 2 children who are seen on the stairs.

Detroit - General Motors Plant - a man was saved from being crushed by a ghost of man that died that way in 1944.

Grand Rapids - Michigan Bell Telephone Company - haunted by the Randall's , whose home stood on the ground where this building is today.

Holly - Holly hotel - various happenings. ghosts of people, guests, things that go bump in the night.

Flint - Cornwall building - the old Cornwall family is said to still walk the place. You can see them in the window of the old office from 3rd street.

Burton - Friend's house - banging on walls, little boys with no legs playing with stereo, bouncing ball in basement and shattering glass.

Wyandotte - Fifteenth Street House - there is an apparition of a young girl who appears in the window in the front of the house. As the story goes, there was a man that would leave for work at the same time every day, and every day his little girl would wave goodbye to him from the window. One day she was not there to wave goodbye, so he figured she had overslept and went to leave, when he began to back up he heard a scream, when he got out of the car to take a look he found that she was running his lunch out to him and was hit by the car, while he was backing up.

Fife Lake - Battenfield House - Previous residence of one of MI well known mass murderers who was found to have poisioned several family members because she liked to attend social events and used the murders to provide the social contact she craved. Two of the murders occurred in this house. Hauntings include burning flames seen on upstairs newel post which left no heat or burn.

Dearborn - Greenfield Village - haunted by many ghosts in most of the homes, the most active are in Firestone Farm, and Webster home. A man commited sucide in the barn at the farm, and Webster is just unhappy.

Dearborn - The Dearborn Inn Hotel - haunted by a ghost of a man who was killed when he fell off the roof during the renovation of the hotel when it was taken over by Marriott Hotels

Ypsilanti - Denton Road Bridge - The story goes that a group of kids were playing chicken near Denton Road bridge, and one of them proved to be chicken. His car swerved off the road when they reached the bridge, and crashed into the river below. Many people claim to see a light come out of river and chase their vehicle to the end of the road, if they stop at the center of the bridge at night.

Sheldrake - The Town of Sheldrake - is about four miles north of Paradise, Michigan. You can't find Sheldrake on any map, because it if a VERY small town. Few people live there, but none of them will talk about the hauntings. People that live there year-round will see more than any tourist. Lights turning on by themselves, window shades opening without anyone around, and an old sea captain who will disapper when boats pass. They had many fires and boat accidents.

Detroit - Coca-cola Plant - a supervisor was shot by a disgruntled employee in the 50s. He is sometime seen yelling at workers and keeping the line running when the supervisors are gone.

Ypsilanti - Ladies' Library - This historic structure was once the home of the Starkweather family, but was donated to the city by Maryanne Starkweather upon her death, to be used as a library. It was renovated for office space about 15 years ago. Many claim to have seen Maryanne in the upper halls of building, or have hear footsteps above them when working after hours - long after the building was closed up for the day.

Roberts Landing - Roberts Landing road - Two adults and 1 child walk the Roberts Landing road at sunset. Said to have been returning home from a party when their home was destroyed by fire. They keep returning in their car, which is also seen.

Schoolcraft - The Harrison Cemetery - the site in question is the "glowing tombstone" , at a distance you can see one tombstone glow in the dark. The tombstone glows until you get to the edge of the cemetery, then it goes dark. You cant really pinpoint the actual tomb and there's no lights around to illuminate it either. Some say its made out of phosphorous and others say its mercury vapor reflecting off a shiny tombstone. but it doesn't explain why it goes dark when you get within 500 feet. the only close house to it is 1/4 mile away. The cemetery is named after Bazel Harrison, who led 21 of the first settlers of the Prarie Ronde Kalamazoo county. Both him and his wife martha are buried there.

Jackson - Vander Cook Lake Castle - A white mist is seen as you approach the castle.

Grand Rapids - Amway Grand Plaza Hotel - in the old part (smoking section now). Objects moving on their own.

Niles - Bond Street Mansion - The bond street family cemetary is across the road. A little girl who lived with her parents in the mansion died of fright in the 1800's after her bedside candle was blown out by a draft in the middle of the night. She is buried in a tomb in the cemetary. It is said that her mother had an underground pathway built under the road to her daughters tomb and she would visit the tomb every night. They say to this day,you can see the woman's ghost walk across the road and weep at her daughters grave and every night a mysterious light will shine in the upstairs bedroom window and then suddenly go out.

Kalamazoo - Old State Hospital - Red lights, noises and even writing on the walls take place here between 11-12 at night. People who live near it say different things occur every night....even the image of a person in the window.

Willis - The Pickle Barrel restaurant - has a various ghostly activity.

Mt. Pleasant - The Ghost of Warriner Hall - long ago there was a young actress who frequented Warriner Hall (CMU campus). Evidently at some performance or rehearsal...she was downstairs from a friend of hers and decided to call up to this friend using the Dumbwaiter shaft that had been out of commission for some time. As she leaned her head in, the dumbwaiter came crashing down and beheaded her! Since the incedent, there have been a few sightings. A mysterious blue lighting accompanies her spirit, and she has never been seen by a crowd...generally she is seen by actors or stage hands working alone. She seems a bit of a prankster,dropping lights, or gels or ladders.

Van Buren - Hawks head cemetery - This is supposedly the burial ground for Al Capones misstress by the name of Flora. Many people have seen an apparition of a female in a transparent like white dress. Before she is seen you will here chimes coming from the back of the cemetery, she will then apear somwhere the first two driveways. Also If you just drive by the cemetary, there is dim red light that will appear along side of the middle driveway. Commonly known as a ghost-light...

Ann Arbor- Huron High School theatre. Story goes some time in the late 70s a student named Mary (last name never mentioned) who, while working on some lighting fixtures alone one day, fell from the catwalks head first and died upon the stage. Sightings include actors and stagehands seeing a girl up in the catwalks wearing a light pink dress. Also, in the prop room where all the senior thespians spray paint their names on the wall shortly after Mary's death her name appeared in bold red paint above the doorway about seventeen feet from the floor and upside down.

Traverse City- Bower's Harbor Inn Captain of a Great Lakes shipping liner, the house was built for his wife, Genavieve. The nurse who was hired to care for the wife (who was in poor health) had an affair with the captain. After discovering the affair, the wife hung herself in the elevator shaft which had been installed for her use. The mansion is now an excellent restaurant.

Novi-Home Sweet Home A couple from the early 1800's is said to haunt their once home. There is a 12-ft oak banister right in the doorway where the man is said to appear. Also strange noises in the bathroom and dining areas. Although it is used as a restaurant, nobody ventures into the attic where lights and other sightings have been witnessed. The building is located at 9-mi and Novi road, yet it can't seem to stay open for business.

East Lansing-Fairchild Auditorium There is a boy who roams the halls of the auditorium. Also, there have been stories of weird noises coming from the stage areas.

Grayling-Pere Cheney Cemetery- Not far from Grayling is a cemetery from the late 1800's named after a small town that died out circa 1900. The cemetery has only a handful of tombstones, many of which have been vandalized or withered with age. There is reference to several mass graves there from a plague of small pox and a major fire that destroyed the town. The cemetery has produced several tales of problems with electrical devices such as cars and radios, as well as sightings of ghostly figures and childish laughter.

Soul Choix Point -Upper Penn It is said that the lighthouse there is haunted by one of the old keepers. there has been some work done and the put 12 cigars on the table and sealed off the room for the night, the next morning, with the seal undisturbed the cigars were found throughout the room including one in the pocket of the keepers uniform which was on display in the room.

Olivet-Olivet College- Small Liberal Arts College and town founded in 1844. Countless accounts of sightings and objects coming out of the wall. One picture shows a face coming out of the wall of local society house. Multiple eyewitnesses accounts of objects moving around in college areas as well as throughout the town. Phantom music has been noted coming from empty dorms when security was the only one in the dorm (Shipherd's Hall). There are many different pictures and eye witness accounts as the college and town are over 150 years old.

Ada Cemetery Ada witch. Sometimes you can see a misty blue figure floating within a 3-mile radius of the Ada Cemetery on 2 Mile between Egypt Valley and Honey Creek.

Traverse City - Bower's Harbor Inn - The restaurant on Old Mission Peninsula is a well-known haunt. The house was supposedly left to Genevieve by her late-husband. Meantime, it's said, all of his other assets were inherited by a mistress. Heart-broken and betrayed, Genevieve later died in the house and is said to still walk the stairs, open windows, blow out candles and appear in an antique mirror in the ladies' second-floor restroom.

Farmington Hills-Farmington Cemetery- On Grand River just past Farmington road there is a cemetery that is haunted. If you are leaving through the west gate, which is on a hill, and you put your car in neutral, your car is mysteriously "pushed" up the hill and out of the gate of the Cemetery.

Battle Creek- Oak Hill Cemetery- At appox. midnight every Sunday night a statue of the Virgin Mary seems to weep this story is over 60 years old everybody in Battle Creek has heard of this story. We all call her (CRYING MARY)

North of Eagale River in the UP- You can see a large light at the end of Robins Road off Highway 45. The light changes colors and moves closer. If you try to move to it will disappear. A blue light has been seen coming up the road, and then when you leave you will see what they call "The Hitchiker." If you try to pick him up he will disappear. No one has ever seen his face. At the spotting of the light were you park your car people have seen many people walking around. Best known is the Indian princess. People have heard train whistles and deafening screams. The legend has it is there was a conductor who hung himself on the train and the red light you see is the lantern.

Dearborn-Greenfiled village at Henry ford museum- Henry ford museum has a car from the time President Kennedy was Shot. In the evening on the anniversary he has been spotted standing next to his car waving to the security officers and leaving a single red rose on the hood of the car. Often felt a cold wind and was also told he said that there was two men that Oswell was not the man that shot him there was another man out side the building that was standing on the lawn where there was trees and shot him.

New Baltimore-Morrow Road- It is said that this area is ancient burial grounds of the Indians. There are houses that cannot be built there and one spirit in particular that is around. She is said to be wearing a white blood covered gown carrying her dead baby. Also a green light will chase people away.

Westland-Eloise Insane Asylum- The ghosts of many of the tormented patients walk the halls of this asylum that was converted into an office building. Voices are heard by the workers and teenagers who go to this location for a thrill. Many picture of paranormal things have been captured at this location. Lights are turned on and off. Growls and moans are heard by the playground built for the use of the office workers' kids.

Cheboygan - Hikyes Tomb- An old farmer went insane and killed his family and then himself. If you go out to the site at night you feel overwhelmed by fright. And never take a stone from the tomb you will be dealt with in a not so nice matter. 2 people drove over the tomb on purpose and there truck just died for no reason. There friends in a car behind them had the steering wheel jerked and they crashed into a tree.

Marquette-Northern Michigan University- The Forrest Roberts Theatre is inhabited by an old janitor who died of a heart attack in the elevator. He has been seen by dozens of people in various parts of the theatre.

Straville-Marrow Rd.- You first go there around 2 a.m., park near the bridge (visible from road), roll down your windows, take keys out of ignition, set them on the dash board, and wait, but be aware once you see him (a glowing transparent light coming out of the woods) its not only but a second that he's inside your car before you can get your keys and start the car.

Presque Isle- Light House- Wife of past keeper haunts. She killed her husband for revenge on his cheating. She terrifies the visitors of the historical monument.

Marshall-International House (bed and breakfast-now)- There is a lady in red who is seen, just by a glimpse, that walks the halls. It is said that she will not let anyone leave the door open to one of the sleeping rooms. It is felt that this must have been her own room when she was still alive. Some times she is seen standing in one of the windows late at night.

Newaygo High School- There was once a girl who was bit by a poisonous snake when she was in a patch of trees behind the school smoking a cigarette. There she died and some people have seen her leaning against a tree in those same woods.

Kelloggsville-Kelloggsville High School- A young girl in the 9th grade died in the math classroom, because of a brain tumor back in the 1960's.Her presence can be felt all the time and weird stuff happens randomly in that upstairs room.

Marquette-Landmark Inn- A room in the hotel is believed to be haunted by Amelia Earhart.

Bloomield Hills-Fox and Hounds Restaurant- It is one of the most expensive restaurants on the states, every night around 11:30 pm, the cooks notice that all the pots and pans fall out of the shelves. They noticed this for about 12 times then put them on the ground. The next morning they are back on the top shelves.

Forester - Forester Cemetery - Young Boys Running around Graves around 12:00 on almost every Wednesday Thought to be because of a Fire that killed some school children.

Hawks County Road 451 - Site of the 1970's triple murder by two insane adolescents from Onaway, the Halfway Station, is said to still be haunted. The Station, halfway between Hawks and Millersburg, is fearfully avoided by teens today on "booze cruises," due to the folklore that the two murderers appear behind you after circling the station 3 x's after midnight.

East Lansing - MSU - Mayo Hall - 1.) Strange presence felt in the basement corridor linking the two wings of the dormitory. 2.) Female figure seen in the west lounge, near the piano, said to be Mary Mayo herself. 3.) "Red Room" on fourth floor - allegedly used by students in quasi-Satanic rituals. From the third floor gable room, it is possible to see the window to the locked fourth floor.

Lansing - Capitol Building Rotunda - Haunted by ghost of man who was killed while painting it.

Detroit - "The Whitney " - originally the home of David Whitney now a very swank restaurant. Reports of table settings moving, doors opening and closing, elevator being operated when there is no one there, cold spots and sightings of a male spirit (possibly David Whitney)

Grand Rapids - St. Stephens School - Around 1970,a mysterious fire broke out in the downstairs gymnasium and trapped a young girl named Susan in the girl’s bathroom. Students reported hearing screams and hollers coming from a stall in the girls locker-room, and seeing no one there.

Manistee - Ramsdell Theatre - This theatre is thought to be haunted. Actors and custodians have all experienced such phenomenon as doors closing behind them and lighting fixtures falling to the ground near the stage and throughout the rest of the building. In one promotional picture from a few years ago, the distinct image of the founder, T.J. Ramsdell, appears to be floating in the air near the balcony seats.

Grand Rapids - Grand Rapids Home for Veterans - This Old Soldiers Home first opened in 1886 and its early residents were Civil War veterans. To the present day, ghostly men are seen on the grounds wearing Civil War garb.

Niles - Silverbrook Cemetery - Legend states that a witch is buried in this cemetery. She is believed to have lived during the late 1800s. Many people have claimed to hear her cries throughout the cemetery at night. Sometimes it echoes through the temple that is located in the middle of the cemetery.

Reading - The Old Abbott Mansion - This old house located on Abbott Road is said to have many mysterious things occurring there. Legend says that when the last of the Abbott family was on their death bed, they sold the property on one condition. The home had to be torn down and the property used as farm land. Needless to say, it was not. People that have been inside the house report shades that rise and lower themselves, lights turning off and on , and a gruesome face appearing in one of the windows. There have also been complaints about the French doors locking from the opposite side, a loud banging on the floor at 3:00am, and mysterious dusty footprints that appear on every other step leading upstairs. The puzzling thing about the footprints is that only a visitor to the house seems able to wipe them away. There was even a tenant whose pet dog died in such a gruesome manner that police felt as if a human hand could not have done such damage. Cats seem to remain unharmed. You will never see any birds or other wild animals near the house though. The young son of a tenant once left his T-shirt lying on the floor and a mysterious light satrted glowing around it. Shortly thereafter, the child was accidentally shot and killed.

Forester - Lake Huron - A young girl named Minnie Quay is said to haunt the shores of this lake. When Minnie was around 15 years of age, she fell in love with a sailor. Unfortunately, Minnie’s parents disapproved and would not let her see him. The sailor later died at sea. Minnie was so upset upon hearing of his death that she dressed herself in all white and jumped off the pier into the cold waters of Lake Huron. Her body is buried in the nearby cemetery. People have claimed to see her ghost walking the beach, crying for her lost love.

Portland - Old School Manor - A fourteen year old girl was crushed behind the bleachers of the old high school gym. Her ghost is said to roam the hallways.

Westland - William Ganong Cemetery - This cemetery is also known as Butler Cemetery. It is an extremely old cemetery and said to be one of the scariest in Michigan. Orbs and smoke have been reported here, along with documented photos of eyes and specters crossing the street into the cemetery. Frequent car accidents have occurred directly in front of the cemetery as well.

Albion - Riverside Cemetery - A mysterious lady in white has been spotted in this cemetery.

Redford - Saint Agatha High School - People have reported hearing footsteps and keys rattling at dusk. Sometimes you can see the apparition of the former principal who died there. In the corridor, between the high school and the gym, a strange feeling has been experienced by many in which the hair will stand up on your arms and back of your neck.

East Lansing - Holmes Hall at Michigan State University - On the sixth floor of the west building, students have reported seeing a male figure enter the elevator. Immediately after the door closes it reopens, revealing an empty elevator. Appliances have also been known to come on by themselves.

Dearborn Heights - Crestwood High School - People have reported sightings of ghosts walking the halls at night, sounds coming from classrooms that are empty, things being moved, and voices behind students in the daytime. The origin of the hauntings are unknown.

Livonia - Stevenson High School - During the 1960's, a night janitor was finishing up his evening routine by mopping the auditorium for a morning performance. The following morning when the cast of the play arrived, they found the mop lying in the entrance of the auditorium. The janitor never returned home that evening and had made no contact with his family or the school. Years later, staff members claimed to have seen the janitor walking around the school whistling.

Hamilton - The Junction - The Junction is an insane asylum in the Allegan Woods. This place is said to be haunted by the ghosts of former patients of the asylum.

Grand Rapids-St. Stephens School Around 1970,a mysterious fire broke out in the downstairs gymnasium and trapped a young girl named Susan in the girl’s bathroom. Students reported hearing screams and hollers coming from a stall in the girls locker-room, and seeing no one there.

Manistee-Ramsdell Theatre This theatre is thought to be haunted. Actors and custodians have all experienced such phenomenon as doors closing behind them and lighting fixtures falling to the ground near the stage and throughout the rest of the building. In one promotional picture from a few years ago, the distinct image of the founder, T.J. Ramsdell, appears to be floating in the air near the balcony seats.

Grand Rapids-Grand Rapids Home for Veterans This Old Soldiers Home first opened in 1886 and its early residents were Civil War veterans. To the present day, ghostly men are seen on the grounds wearing Civil War garb.

Pontiac-Clinton Valley Mental Institution. During late night exploration of the deserted Clinton Valley Victorian buildings and grounds, we stumbled upon the wing once used for ECT. As we crept down a dim flashlight lit antiseptic hall, we heard a crashing sound resounding through the building. In a dank, resoundingly evil corner room we fleetingly glimpsed a horrifying image of a shock gurney thrashing up and down. It was as if a suffering patient was invisibly being tortured by the rudimentary treatments of the early 20th century. One agonized shriek drove us running from the building. Once outside, our defenses down, the terror was added to. A sinister man crossed our paths dragging a large sack. Just the right size for a corpse.

Wyandotte- 22nd St off north line 3 block on the left. You have to look hard, there’s a nun standing praying. She's ALWAYS there. The story is, she did something wrong. Something very wrong, and standing there praying is her punishment. At night its easier to find because there’s a green light shining from the window.

Madison Heights - Lamphere High School - During the early 60's there was a killer loose in Madison Heights. He used to bury his bodies in the landfill which is now a hill used for sledding right next to Lamphere High School. Every once and a while you can hear insane laughter around the school.

Grand Rapids- Ottawa Hills High School. In North House Lecture Hall there is reports of strange noises such as water spilling on the floor, footsteps and things turning on by themselves. A girl who was dropped of early one morning decided to sit and wait in the hall until school had opened reports someone or something pulling her hair. In the first row, second seat on the right. Why these encounters are happening no one knows.

Grand Rapids -St. Stephens School- Around 1970,a mysterious fire brook out in the downstairs gymnasium and trapped a young girl named Susan in the girls bathroom. Students reported hearing screams and hollers coming from a stale in the girls locker room, and seeing no one there

Marquette-Landmark Inn The Landmark Inn is a historic hotel with rooms named after famous people who stayed in those rooms. There is a ghost who haunts the historic Landmark Inn. It is said that a woman was murdered there in the 1930's and the killer was never caught and her ghost haunts the 6th floor and specifically one room on the 6th floor. Elevators go up and down between the 6th floor with no one around. In the room that is haunted, men have not been able to unlock their door but women have no problem. It is said that the front desk will receive phone calls in the night from that room but there is no one staying there.

Grand Rapids-Holmdene at Aquinas College- It is rumored that this mansion (the former Lowe estate) located on the campus of Aquinas College is haunted with the spirit of one of the Lowe children_ a small boy who according to stories drown on the property. Night security guards report turning off all lights in the locked and secured building and having them mysteriously turn on once again. Reports of water faucets turning on have also been mentioned.

Clarkston-Clarkston Cinema. Sightings of people around the cinema. scratching and bumping noises heard every night. Shadows of people running on the screen. Little girl sits on the stage.

Farmington Hills - Farmington Cemetery on 12mile road between Inkster and Middlebelt. At night you can see a white figure standing in the old shed in the back of the cemetery. Also the ground is incredibly soft in the cemetery, but outside the gates it is very firm.

Milan- Milan Oakvill Rd. Legends have it that on Milan Oakvill Rd. In 1910 a young women about 23 got in a car accident and died when her and her newly wed husband were driving and went off the road and killed her and her husband well legends say it you go out there and shut your car off where they crashed you will hear the screeching of the tires and when you least expect it and driving down the road you can see her walking aside the road in her wedding

Plymouth - Johnson Controls This corporate office is haunted by the spirit of women who was brutally murdered by her husband in the purchasing department. Officer Dolinski who is a security officer has spotted her ghost on numerous occasions and is said that people have instantly soiled themselves.

Flint - Capitol Theatre People have heard screams, moans, and tapings on the wall. And while groups have come to play on the stage in the theatre, for no reason at all their equipment goes dead, but the power is still on. that is when they hear eerie singing of people and shadows in the balcony.

Garden City - Garden City High School O'Leary Auditorium There's a patch in the ceiling where a boy fell through and died. if you look there sometimes you can see two glowing, what we call, eyes. Curtains open and close during rehearsals and performances. The crawl space door to the catwalk opens and slams shut, even though now it's kept looked. Lights flicker on off, especially the spotlights. The students know him as "Red Eyes", no one has yet to see him.

Michigan - Maple Grove Cemetery On cold dark nights you can hear howling and people walking around on the graveyard when the night comes and the watchman is gone.
Millington - Millington Hills In the Millington hills, you leave by running because something is after you. Even during the day, a lot of the hills and lands of Millington hills has bad vibes.

Livonia - Ardmore Center Reports of a shadow running around the building. Last report people walking in Ardmore saw it and chased it. It lead them outside and into the woods, seconds later police showed up to arrest trespassers.

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