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This website is basically going to consist of complaints about life. In other words, everything I hate. I want to try add something to this page about once a week, when I'm in the mood of course (meaning this won't happen often). I was informed that going to this site makes you get attacked by popups. If you don't like popups then you shouldn't have clicked on the link I gave you, or shouldn't of gone here in the first place. I refuse to apologize because it's not my fault. Also, to anyone who actually goes to my site... I won't be on for about a week. I have an operation tomorrow and will be lying in bed all day tomorrow, Tuesday and probly most of wednesday. Dont' have too much fun without me!

Being a Middle Child
As a middle child you are expected to know and do everything. When my sister (who is 3 years older than me) started cleaning the kitchen, at the age of 9, I also started. I was 6 FREAKING YEARS OLD! My brother is 9. He has not yet even started making his bed. My mom lays his clothes out for him in the morning and makes his breakfast for him. He his woken up by sounds from the house. I am woken up by mom yelling ANGEL*!!!!!!!!!! And by my bedroom light being turned on. Me and my sister both don't make our beds in the morning, but whose bed does she notice? MINE! That's because my older and more 'superior' sister sleeps downstairs at the end of a hallway nobody but her uses. My bedroom is across the hall from my parents, my mom makes an effort to go the extra steps to see into my room, where I have everything lying around. The only way to keep her out is to say I've just bought her birthday present and it isn't hidden, and even that doesn't work because she forgets. I hate the fact that if Megan is on MSN and I'm reading a book, I'm the one who has to go help my parents with something. I say "Why doesn't Megan do it?" and they say "Don't concern yourself with what Megan does or does not do." Then I feel like hurting Megan. I need anger management. My parents promise to pay for any councilling I might need when I'm older. I wonder if they're prophesizing something. Probably are. I'm going to be seing a whole bunch of coucillor's when I'm older. I'll pretend to be insane and... I don't have to pretend to be insane, I just am. I'm a bit off the topic now, the topic was middle child shtuff right? (sh!t+stuff=shtuff) Also, why do I get punished for Megan not following rules? We almost got the internet cut off not long ago, it was pretty funny, considering the fact that now that my parents have tasted internet, they want more, they would never get rid of internet. It would kill them.
*Name has been changed for my safety, my friend has a stalker, I don't want one.

Girls and Fashion
You may be saying "Why are you going to complain about girls when you yourself are one?", well here's why:

#1. I hate girls and their stupid "brand name" clothes. Why not just buy a normal, inexpensive, shirt and get the next two free? Why the hell would you go to a store where you buy a SHIRT for 40$ and a pair of jeans for 80$ when you could go to... Winners and get a 10$ shirt with the next half off and a pair of jeans for 20$. The difference is : the brand name things cost 120$ for two items of clothing that, since they are a girl, they can only wear once a month. The Winners clothes cost 35$ and you could have clothes for two days every week for half the school year. But I can't say I don't like brand name clothes. I have a pair of Roxy sandals that cost me 25$ (actually they costed my mom that amount {is costed a word?[in my dictionary it is]}). I have a brody bunny hug (or "hoodie" as some might say, and I think Kangaroo pouch is another) two brody halter tops and a brody skirt. Brody is the cheapest kind of brand name clothes I believe.

#2. I hate the way they spend hours on a stupid hairdo that would take a normal person 5 to at most 10 minutes. I take 15 minutes a day to do my hair on days when I'm too tired to lift my arms. The only time my hair ever took longer than that is at my confirmation or when my parents used to braid my hair when I was little. I once spent 8$ on a set of six little purple butterfly things that you spin into your hair. It was a complete waste. I haven't lost any of them yet, because I only wore them once. At the lake I spend like 2 minutes on my hair. And then I see groups of girls with their hair done up to perfection, swiming. They don't go underwater, because that would mess up their hair. Goodness knows we couldn't live through that, I mean hair is the mist important thing in the world, is it not? Like what the freaking hell?

#3. I hate the way they paint their nails for special occasions. On Christmas, they have to paint their fingernails green and red with little white speckles then wait until it dries. I've done that before, I can't wait that long... my nails smudge and I end up looking like I stuck my finger in a bucket of paint and then pressed a face cloth to it to make some nice imprints. I have nail polish on my nails right now... It's actually been their for three weeks. I haven't changed it yet, I can't be promoted to do so. And it's nothing special either, It's a pink that I bought when I was 9 at Ardene's: a pack of 3 for 6$. Last time I painted my nails (besides the pink stuff) I painted them red, and I made my toenails match. I did this is february for Valentine's day. Guess what? My toenails are still red.

I therefore come to this conclusion:
I hate seeing groups of girls with their perfect brand name clothes fitting just right because they bought special bras and thongs. Their nails painted a sleek colour that changes in certain amount of sunlight and hair done up so there's no flyaways and little clips of fake hair are just the right colour that they look real. If you are a girl who giggles because a hot guy looked at you, then leave this site. You are not welcome.