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I was reading the paper about "SARS" and all these people were saying how we`ve been hit by a plague.. blah blah... as if we already don`t have a plague in this world... 2-3 million people die a year from TB, Aids everywhere.. but it`s only a problem when it hits the West!? and tell your friends about this page.. quickly before AA takes it off, because all those *bleep*s care about is their dating nonesense and their money.. all they want to do is feed you that "import scene" crap.. and sell you so many credit cards that you can`t help but live the rest of your life in debt.. they dun give two ***** about "The Real Asian Community"
Brothel of underage sex workers and their pimps. Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
A man dying from HIV/AIDS at the Wat Prah Bat Nam Phu hospice. Lop Buri, Thailand.
Teenage sex workers, some as young as 13, and a client. Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Truck drivers at a karaoke brothel. Manila, Philippines.
16-year-old sex worker dances in a bar popular with truck drivers in Manila. One of the main way of the HIVvirus`s migration through the Philippines is via truck drivers.
Selection of teenage Burmese girls one can choose from inside a brothel in Mai Sot, Thailand. All the girls are trafficked into the country and many return back to their poor villages having earned little to no money and infected with AIDS.
Waiting for nightfall, a makeup clad older sex worker awaits clients in the impoverished squatter areas along the railway track in the capitol Jakarta. They cater primarily to cyclo and taxi drivers, who often are also IV drug users and usually only charge around $1-$2 US$ per short stay. Indonesia.
Transvestites Harti and Lu Lu, both beauticians by day and sex workers at night turning tricks among the graves in the Kembang Kuning Christian cemetery located in Surabaya, Indonesia.
Oro Funeral Home in Manila, one of the only funeral homes to require their embalmers to where fully protective clothing to avoid contracting HIV from cadavers.
Phou, 13, one of the many homeless boys that are victimized by foreign pedophiles. With cyber sex tours gaining in popularity and jail sentences high in the West, pedophilia is rampant along these coastal beaches that attract hundreds of young children to find work, most whom becomehomeless and hungry, turning to selling their bodies to survive.
For young women in the northern Shan state, a life of poverty and hard laborare all that most can see as a future, which makes working in neighboring Thailand as a sex worker a financial bounty, but often times a death sentenceby contracting AIDS. Kengtung, Burma.
China’s youth dance, love and rage on ecstasy during a rave party at the Kwun Tong Ferry pier. Links are only now being associated with club drugs and HIV, as relaxed feelings during a high can lead to passive use for protection during sex and ecstasy can lead to stronger drugs, like heroin, themain cause for HIV spread in the former British colony. Quarry Bay, Hong Kong.
Shoot up "The Highway" to get a faster high. Over 60% of all HIV infections throughout the country are contracted by contaminated needles. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
Hung out on heroin. Hanoi, Vietnam.
Rushing after injecting heroin. Mae Sot, Thailand.
Chained drug addicts at the Masjid Nurul Alam. Jakarta, Indonesia. The head of the mosque is taking this radical approach as he feels it is the only way to keep addicts away from the needle as well as to avoid getting HIV/AIDS. The Indonesian government is far too burdened with separatist issues and terrorism to be focusing on the human rights related to chaining people to poles for up to 8 weeks.
Chained drug addicts fighting at the Masjid Nurul Alam. Jakarta, Indonesia. The head of the mosque is taking this radical approach as he feels it is the only way tokeep addicts away from the needle as well as to avoid getting HIV/AIDS. The Indonesian government is far too burdened with separatist issues and terrorism to be focusing on the human rights related to chaining people to poles for up to 8 weeks.
A family earns a meager living by clipping off of the needles and recycling used hypodermic needles at their home in Ho chi Minh City, Vietnam. The parents and their children wear no protection when clipping off the metal needles and draining the contents.
Transvestite street beggars entertain motorists heading home from work in order to gain a few Rupiah’s. The girl-boys are fromthe island of Kalimantan and travel around the archipelago begging and sellingsex, mostly unprotected because condoms are too expensive. Jakarta, Indonesia.
Mrs. And Mr. Condom,preparing to educate people about wearing condoms during World AIDS Day. Hong Kong, China.
A volunteer chooses not to wear gloves when giving messages to HIV positive patients in order to give them the rare chance of human touch at the Wat Prah Bat Nam Phu hospice. Over 500 people died each year at this center.
Near death and unable to walk, a man spends his final days at Michael Chow’s Faith Center. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Too week to pull himself, an AIDS patient breaks down and cries after falling while trying to get back to his bed at the Wat Prah Bat Nam Phu hospice.Lop Buri,Thailand
Coffins line the entrywayof a AIDS hospice at the Wat Prah Bat Nam Phu hospice, a horrific daily reminder of their impending future. Lop Buri, Thailand.
Funeral for a father who died from AIDS. He leaves behind two daughters and a son after contracting the virus while workingin Thailand as a laborer. Kengtung, Burma.
Too young to know what is happening, a boy plays with his mother’s coffin.She died of AIDS after contracting the diseases from her husband who had frequented brothels.
Gasping for air, an orphaned boy fights the final stages of AIDS. Thousands of children throughout ASIA are inheriting the virus from their parents as HIV/AIDS rapidly spreads throughout the region, soon surpassing Africa’s infection rate. Lampang, Thailand.
AIDS orphans. Chiang Mai, Thailand. I took the time to do this.. now take the time to pass this on to your friends... "Sex, Drugs and Death: AIDS Let Loose In Asia" Okay, this is really the last thing I will say, it's time to go back to Asia, but let me tell you this.. if I ever get the power to kill humanity, I will, and just remember it... because I can never forget the 8 year old child being raped by her father every morning.. nor can i forget the 16 million baby girls being killed in India by their mothers every year just for being born a girl... Humanity is sick and it should be killed... Old people should die too.. Why should a white man or a woman in Europe or America live til 99 when childrens all over the world are dying at such young ages? Am I a coward for trying to kill the problem instead of solving them? No. It is not about me. What do I matter?.. I'm sure you know I could kill myself any second without hesitation or pain.. I've come to the point where everything about human, makes me want to throw up.. Death has a certain happiness to me.. But this has nothing to do with me.. It has something to do with you.. And I consider you guilty too.. Every one of you.. Guilty of forgetting the pains of others, and that is why you deserve to die too.. Don't you think?.. We in this pretty world deserve to die for having become so obsessed with our material selves.. WE deserve to die because we hav forgotten those who have died in Hiroshima and Negasaki. We have forgotten the AIDS orphans.. We have forgotten everything except our pretty clothes and fancy cars.. That is why we righteously deserve to die.. That is why someone must end the sickness.. Someone must stop the father from raping the child even if he has to kill them both.. Would you rather watch him rape her for eternity instead?.. Someone must end it all.. If only to relief the suffering.. The sun set one April morning... As the children found themselvees being raped.. The tender dews fell.. As their innocence was shed away.. And her heart was in so much pain.. As she softly bled.. As the tears swept all sides.. The moon continued to be sad.. The hours continued to disappear... As girls were raped by their fathers.. As babies were murdered by their mothers.. The sun shined again and again... And how sweetly meaningless it all was.. to all of you dumb dumb people who thought this was about me getting a girl..I already have a girl.. so shut your mouths.. and if you thought it`s about my stupid fame, you will never know my name nor my face so shut your mouth... and anyone who says "This page opened my eyes" is an idiot... so shut your mouth... and finally anyone who thinks I am a good person.. you are stupid too.. I am as rotten as you.. as sick as you.. the only difference is I know it and I admitt it...
First You Said: "It only happens in Africa"
Then you said "What does Africa Matter to me?"
Then some one told you "30,000 children a day is just a number!"
Yes the picture below is real! it is all happening right now this very second..
Just remember this: When they die.. you die..
When they cry.. you cry..
maybe soon you`ll close your eyes and say what does Asia matter to me..
what does anyone but me matter to me..
Just look in the mirror then.. and tell me what you see...



How we have forgotten Hiroshima..Imagine this..Womens' skin melted and all that was left was their hair, so you would walk into a room and only see long hair everywhere..Imagine this.. a child playing with his little ball.. until it hit.. until he'll fell down on Earth..I saw it..I saw everything.. I saw the way the eyes disappeared in their sockets, I saw the way that the child was stripped away from his ball.. I saw the mother that lost everything except her smile.. she died with a smile.. YOU DID NOT SEE IT.. I saw it.. I saw the way the sky became suddenly grey.. I saw the way everyone had to go.. I heard the children cry one last time, as they begged for someone to hold them.. where was God then.. Why didn't he hold them? Yes, where was He when the bomb fell on Hiroshima.. 200,000... 200,000 melted into nothingness.. and you want me to believe in God.. YOU DID NOT SEE IT.. YOU DID NOT HEAR IT.. YOU DID NOT FEEL IT.. yes, I did.. I was there.. when the flesh turned into cream.. I was there when humanity blew up on itself.. I will never forget the faces.. the limbs.. the arms.. I will never forget the way they died..YOU HAVE ALREADY FORGOTTEN.. no, I have not.. YES YOU HAVE.. no, I have not.. I want to remember.. how the sun itself became no more... as the little girl's lips became a splash.. just one red splash.. YOU ARE LYING.. THERE WAS NO HIROSHIMA.. yes, there was.. I was there.. and I would rather die than forget..