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Mayra's Webpage

Welcome to my Webpage you will find everything about me

Well you are mostly here to find everything about me, which you're NOT going to achieve, well you will but just don't tell anybody. Here I go....

NAME: Mayra Alejandra Herrera Vasquez
BIRTHDAY:November 18
GRADE: 12th
I LIKE: Being a Senior, flowers, any kind of candy but especially Milky-way, color guard, hang around with my friends, my mom's food, bike riding, travel, reading, and play with my computer.
I DON'T LIKE: Annoying People!!, stupid questions, Dogs or Cats.
I WOULD DESCRIBE MYSELF AS: I'm shy when I'm around people I don't trust, like, or know. Once I get to trust people I'm crazy and fun. I LOVE: My family, all my friends, and OF COURSE Color Guard!!
MUSIC: Classical, techno, rap, alternative, rock, pop, hip-hop, jazz, blues and oldies.
MY FAVORITE....Person in the whole world is ME!! Duh, I have to love myself, I'm the most wonderful person, I admire me for who I am and for my many qualities. Sorry but as the owner, creator and director of this website, I have to look good. If you don't agree you can tell me contact me at
FUTURE...I don't really think about my future right now and i should. However I have clear that I want to go to college, get a degree, I'll probably be a teacher or a counselor. But my main goal right now is graduate from high school.

One more thing you have to know about me because it is really impotant is that I'm in the Nimitz Color Guard. Yes, I'm one of those girls who run around the field with the big, pretty flags while the band is playing. This is my first year but it has been a great experience. There is some crazy people in band but I have mamage to live with them for the past 12 or more weeks.

The last thing I'm going to say in my profile is that Next Tuesday November 18 is a National Holiday!! Just Kidding but it should be because it is MY BIRTHDAY!! And knowing that only a few people is going to remember I want to wish myself a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Or a FELIZ CUMPLEANOS!! "happy birthday to ME...happy birthday to ME...happy birthday dear ME... happy birthday to ME"

I'd like to dedicate this webpage to all the people I love: ME, Vero, Mom, Dad, brothers, and sisters, Arturo, TK, Travis, Juan Carlos, Jackie, Josh, Mercedes, Negro(My dear dog), Mona(my little Chihuahua), Mrs. Williams(So she would give me a hundred :)), David, the whole color guard, Lucy, Amanda, Noe, Richard, The old lady that gives me cookies, and nene(my other dog, this one run away because he had a fight w/ Negro, sad story), The lady who fixed my computer(I couldn't have done without you!!) oh...and OF COURSE me again.

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