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QuOtES Page 6

-(SuMTiMeZ u DoNT PiCK uR oBSeSSioNS)
)SuMTiMeZ THey PiCK you(

*:·×·:* BaBy ivE bEeN dRiFtiNg aWaY *:·×·:*
DrEaMiNg aLL dAy
Of HoLdiNg u ToUcHiNg u
ThE OnLy tHiNg i wAnT To Do iS bE
*:·×·:* WitH U As cLOsE 2 AS i Can Be *:·×·:*

*It'z funny how day by day nothing seemz to change,
but when you look back on it, everything'z different*

*ThInGz WiLL hApPeN iN yA LiFe dAt u CaNt StOp*
*ThAt aInT nO rEaSoN tO gIvE uP*

*u SaY iM aLwAyS hApPy AnD ThAt I'm GoOd At WhAt I dO*
*-bUt WhAt yOu'LL nEvEr ReaLiZe iS tHaT i'M a DaMn GoOd AcTrEsS tOo-*

*You find the hope, the strength, the heart*
-And just when you think there's nothing left-
*:Cause when it feels just like you're drowning:*
-*-That's when you fight for every breath-*-
//You find the faith, the will, the words\\
~To break through the silence and the pain~
((Cause when it feels just like you're dyin'))
* : . ThAt'S A SiGN oF LiFe . : *

..iF u WaNNa MaKe a MoVe..
-MaKe iT-
..iF LoViNG Me iS WoRTH THe RiSK..
-TaKe iT-

.:I didn't ask for it 2 be over, but I never asked for it 2 begin...
That's the way it is w/ life, some of the most beautiful days come completely by chance...
But even the most beautiful of days have their sunset.
Everything changes eventually thats the way life is & u have no control over it.
Suddenly ppl who u think are always gonna be there

.sOmeTiMeZ u HaVe 2 RuN aWaY.
..To SeE wHo WiLl CoMe AfTeR u..

.ThErE wOnT bE a BeTtEr ToMoRrOw.
. . iF yOu CaNt MoVe oN fRoM tOdAy . .

~...u can close ur eyes to things u don’t want to see,
but you can’t close ur heart to things to things u don’t want to feel~

All day staring at the ceiling
Making friends with shadows on my wall
All night hearing voices telling me
That I should get some sleep
Because tomorrow might be good for something

All the things we talk about
You know they stay on my mind
On my mind
All the things we laugh about
They’ll bring us through it every time
After time after time

Close your eyes and baby
Make a wish and baby
I'll give you anything and everything
The sky's the limit and my heart is in it
I'll give you anything and everything
Anything and everything

Even the darkest nites end w/ a sun rise

Ewww, I'm in luv, I'm in luv
I'm in luv, I'm in luv wit chu
And there ain't nothin I won't do for my baby
You drives me crazy
And you make me say
Ewww, I'm in luv, I'm in luv
I'm in luv, I'm in luv wit chu
And there ain't nothin nobody can say cuz
You're the one for me baby

He makes me think about things
i've never thought about before.
Not by what he says, but by the way he looks at me.
The way he smiles at me makes us connect in a way i never thought possible

Hold on if you feel like letting go
hold on it gets better than you know
Hold On

HoT sUn × FLiP FLoPs ShOrT sHoRtS
× TaNk ToPs aLL dAy × aLL NiGhT PaRtYiNg × FooD FiGhTs
SuNgLaSSeS × BeAcHGeAr gEt ReAdY × sUmmEr'S hErE! x

I am all fucked up
Yes, I am ready to break
I don't wanna be the grl
Who is always on the outside
I wanna find my own good place


i SiT hErE n ThInK aBoUt LiFe N tHe BaD sTuFf It BrInGz
bUt EvErYdAy GeTs BeTtEr If U pAy AtTeNtIoN tO LiL tHiNgZ

I try but I can't seem to get myself
To think of anything but you
Your breath on my face
Your warm gentle kiss, I taste the truth I taste the truth

When I wake up in the morning (it's you)
When I can't sleep at night (it's you)
When I'm tossin 'n turnin (it's you)
When my body yearnin (it's you)

I wanna be with you
If only for a night
To be the one whose in your arms
Who holds you tight
I wanna be with you
There's nothing more to say
There's nothing else I want more than to feel this way
I wanna be with you

i want a man to kiss me goodnight
hold me tight
sayin it's alright
I want a man to love me forever
always together
now and forever
I want a man callin me his baby
his little lady
angel maybe
I want a man that I love too
love that's true
is that man you?