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QuOtEz 2

i gave u my heart- and u took it with care-
but u played around- so love me...dont dare-
dont take my hand- and make me cry-
cause soon enough- ur love will die-
and who will be there- to hold me tight-
to help me live- live over the fright-
of painful fears- that i cant let go-
just give me up- because i love u so

i nEeD a sPiRiT wHo CaN t0uCh My LiFe
i NeEd a v0iCe t0o $pEaK tHe tRuTh
i NeEd a sOuL wHo WiLL bEe 0n My $iDe
i nEeD a HeArT i*LL NeVa Lo$e
s0mEoNeE LiKe y0o

I never thought you'd hurt me, i guess you live and learn, then when you're playing with fire, you're bound to get burned

I still believe in your eyes
I just don’t care what you’ve done in your life
Baby ill always be here by your side
Don’t leave me waiting to long please come by

I wanna feel the way you make me feel when Im with you I wanna be the only hand you need to hold on to

I WaNt To ScReAm
I WaNt To ShOuT
I WaNt To HaVe FaItH
I WaNt To BeNd
I WaNt To BrEaK
To SlEeP AnD NeVEr WaKe
To BrEaK DoWn WaLl AnD To EsCaPe
Be AlOnE AnD HiDe My FaCe
I WaNt To FeEl I WaNt To ToUcH
I WaNt To StOp WaNtInG U So MuCh!

I'd Do aNyThInG
JuSt tO HoLd YoU iN My ArMs
tRy tO MaKe YoU LaUgH
sOmEhOw i CaNt pUt YoU iN ThE PaSt
i'D Do AnYtHiNg
jUsT To FaLL AsLeEp WiTh YoU
WiLL YoU ReMeMbEr Me?
CuZ I KnOw i WoNt FoRgEt YoU

I'd HoLd u FoR A LiFeTiMe If U WoUlD TaKe My HaNd
I'd LoVe YoU LiKe No OtHeR BuT U DoNt UnDeRsTaNd

iF SoMeOnE'z LoVe iS TrUe
ThEy W i L L cOmE B.a.C.k tO yOu

jUs bEcUz sUm1 dOeSn*t luV u
tHe wAy u waNt tHeM tO
dOeSn*t mEaN tHeY dOnT luV
u w/ aLL tHeY hAvE

If the only way we can be together is in our dreams then ill sleep foreverO:-)

IlL PuT mY pRiDe To ThE sIdE
JuSt To TeLl YoU hOw gOoD yOu MaKe Me
~FeEl InSiDe~

I'm a firm believer in sometimes it's right to do the wrong thing

I'm finally stopping loving you
I'm not going back to you again
I learned my lesson the hard way
So this is the final goodbye

iM lOoKiN fOr tHaT oNe sPeCiAl bOy
tO sAvE ThE DaY WrAp mE iN HiS ArMs
. . .aNd tAkE mE AwAy. . .

I'm sorry I can't be the one you're looking for
I'm sorry I can't be the one you love
I'm sorry I can't be the one you want
I'm sorry I can't be the one you need
I'm sorry I can't be perfect, perfect for you

im TirEd oF TrYin + siCk oF crYin
i n0 i bEen smiLin buT insidE im dYin

IsNt iT FuNnY WhEn BoYs SaY
*i'LL LoVe YoU FoReVeR*
aNd 5 MiNuTeS LaTeR ThEiR GoNe

I've been trying not to love you;
I've been putting up a fight.
I've been barely holding on and letting go with all my might.
There's a part of me thats empty, I know only love can fill.
I'm afraid I'll never find it, and scared to death I will

life may change very fast but we will always remember the past life can be bad life can be good life can be different like it shuld the moments have faded deep in side and thats something u will have to hide crazi days loveli nites hopes n dreams love n fight this is the day that goes 4 ever espeacially when were together

LoViNg YoU miGhT bE a MiStAkE
...BuT itS a MiStAkE wOrTh MaKiNg...

*No OnE cAn MaKe Me FeeL QuiTe LiKe U dO*
*No OnE cAn MaKe Me sMiLe As U Do*
*No OnE cAn MaKe Me HaPpY wHeN iM SaD BuT YoU SeEm To*