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LoVe QuOtEz

(¨`.´¨)i mAy NoT gEt 2 See U As 0fTeN aS i
`.¸.´(¨`.´¨)Like i mAy n0t GeT 2 h0Ld U iN
`.¸.´mY aRms aLL ThRu thA NiTe*BuT
(¨`.´¨)deEp DoWn i Kn0 iTs TrU
`.¸(¨`.´¨)*No MaTTa WhAt
`.¸.´*iLL aLwAyZ LoVe

*Ain't it funny how some feelings you just can't deny*
*And you can't move on even though you try*
*Ain't it strange when you're feeling things you shouldn't feel*
*Oh I wish this could be real*
*Ain't it funny how a moment could just change your life*
*And you don't want to face what's wrong or right*
*Ain't it strange how fate can play a part*
*In the story of your heart*

*Do what your heart tells u 2...
& never regret anything that happens
Be the kind of person who makes love because you're in it
believe me I want 2b in love
& have my heart skip when I see him,
have my tummy flutter when I get kissed or touched by him,
have my hands sweat when we hold hands.

. ; . * I . n E v E r . c O u L d * . ; .
. ; . * h A v E . t H o U g H t * . ; .
. ; . *i ' D . L u V . s u M o N e * . ; .
. ; . *a S . m U c H . a S * . ; .
. ; . * i . L o V e . y O u * . ; .

.•*¨•.•YoU DnO WhAt YoUvE DoNe To Me•.•¨*•.
.•*¨•.•i NeVeR ThOuGhT iD NeEd YoU DeSpErAteLy•.•¨*•.
.•*¨•.•iTs KiNdA SiCk HoW iM StUcK On YoU•.•¨*•.
.•*¨•.•BuT i DoNt CaRe CaUsE i NeEd YoU•.•¨*•.
.•*¨•.•AnD HoW i FeEL WiLL ReMaiN ThE SaMe•.•¨*•.
.•*¨•.•CaUsE YoUrE My BaBy•.•¨*•.

: :i used to run in circles: :
: :going nowhere fast: :
: :i*d take one step forward: :
: :end up two steps back: :
: :couldn*t walk a strait line: :
: :even if i wanted to: :
: :i wanna love somebody: :
: :love somebody like you: :

~*I really think there's a reason that I like him so much
Like something is telling me not to not let him go
Every time I follow my heart..
it leads me to him. I mean..
what other explanation is there?
Why is it that he is all I can think about?
Why is it that no matter how upset I am..
I see him and I can't help but smile?
Why is that when he smiles at me..
I get that feelin in my stomach?¿~*

dont just try and make yourself like someone bcuz you want someone to be wit...

Getting through life and growing up,
you tend to get hurt and get your heart crushed..
but what you have to realize is..
if god had intended you two to be together,
he will find a way..
but if you guys don't end up with one another,
that just means there is someone out there that is
more perfect waiting for you.*

Have you ever truly cared about someone more than you wanted to?
Have you ever tried to love him in spite of all the pain?
Will you keep on loving him
even though he's whispering someone else's name?

I guess somewhere in my heart,
I'll always love him,
He carved out this piece of me that I can never have back,
and even if I could,
it wouldn't matter because he's torn it to shreds
So now there's this hole that no one,
not even he can fill

I kinda always knew I'd end up your ex-girlfriend,
I hope I hold a special place with the rest of them,
and you know it makes me sick to be on that list,
but I should have thought of that before we kissed

I lOve u mOre then wOrdZ caN show
I thinK bOut u mOre then u cOuld eva kNo
nOw until fOreva this will - b - tru
bCuz theres *nO oNe* I cOuLd *eva* love as muCh as
I lOve U

i luv u boy, y cant u see?
y cant it jus be you and me?
ur everythin i want *n s0o0 much more
i think ab0ut u 24-7 jus lyk im in heaven
i love you boy jus gimme a chance
i better than i seem
.·'`·» i promise «·'`·.

i NeEd a bOy WiT iNTeLLeCt
a HoTtIe WiT tHa FuLL eFFeCt
a FeLLa wHoZ SwEeT
WiT HoT KiX oN HyS FeEt
nO NeEd 4 LiaRz
jUs HoT bOyZ oN FiRe
BaBy u kNo wHo u Be
iM jUs wAiTiN 4 DaT DaY
uLL StEp uP To Me

I now understand it was just my ego...
because looking back I don't think I really loved him
but cried when I realized he didn't love me

if ever there is tOmOrrow when we're not together,
there is something you must always remember:
you are braver thaN you believe,
stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think ..
but the most important thing you must alwayz try + remember is,
even if we're apart i`ll alwayz be with u because u have my heart !

im not perfect..
neither is he..
but together we just may bei

It seems that untill I find someone else who'll love me...

It's better to love someone you can't have than to have someone you can't love

It's hard to watch someone you love change before your eyes
and know you can't do anything about it,
but it's heartbreaking to remember them as they once were
Its really devastating when u find out what you thought was for the best
turns out to be the worst..
When u thought u had done all you could,
But u hadnt...
when you find out that the person who you thought never loved you
was the one that always would

It's the heart, afraid of breaking,
That never learns to dance
It's the dream, afraid of waking,
That never takes a chance
It's the one who won't be taken,
Who cannot seem to give
And the soul, afraid of dyin',
That never learns to live

I've said so many things i didnt mean.
Making myself hate you because thats the only thing i could do.
I wish I could tell you that i do care and i do miss you,
but you are too far gone.
I pushed way to hard and my pull isnt as strong

just the other nite baby, i saw u hangin
u were w/ ur crew
i was w/ mine 2
u took me by surprise
when u turned and looked me in my eyes
boy u really blew my mind

Last summer went by too fast..
regrets and promises..
I wish I would have told you the way I felt back then..
but I just wanted to pretend..
and now I have to remember all those words I never said..
If I could just go back and change one thing..
I’d tell you that I loved you

Laying there with ur arms around me I felt so comfortable n safe
My heart was beating a mile am inute having u so close to me
As u played with my hair n kissed my forehead I couldn't help by smile straight from my heart
I could see how much you cared from the look in your eyes
It made me never want to let you go..
To just stay wrapped in your arms forever...
where nothing else matters..

never change yourself
bcuz u never no whos falling in luv with the person u already are

She'll pretend that she's whole again,
but deep inside she doesn't want to just be friends
He'll look her in the eyes and walk right by
Doesn't he see the tears inside?
One day he'll wonder where he went wrong
and he'll know right away when he pretended to be strong
He was afraid of love and the happiness to come,
so he thought it would be easier to turn and run
He may blame her, but deep inside he'll know,
he made the mistake of letting her go

To truly love someone is to not know what you would do with out them
To not care as long as they are with you
To cry if they hurt you
But most of all to know that if they died you would die to

U never understood me u didnt even try
i dont want this to be so im saying goodbye

you can have my soul:
its cheap slightly used
but my heart..
no you don’t want that-
its broken

You kiss my lips, I close my eyes
Away we float to paradise
All the people stop to see
And softly whisper
*ThEy'Re MeAnT 2 bE*

You say that we've got nothing in common
no common ground to start from
and we're falling apart
u'll say the world has come between us,
our lives have come between us,
still I know you just don't care

Youll deny the truth,
believe a lie,
therell be times where youll even believe u can fly,
but yur lonely nights have just begun,
wen yu luv sumone