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*LiFe QuOtEz*

.·*€vË®¥ mØmÈñ† íZ åѺtHë® ¢HªNœ*·.

be strong...move on...
life is only as good as you make it out to be.
Trust in God and in yourself.
and everything you thought possible will change forever.

DON'T let the past hold you back,
you're missing the good stuff.

Everything changes eventually.
That's just the way life is and you have no control over it.
Like suddenly, people who you think are always going to be there, they disappear.
You know? People die, and they move away.. and they grow up

I know what it's like to want to die,
how it hurts to smile,
how you try to fit in but can't,
how you hurt yourself on the outside to kill what's on the inside

Im A Booty Shakin × Heart Breakin × Pretty Hott × Never Stop × Short Skirt × Love To Flirt × Angel Maybe × Spoiled Baby

iTz NoT tHaT cOmPlIcAtEd
Im JuSs M I z Z u N d A s T o O d

just bc one person may not like wut u want to do w/ ur life,
doenst mean u have to quit.
you were born to strive for the best,
so show them posers out there who u really are

look at M*E n tell me wut u c..
itz a NeW game now...
i aint da SaMe girl i used 2b

Our laughs are --»* [(L i m i t L e s s)]*
Our memOries --»*[(c O u n t L e s s)]*
Our *friendship* --»*[(e N d L e S s)]*
lOve my friiendz..can`t thank ya enuff..

Standing [by] All the [way]
Here to [help] you through [your] day
[Holding] you up When you are [weak]
[Helping] you find what it is you seek
Catching your [tears] When you [cry]
Pulling you [through] when the tide is [high]
[Absorbing] your voice When you [talk]
Standing by when you [learn] to walk
Just [being] there Through [thick] and [thin]
All just to say, you are my [friend]

the one thing i've learned from life is that it will go on no matter what happens
people need to understand this and then they will understand me
until then it appears i'm on my own

U never understood me
u didnt even try
i dont want this to be so im saying goodbye

unLess yOu L i v i n m a L y f e...
dOn evN tRy tO juDqe mE

I hate the way I think,
I hate the way I am,
I hate what happens to me everyday,
and I hate the way I feel towards everything around me,
but, I can't seem to change it,
and I simply will never understand any of it

Even if you are on the right track,
you'll get run over if you just sit there

EvErYoNeZ LiFe Is TuFf,
NoBoDy EvA hAz EnOuGh
BuT oNcE u MaKe It ThReW aLl ThE $hIt
U bEgIn To ReALiZe ThE wHoLE PoInT oF It

*PeRfEcT wOrLD*
-PeRfEcT pLaCE-
*PeRfEcT PeOpLe*
-PeRfECT fAcE-
..Ya RiGhT..

life`s a puzzle
you just gotta try your best
.t o f i g u r e i t o u t.

~Sometimes we must get hurt in order to grow;
we must fail in order to know.
Sometimes You Have To Just Forget The Rules,
Follow Your Heart,
And See Where It Takes You.

LiVe eAcH dAy
lIkE tHERe's nO tOmoRRoW

LiFe iS a SoNg -- SiNG iT
LiFe iS a GaMe -- PLaY iT
LiFe iS a ChALLeNgE -- MeEt iT
LiFe iS a dReAm -- PeRsUe iT
LiFe is a SaCrIfIcE -- OfFeR iT
LiFe iS LoVe -- EnJoY iT

If uR gOiN My WaY-i waNa DrIvE It ALL NITE LONG8-)

LiFe DoEsNt ToTaLLy sUk...
wE jUz hAvEnT gOtTeN tO tHe GoOd pARTz YeT

Learn from yesterday,
live for today,
hope for tomorrow

Fear less, hope more;
Whine less, breathe more;
Talk less, say more;
Hate less, love more;
And all good things are yours