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Im so confused...
i thought i love u n u loved me 2..
ur gone our time has passed....
but were still tryin to make it last....
i still love i said i always will
but now im not so sure if were meant for each otha lik i thought we were
we grew more and more apart each n every day
i neva thought ud break my heat
i always figured id could get ova you..
but everytime i do u seem to come
bak n make me luv u
but this time im through

i may seem like an A student..
but im definitely not
I may seem to be smiling..
but inside im really crying
I may seem funny..
but God just made me this way
I mite say i dont no..
But i may not want to tell you
To you i may seem to have many friends..
But i dont, just a few
I may seem to have many crushes..
But if u go deep within me, u shall find i only have one
I may seems courageous..
but a im really shy and scarred
i may seem dull and boring..
but inside im bursting with creativity
i may seem to no wut im doing..
but im scarred to as ku more questions
You may think you no me...
But u dont
-*-By Katie Benson-*-

u cant fully repair wuts already shattered,
or slow the world as it turns
u cant stop the changeing of the seasons,
or make whole wut has already been burned
*LiFe CoNtAiNs No ErAsErS-u CaNt ChAnGe ThE PaSt*
u cant slow the passing time or make it go any faster
*LiFe HoLdS nO wAy To ReWiNd-EvEn MeMoRiEs FaDe OvA tHe DaYz*
u can try to hold them in ur mind
but in the end everything slips away
u cant make urself numb of saddness
or make reality unreal
so even if u try to forget the bad times
they may still cause you pain
*N aS mUcH aS u TrY tO cHaNgE uR pAsT-iT wIll StiLl ReMaIn*
so try as u mite to alter things that are already set in stone
These are the pieces of ur past
and reflections of a future u cant postpone
-*-By Amy Putz-*-

*FrIeNd Or BeSt FrIeNd*
> Friend: calls your parents by mr. and mrs.
> Best friend: calls your parents dad and mom.
> Friend: has never seen you cry
> Best friend: has always had the best shoulder to cry on
> Friend: never asks for anything to eat or drink
> Best friend: opens the fridge and makes herself at home
> Friend: asks you to write down your number.
> Best friend: they ask you for their number
> (cuz they can't remember it)
> Friend: borrows your stuff for a few days then gives it back.
> Best friend: has a closet full of your stuff
> Friend: only knows a few things about you
> Best friend: could write a biography on your life story
> Friend: will leave you behind if that is what the crowd is doing
> Best friend: will always go with you