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LoVe QuOtEz

I Dont Think You Understand How Hard It Is To Talk To You Just As Friends,
I Wanna Tell You I Love You But I Just Never Can
I dont understand why you had to go
I guess Ill ×never know×

Life seems so ·ºhardº·
Since you :w e n t: your -w a y-,
Theres still some things I //got to say//

I hate to *smile*
just to pretend I'm not hurt,
I hate to *giggle*
just to show you i'll be ok,
I hate to *laugh* after I cry,
I hate to still *love* you
after you said goodbye

i KePt tELLiN mYseLf i'D sTay AwAy fRom yOu...
NoT fAll Back In LoVe...
bUt uNfOrTuNatLY..
I'm gOnnA gEt hUrT oNce AgAiN...

i knoe ive got to move on
and find someone new
but everytime
im wishin im wit u

i l o v e y o u even though y o u don't feel the same

I learned to laugh,
I learned to cry,
will I ever learn to say Goodbye?

I pretend that I*m glad you went away
these 4 walls closin more everyday
[a n d I ' m d y i n i n s i d e] ..
and n o b o d y knows it but me.. a c l o w n I put on a s h o w..
the pain is real even if nobody knows

i SeE yOu tHeRe hOLdInG hEr hAnD
iM LoSt iN cONFuSiOn TrYiNg tO UnDeRStAND
i LoVeD yOu sO mUcH aNd wHaT dO i GeT
My brOkEn hEaRt StEpPeD oN, aNd mY eYeS aLwAyZ wEt

i ThOuGhT i cUlD dO bEtTeR
ThAn cRyIn aLL nItE ThRoUgH
BuT iN ThE eNd i fInD mY sElf
..StiLL lOviNg yOu..

i WaNT To Be aBLe To HoLD uR HaND WHeN iM HuRTiNG
eVeN iF WeRe oNLy FRieNDS
iNSTeaD oF HaViN Me HoLD SoMeoNe eLSeS
BeCauSe iTS u WHoZ CauSiNG THe PaiN

-If It*z Tha Thought That Countz
You Can Always Count On Me
Because I Think Of You All The Time-

I'm totally C.r.A.z.Y for you
But i dont even -KnOw- u
I ((LoVe)) you more then words can show
So nOw & [f][o][r][e][v][e][r]
Remember it's *true*
My ::HeArT:: will always belong to ~you~

ItS rEaLlY wEiRd Ya KnOw
I cAn sIt In A rOoM
sUrRoUnDeD bY pEoPlE i LoVe
aNd sTiLL bE
[L] [o] [n] [e] [L] [y]

LifE iz 2 sHorT sO
:: kiSS sLowLy ::
.. l O v E dEePLy ..
** fOrgiVe quiCkLy **
aNd fOrgEt thE paSt ->
bUt noT whAt it [ TaUghT ] yOu

Right when you think you've found the perfect guy, you wake up

shame on you if you fool me o n c e
shame on mee if you foll me t w i c e

SoMeTiMeS i AsK mYsELf,
dOeS hE rEaLLy CaRe,
Or DoEs He JuSt LiKe To PrEtEnD hE dOeS
sO hE aLwAyS hAs SoMeOnE tO FaLL bAcK oN
wHeN oNe Of ThOsE oThEr GiRLs ArEnT aRoUnD

-Sometimes you think you'e gotten over a person but when you see him smile
you suddenly realized you're just pretending you got over him
to ease the pain of knowing he may never be yours again-

Sum of God*s Greatest gifts r *UnAnSweReD* PrAyErS*

ThE SkY HaS LoSt iT's CoLoR,
tHe SuN HaS TuRnEd GrAy
aT LeAsT tHaT's HoW iT FeeLs tO Me
...CoZ YoU WeNt AwAy...

ThE wOrSt FeELiN iS kNoWiN hOw MuCh U LoVe SoMeOnE..
hOw MuCh ThEy LoVe U bAcK..
hOw PeRfEcT U aRe 2GeThEr..
BuT 4 A MiLLiOn uNkNoWn ReAsOnS..
u CaNt EvEr B 2GeThEr

there's nothing y0u can say to me to change my mind
i gotta let y0u go now
& nothing will eva be the same so just be on your way

they wont stop askinq what i see in y0u ..
'wif everythinq dat we*ve been throuqh
`nd i cant explain it to them ..
i try but itz too hard.
i just wish it was s u m `thinq they could realize..
what itz lyk to look at you t h r o u q h -my- eyes

tryin to be sumone's everything
could make u every1s nothing

u DoNt DiE oF a BrOkEn HeArT...u OnLy WiSh u DiD

u say you dont love him
but i see it in ur eyes that u want him
i know that u need him
i can tell by the look on ur face when u see him that u still care
i know somewhere in ur heart u wish he was here

We UsE tAh Luv EACh OtHa
is ThAt WeLL eVa be?
i KinDa mIzz how We use tAh huG
n BoNd
WhEN yEW TaLk boUT yEwR New GuRlFrIeNDZ It mAkez MEh sAd
CuZ WheN i ThiNk BaCk If We CouLDa WorKed It OuT
I woUldA bEen ThAt luCky GurL wiTh yeW

When I met you I knew you would be the one for me
'Cause lookin' at you had me feelin' kinda crazy
And what you asked I almost did it automatically
But it was nothing compared to the joy you gave me
Although I know that what we had it wasn't perfect babe
You fooled around but see back then it didn't phase me
I thought by stayin' tryin' to change you would be worth it babe
But now I see that tryin' to change you only changed me

WHy WaSTe youR TiMe GeTTiNG HuRT By SoMeoNe,
WHeN THeRe'S SoMeoNe eLSe ouT THeRe WaiTiNG To MaKe HaPPy..

Wut d0o y0u d0o when smiLes g0o away?
Wen everythinq chanqes within 0ne* day?
Wut d0o y0u d0o wen L0ve falls thr0uqh?
Wen the *0ne* y0u l0ve d0esn*t l0ve y0u?

You ain't missin' me at all
You won't pick up the phone and call
You don't love me
Like you used to
Tell me what is going on
You got me standin' here alone
You don't know me
Like you used to

You Don't Know Me No More
You Can't Lie No More
Ain't Gon' Try No More
Won't Have To Say Goodbye No More
You Gotta Hit The Road
Hate To See You Go
I Ain't The One To Mess With No Flow
Don't Take Pictures No More
Don't Hold Hands No More
This Is The End Of The Road

You know you've been -H u R t- one too many times..
when you open your eyes and all you see is -T e A r S-