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*LuV QuOtEz*

*~*sUre i ThInK oTha GuYs r CuTe
bUt eVerYtIme i C' a CuTe GuY i RemInd mYsElf oF hOw CuTe u R-
oF hOw mUch i LoVe U~
oF hOw SwEeT u R-
oF hOw u CaN aLwAyS BrIgHten Muh DaY...
aNd SudDeNly, tHaT oThA GuY DoEsNt LoOk tHaT GoOd Ne MoRe
so i LoOk tHe OThA wAy*~*

*~I was finally getting over you,
believin' that we were through.
I even found another crush,
someone other then you.
I was walking wit my head up high,
thinkin' I wasnt gunna fall...
then you had to smile at me and go ruin it all*~

*~If u cant get sumbody outta ur head,
dont try..
maybe they're supposed to be there!*

*~tOrN- b E t W e E n -TwO
wHiCh ONe WOUld U cHoOsE tHa oNE tHaT U LuV
oR ThA onE ThAt LuVz YoU?*

*~WheN it ComEs tO reLatIonShiPs,
dOn't Be tHe pErsOn wHo hAs tO loOk bAck And WonDer
WhaT thEy cOulD've Had.
ForGet AboUt tHe rIsk And TakE thE faLL.
if It'S reAllY loVe,
iT's wOrtH it All~*

-*-¤·»I look at tha moon n a single star,
Its makin me krazy wonderin where you R,
I reach out 2 touch that heavenly face,
Open mah hand n there's an empty space«·¤-*-

*Give me a *KiSs*
Give me the *wOrLd*
Give me your (LoVe) and ill be your girl..
Give me a *sMiLe*
Give me your *TiMe*
Give me your (LoVe) and i'll give you mine*

*i CaNT FaLL aSLeeP*
*i DoNT kNoW wHaT 2 dO*
*iM JuST HoLDiN oN 2 mY PiLLoW*
*WiSHiNg iT WaS YoU*

*I DuNNo WhEtHeR tO*
*HaTe HiM fOr WhO hE iZ*
* LoVe HiM fOr WhO hE wAs*
*oR bE sAd cUz hE cHaNGeD*

*Somehow, the conversation mentioned your name,
and someone asked if I knew you.
Looking away i thought of all the times we had together;
sharing laughter, tears, jokes, and tons more.
And then, without explanation you were gone.
I looked to where they were waiting for an answer,
and then said softly,
Once...I thought I did. *

*today was just one of those days where everything i did reminded me of you
and every song i heard somehow realated to you.
i hate days like today,
because they remind me of the one thing i don't have.*

...If You Get A Chance To See Him...
*Your Heart Beginz To DaNcE*
*Your Life Revolves Around Him*
*Theres Nothing Like Romance*
..If Ur ExPeCtiN Me ² CrY..
DeN u GoT Me AlL WrOnG..
..If u ThInK I'd SheD A TeaR OvA u..
DeN u HaVeNt KnOwN Me DaT LonG..
..If u ThInK I'M GoNna SiT In My RoOm..
ThiNkIn DesPeRaTeLy Of u..
..DeN u HaV AnOtHa ThInG CoMiN..
CuZ I GoT BeTa ThInGz ² Do..

-: If A RoSe RePrEsEnTs LoVe :-
-: ThEn WhY DoEs iT aLwAyS DiE? :-

;-) GuYs ArE pLayAz.. ThAtZ a FaCt ;-)
;-) DoNt FaLl in LoVe.. JuSs pLay Em BaCk ;-)

althouqh i remember y0u..
i am tryinq t0o break free from those memoriez...
Im tryinq t0o find otha quyz...
.quyz who will treat me riqht & undastand that im fraqile

~»I cant talk to you anymore,
its not that I am mad at you,
its just that when I talk to you I realize how much I love you
and when I realize how much I love you,
I realize I cant have you and that makes me love you even more.«~

× iT AiNt GuNnA HaPpEn×
× i'M PrEtTy MuCh AwArE×
× No MaTtEr wHaT i SaY 2 U×
× i KnOw ThAt U DoNt cArE×
× FriEnDz? NoT My cHoIcE×
× At LEaSt ItS sOmEtHiN×
× i'D rAtHa hAvE tHaT×
× ThAn FoR Us tO Be nUtHiN×

פnOt mAny bOys cAn tAkE my brEAth AwAy,
bUt yOU..
yOU dOnt EvEn hAvE tO try..
EvEryOnE hAs thErE wEEknEss,
U jUst hAppEn tO bE mInE¤×

¤~¤I've made alot of stupid mistakes in my life,
but the biggest mistake was thinking
the guy who hurt me the most..
would never hurt me again¤~¤

¤Do you know what makes letting go of a crush so hard?
The fear that the moment you let go..
theyll catch on¤

I can't fall asleep tonight,
I don't know what to do ...
I hold my pillow but I wanna be holding you.
I've gotta find a way to be with you somehow.
Boy I am crazy for u and I want u to no that right now

i cant blieve u had da nerve 2 say da things u said
they hurt so bad that they ended r relationship
i cant blieve it 4 yrs go down da drain
o how i wish things would of happened so differently
i tryd 2 save it so many times
but u still couldnt c u kept insistin n resistin dat u would not fall again
n now u tryin 2 tell me dat ur sry n ur tryin 2 cum bak home
ur tellin me u really need me cryin beggin both knees r on da floor
but baby i dont wana try dont wana try dont wanna try nomore
u keep insistin wen u no r luv is out da door
dont wana try dont wana try cuz all we do is fight,
n say da things i hurt u bad 2 wen we both begin 2 cry
dont wana try dont wana try
i bout just had enough
its been a rough road baby just let it go
dont wana try dont wana try dont wana try nomore
tell me wuts da use of holdin on wen all we do is hurt r luv

Guyz are like RoLLeR cOaStErS...
they either make you sick to your stomach
or give you the time time of your life

every*time i see you i want nothing more then for you to walk up to me 'nd h o l d mi hand lyk bee-fore ...
but this time i wudn`t let y0u go

Do I teLL yOU HoW i FeeL aNd RiSk RuInInG eVeRyThIng
oR kEeP mY fEeLiNgS bOtTLeD iNsIdE
anD KeEp ThINGs tHeY wAy tHeY aRe nOw

BoYz- I SwEaR tHeY GoT mE cRaZy
OnE mInUtE ThEy TrIpPiN, n ThE nExT cALLiN mE BaBy
tHey PuT Ya ThRu So MuCh sHyT, i DuN uNdErStAnD
iM SiCk oF LiTtLe bOyZ--I JuSt WaNt A ReAl MaN

aLwayz think 0f u..
i d0n`t mean t0 -
in fact i 0ften tri not t0
but everytime i cl0se mi eyez -
your there
. and i can`t qet you out .
all i can think 0f is |[ that m0ment ]|
that 0 n e ' s p e c i a L m0ment
..when y0o were..

i NeeD a GuY WHoSe NoT THe SaMe..

¤Sometimes I wish I was her.
Not b/c shes beautiful, smart, funny, or nice
Shes not any of that..
I just wish I was her b/c she has you¤

¤Ive realized that I only want to make you happy
and if this means me stepping aside,
then Ill only ask for one favor...
please, remember me!¤

¤Jus bc I've moved on
doesnt mean I wont be here if you change your mind¤