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*LoVe QuOtEz*

LiFe iZ 4 LiViN...I LiV MiNe 4 u
LuV iZ 4 GiViN...I GiV MiNe 2 u
DrEaMz r 4 DrEaMiN...I DrEaM MiNe of u
HeArTz R 4 BeATiN...MiNe BeAtZ 4 u

-*.DonT Be AfRaiD tO tELl SuM1 U LovE thEm.*-
-*.If YoU Do ThEy mItE BreAk uR hEaRt.*-
-*.If u DoNt u MitE BReAk thEIrS.*-

sweet sensation down 2 my spine thinkin bout you
-all the time-
unbelievable b u t true baby... im crazy about *y o u*

sTiLL GeTtiN hUrT oVa AnD oVa AgAiN
nO mOrE sTrEsSiN & obSeSSiN
FrOm NoW oN iM HaViNg FuN
aNd ReFuSiNg 2 GiVe My HeArT 2 AnYoNe

*Luv is lik wet cement,longer u stay,da harder it is 2 leave

*If u dont wana b wit me tel me cuz I can handle that but I cant handle
u leadinme on thinkin I have a chance wit u

Dont lead me on n leave me confused ne grl would ratha b left alone
then hav her heart abused

ppl always say follow ur heart
but u broke mine into to many pieces to
tell where its leadin

I'm convincing myself, yes I'll find some1 new,
I won't be alone, & I won't be w/you ..
You're waiting 4 me,2 crawl back to ur side
but no..not this time, I'm keeping my pride ..
So goodbye 4ever, I'll be on my way,
It's gonna take time, but I'll be okay

Im So cOnFuSeD...dOnT kNoW wHaT tO dO
ShOuLd i FaLL fOr HiM, oR sTiLL lOvE yOu

yur heart desides who it luvs n who it doesnt,
u cant tell yur heart wut to do
:-\ -it does it on its own-:-\

*U n her that wut u want u n me that wut i dream*

~dont let false luv fool u but dont let tru luv pass u by

*a break up is lik a broken mirror
betta 2 leave it broken then hurt urself tryin 2 fix it!

*~*theres a danger in luvin somebody too much*~*
.:*n its sad when u no its there heart u cant trust*:.
*~*Theres a reason y ppl dont stay who they are*~*
.:*SuMtImZ lUv AiNt EnOuGh*:

*..I LuV u..
..I HaTe U..
..i DoN't KnO wUt I FeEL..
WhY dO tHiNgZ gOtTa Be So CoMpLiCATeD.
.i JuSs wAnT u AnD mE 2 Be *ReAL*..*

eVeN tHo iVe StOpPeD LiKiNg yOu
EvRyTiMe SoMeoNe SaYs yEr NaMe My HeAd TuRnS ToWaRdS ThEm iTz LyKe,
EvRyTiMe i HeAr iT i tHiNk aBoUt aLL We cOuLda' HaD aNd aLL tHaT cOuLda' HaPpeNeD -
tHaT DiDNt

eVeRy1 hAs a bOy oR gUrL eXcEpT 4 Me
i WiSh i hAd My OwN pErSoN 2 MaKe mE HaPPy
i WeNt tHaT sPeCiAL oNe tHaT i CaN HoLd aLL 4 mYseLf
rItE nOw i wIsH i hAd sUm1 LyK eVeRy1 eLsE

I tRy So HaRd To FiT iN
I TrY sO hArD nOt To TaKe ShYt SeRiOuSlY
I TrY sO hArD tO iMpReSs A GuY
YeT hE DuSnT nOtIcE mEh
iM sO sIcK oF bEiN LoNLeY
JuS nEeD sOmEonE in My LiFe To MaKE mE fEeL LyK nO1 ELsE
N tO HoLD mE LATe aT NiGhT LiKe nO oThEr gUy i EvA mEt

BoYs r mY lIfE
BoYs r WhaT i dO
BoYs pIsS me OfF
BoYs tHiNk ThEy cOo
BoYs bReak My hEaRt
BoYs maKe mE Kry
BoYs r mY lIfE
N mY lIfE sUx

:*EvERytImE iM cLoSe tO yOu*:.
.:*ThErEs sO mUcH i CaNt sAy*:.
.:*YoULL nEvEr uNdErStAnD wHaT u MeAn tO mE*:.
.:*YoU oNly WaLk AwAy*:.

There are millions of people in the world...
but it all comes down to oneO:-)

Love is like war easy to begin but hard to stop

HeArTbReAkS WiLL LaSt aS LoNg As u WanT ThEm To
& CuT aS DeEp As YoU LeT tHeM Go
ThE cHaLLeNgE iN HeArTbReAk iS noT hOw To SuRviVe ThEm
BuT HoW To *LeArN* FrOm ThEm

I JuSt WaNt SuMoNe 2 CaLL mY OwN
NeVeR rUn OuTtA tHiNgZ 2 sAy On ThE PhOnE
Im JuSt SoO TiReD oF BeInG aLoNe
ThE cHaLLeNgE iN HeArTbReAk iS noT hOw To SuRviVe ThEm
BuT HoW To *LeArN* FrOm ThEm

*This time its over,
I'm keeping my heart,
I'm gunna be strong and not fall apart
I'll get better
I'll no longer cry...
in a couple of weeks, i wont want to die.
I wont want to go back,
I'll be able to sleep.
It wont hurt so bad and it wont feel so deep.*

My heart still aches in *sadness*
And secret tears still flow.
What it meant to lose you, no one will ever know.

*..I LuV u MoRe AnD mOrE eVeRy DaY..
bUt YoU LoVe
I gUeSs ItZ nOt EvEn WoRtH TrYiN aNyMoRe..*

*..When you f i n a l l y realize you didn't matter at all to s o m e o n e..*
*..You b e q i n to wonder if you mattered to a n y o n e at all..*

*.LiKiNg hIm iS hArD tO foRgEt.*
*.LoVinG hIm i’LL nEvEr rEgReT.*
*.LoSinG hiM bRoKe mY hEaRt.*
*.SaD tO sAy mY wOrLD fELL aPaRt.*
*.I guEsS iT’s tImE tO hOLd mY HeaD uP hIGn.*
*.BLiNk bAcK tHe tEaRs, AnD sAy gOoDbYe.*

*^*I'm sorry for seeing you...
I'm sorry for looking into your eyes...
I'm sorry for becoming your friend...
I'm sorry for being there when you needed someone the most...
I'm sorry that I look at the sky everynight wishing you were mine..
.But most of all...I'm sorry for my heart that I fell so deeply in love with you*^*