Thursday, February 12, 2004
Hey again! Im sorry I couldn't get on yesterday, I wasn't able to get in the web shell or nothin. I think Angelfire broke down a little or something. This site isn't permanent, only because I hate the Ads at the bottom of the page.. so I'm looking for another Free web Hosting site. So far I've had no luck. Please Email me if you find one or know one that I can use!

Tuesday, February 10, 2004
Hello! I bet your here to see and hear about me huh? Wrong! Wait... no, Right!! This is just temporary for now folks, so if you dont like it, thats ok! This one is just here till I can make my own, so if you wanna see one of the layouts I made, come bak in a year or two... The button below all of my gabbing is still being worked on. Pfft. Also, the links are being worked on... so pretty much the whole site is being construsted on. If you are still interested in hearing about me (unlikely, lol), go to the about me page! If you want to see pics of my friends and such, go to the pictures page! Go! Now! Lol!

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