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Updates and News:
Update: 12th July 2003
Welcome to our new website. We have made this to show our flash things. We are looking for some animators for our site. You must send your flash movies, games, shorts or art with your name, country you live in and your nickname. If you are chosen as an animator we will ask for further information about yourself. Send to Please enter. We really want some people adding there flash on this site. from Rich & Harv. By the way, the site has not got much stuff because its new.
New Flash Products:

A piece of artwork drawn by Rich. Just loads of the best guns I have ever drawn. Contains 15 weapons and 1 piece of body armour.

Solid Snake Art:
Just a picture of Solid Snake from Metal Gear Solid with a few weapons around him. by Rich

ChickensEatLead ©2003