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( * (!..aMbErS pAgE..!) * )

Hey Everyone! I'm Amber!! DUH! Lol..I'm 17 years old and a Junior [\SoOn To Be a SeNiOr/] at MVTHS. I'm also a **Varsity** Cheerleader there. I've cheer for the high school all 4 years. YAY Go ME!! Umm..I have black hair, brown eyes..I'm 5'3 and I'm not like WHOA dark but not Pale white either. LOL..Umm I'm NOT single..I'm with Jared!! I LOVE YOU!! heh..umm..well i have some pics on here if you wanna go and look at thats about it..for now..if you wanna chat with me my msn is and yahoo is shortchick_amber04.
My Pictures!~