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The Life of Char
Sunday, 14 December 2003
Exams.. again..
hey everyone. Now we're half way through exam week and I have two more left to do. Yesterday I did socials, and tommorow I have math and then yea I'm so excited about going to the caribbean!! hahahaha.. I got a relative earth science mark back.. mr Detchon woulnd't tell me exactly what I got but he said it was around high 80s low 90s.. which is really good. I'm sure Stephanie got 100.. shes SO good in that class omg.. lol.. ok well i have to study for french. I realize that my entries have been getting smaller and smaller but I'm slowly getting less and less free time~!..

love char

Posted by crazy2/charbie_420 at 9:50 AM PST
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Tuesday, 9 December 2003
study study study
Ugh I hate exams... I have my english exam first so thats not bad. but then I have socials, earthscience, and then i have math and french.. hehehe.. The two that I'm more worried about are french and socials.. I'm a natural at earth science so I'm not too scared about that one.. but. umm.. yea I wrote my science exam a while back (about two weeks ago) and I got an 80 on it.. I'm happy about that.. at least I didn't fail~! lol.. but yea.. nothing else new really.. I'm so excited about going to the caribbean!! OMG OMG OMG!!! hehehe.. i'm gonna get a TAN baby!!! I'm so excited... ok well newayz, i'm gonna go because I need to study for earth science... BUH BYE!!


Posted by crazy2/charbie_420 at 3:08 PM PST
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Saturday, 29 November 2003
Busy Busy little Bees
Hey guys. This past week has been fairly uneventful. Actually, no. Thats a lie. This past week, for me, has been filled with loads of sickness, frustration, studying, and well....... some more sickness.. This week started off on saturday, with me being very sick. I was sick from saturday - tuesday.. 4 days, with 2 days of missed classes. THen I got over that, and International week continued as normal. We were originally supposed to have our Science 10 christmas exam on tuesday, and it was during an assessment sleep in and we were missing all this kind of stuff.. and it just wasn't convienent for ANYONE.. so yea.. it got moved to this morning (saturday) and it worked out really well.. I think (more like HOPE) I did really well. At least i finished it! some people didn't have enough time to finish the whole thing.. hehehe.. but before that I got an ear infection (when dad came to visit, he took Neil and I to the Docs and we got checked out because neither neil nor I were feeling well..).. but I'm taking antibiotics, and now I have to work on my Earth Science Project so i have to go now.. Later!

Posted by crazy2/charbie_420 at 2:05 PM PST
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Friday, 21 November 2003
Chars awesome day
we had a baby day today (when a teacher has a baby, the whole school gets to sleep in until 11:30 ish and classes start at 12, adn theres only three classes...) so the three classes i had today were english, socials and math..... for english we actually worked but class was shortened by 20 mintues because we had unexpected chapel for talkin about leave and the flu adn such...

then we worked in english, the i went to socials, and there was a notice on our door to tell us to go to the gym, so we went to the gym adn ended up watching the last 15 minutes of a basketball game (collingwood vs some other school).. then we had the gym (mr pasquales socials class adn PE8) to ourselves and we were messing around with the extra basketballs because the tournament was cancelled
(because of the flu going around our school)
so we were playing basketball for about 45 minutes.. .

I went to math, 15 minutes before last class started cuz we got left outta socials early, and Mrs Platt wasnt there, she just left a note saying take this sheet and have a good weekend but to have the sheet by next monday... heheheh.. so TWO spares in a row

it was an AWESOME day


AND... hehehe theres an AND

I'm getting the highest mark in my math class
(for the assessment)

and i'm getting a 93 in earth science..
heheh I feel like such a smarty pants! I have a really good feeling about this assessment.. hahahah... ok well I'm out cuz I gotta go to dinner, so POST COMMENTS!! I update weekly!

Posted by crazy2/charbie_420 at 5:49 PM PST
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Saturday, 15 November 2003

Hey guys whats up? This is a new blog thing I'm just starting to explore so you know.. just to see how things work... well um yea.. this past week has been awesome for me.. Groves' House has won interhouse field hockey!!! we are the best!! Kayes was wholeheartedly expecting to win, but oh no!! It was a really good game though. It was tied through the first half, tied throughout the second half, tied (0-0) through 10 minute sudden death, and then we had to go to strokes, where it was tied until the very last stroker.. It was awesome. The last couple of days have been very good for me because I've gotten a bunch of tests back and I feel that I am doing fairly well in most of my courses... I got a really good science test mark (30/36) which is alot better than some of the smartest people in the class, I got an 83% - ish mark on my Big french unit test, and then I got 31/32 on the huge Math test!!! I'm all over proud of myself. Second term sport starts on Monday, and I've joined Basketball for the 2nd year in a row. I'm excited because we had alot of fun last year and I hope that the same will surface this year. On another topic, we changed our room around for the Open house we're having this sunday night. It looks so much bigger... mind you it will look even bigger still once its clean.. hahaha.. For the last couple of days here at school, we've been honored to have an American Army Man come to stay with Mr Boulton in Duxbury.... he looks like vin diesel (which for those of you who don't know who he is, is a complememt!) and he is HUGE! not huge in a body fat way, huge in a muscley way.. he could bench press ME and not even break a sweat! lol. He inspected us this morning and it was ok.. I had my dog tag (fake, of course.. with C.Bell-Irving written on it) and he looked at me funny which kinda scared me considering hes about 7 feet tall!! lol. Yea but then in the house meeting, there were a bunch of Spirit Of Groves awards handed out and I got one for "Leadership and Support".. I'm Happy about it.. Really I am! nothing else new really in my life... so yea if you have a chance, hit me back just to chat.

Love to All!!


Posted by crazy2/charbie_420 at 8:54 PM PST
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