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Homepage The Heart Of The Island Santa clause Is Coming To Kill You Three Married Mice Baa Baa Black Sheep Twinkle Twinkle Little Cat Kit Kat The Stuck Up Cat

Chapter 4

They were standing on a ledge with steps leading down into a great valley. They looked down into the valley, it was the most beautiful thing they had ever seen, but at the same time it was the scariest. There was a glistening black castle in the center of a garden blooming with black tulips and roses. There was a waterfall to the left of the castle, the water flowed all the way around the castle creating a mote. The stream was filled with alligators. “This place changed after it was taken over.” Explained Rainbow Rider.

They are started to walk down the steps when a blue fox jumped out at them, “Where do you think you’re…. Oh hey Proud, Swifty Rainbow and… who are you?” said the fox

“Hey Sly, I’m Loyal.”

“What happened to you? Weren’t you a dog when you left here?” asked Sly

Loyal rolled his eyes, “There no time to explain right now, we brought some kids to help us get our land back.” Explained Loyal.

“I’ll go gather the old gang together.” Said Rainbow Rider

“But…” Started Sly but it was too late, Rainbow Rider had already galloped away, “I have to go warn Rainbow.” Sly said as she ran off after Rainbow Rider.

“This is really confusing.” Said Nick. Everyone turned to look at him, Melanie burst out laughing, everyone else stared wide-eyes at him.

“This is a new one.” Melanie said. Proud looked at what Melanie was writing on her paper now, his eyes shot wide open then he looked at Nick. Nick was rainbow, starting at the top of his head was red and by the time the colors reached his toes they were purple.

“I don’t even want to know.” Nick said as he walked down the last few steps, everyone else followed. When they reached the valley it had a very gloomy feel to the place. They were all standing by a large tree.

“Wait don’t go any further!” the heard a voice call to them.

“Wh... Who was that?” asked a very yellow Nick.

“It sounded like a bird.” Said Jo.

“A parrot.” Melanie announced.

“Where is it?” asked Carolyn. Everyone looked up into the tree and saw a silver parrot looking back at them.

“I’m right here.” Said the parrot, “Don’t go any closer to the castle, the gloom is catchy, you’ll turn like them.” The parrot told everyone motioning to a gray, sad-looking chipmunk, “She use to be yellow and very happy. By the way my name’s Smarty. Who may all you be?”

Everyone introduced themselves. Smarty seemed very happy that Proud, Loyal, and Swifty were back safely and that that had brought help.“Follow me.” Smarty said then he flew off towards a forest. Jo, Jen Carolyn, Melanie, and Nick, along with Swifty, Loyal, and Proud ran after him. He led them to a small cave. “This is Huggable’s home. She’s letting everyone that hasn’t been affected by the gloom yet to come and live here since the gloom hasn’t reached this far yet.” Said Smarty. Everyone followed Smarty in and saw who Huggable was. She was a bear, which looked more like a giant green teddy bear.

The bear ran over and gave everyone a big hug, “I am so glad that you’re all ok.” She said, “I’m Huggable, and this is my house. I bet you’re all hungry from your long trip. Here I’ll put on some more food, and the bathroom is through these doors and to your left. There’s a shower in there too…” Everyone ran to the bathroom after Huggable said that except Jo and Swifty, who were sitting at the table with a fork and a knife in their hands waiting for food. Carolyn was first into the bathroom. Everyone else slowly walked back to Huggable and Smarty.

Melanie noticed Nick had turned a bright yellow and was frozen to the spot. She looked in the direction he was looking and saw a black and white skunk walking into the room ahead of everyone. Everyone else noticed what Melanie and Nick were string at and started backing out of the room. Everyone except for Huggable, she was busy cooking food on the stove to notice that the skunk was getting closer and closer to her. The skunk turned around lifted his tail, and was about to spray Huggable when Jo yelled out, “No! Stop!” Huggable quickly turned around and saw the skunk there.

“Strip! Haven’t I told you before about playing those tricks on visitors?” asked Huggable

“Strip! Haven’t I told you before about playing those tricks on visitors?” asked Huggable.

“But it’s so much fun!” Replied Strip the skunk.

“Apologize to them now!” said Huggable.

“Sorry.” Strip said to everyone.

Just then Rainbow Rider and Sly ran into the room. “Rainbows colors are a little faded, but I think I got him out of there in time.” Said Sly.

“I could have saved some of my friends! You should have let me stay!” yelled Rainbow Rider.

“You would have been changed like the rest of them!” Sly yelled back.

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

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